On the other side, the Fu family courtyard can be said to be lively today.

Lu Miao walked in carrying biscuits and moon cakes in the afternoon.

Lu Yuanzheng followed and came over with moon cakes.

"You can still sneak into the news agency?"

Lu Yuanzheng felt strange.

If Teacher Tan, whom he knew in the past, hadn't called him and he asked a few more questions, he wouldn't have known about it.

Lu Miao took off the paper coat and took a bite of the mooncake.

I found that the taste was not what I wanted, so I gave the mooncake to the father.

After hugging her sweet and soft daughter and kissing her, Lu Miao said:

"What's so surprising about this? Aren't they all in the direction of professional counterparts?"

"Why, do you still need English manuscripts over there?"

"Of course, Guoying News Agency is not only responsible for national news, but also has a dedicated international news department, in order to let the world hear the voice of our country."

Guoying News Agency, Lu Yuanzheng didn’t know much about it.

I know that it mainly deals with national news.

He knew that an interpreter was needed there.

When he was the president of Peking University in the past, Mr. Tan recruited staff from sophomores and juniors in the School of Foreign Languages, and he also assisted in the organizational transfers.

But at that time, the School of Foreign Languages ​​mainly consisted of Russian classes.

Occasionally, in certain semesters, additional small classes in English and French will be created based on the needs of students and the number of students.

Because it is a small class and it is formed temporarily.

Generally, it lasts for one or two semesters and then disbands due to various reasons.

For example, the number of students is gradually decreasing, or there are conflicts between students' class schedules, etc.

The French class is relatively good. There is always a small class of more than ten people in the sophomore and junior years...

The school environment is like this. When talking about teachers, most of them choose from these.

Did Lu Yuanzheng really not expect that his daughter would catch up with him in the first year of officially resuming teaching in the English major class this year?

But then again.

Let’s not mention the Guoying News Agency for the moment. As for English, their Xiaobao really got it right.

The country should lack relevant professional manpower.

During the summer, Lu Yuanzheng heard news that English would be included in the curriculum as a major course in the future.

That would just be regarded as groundless.

As a result, Lu Yuanzheng received the notification just two days ago when he sent Mid-Autumn moon cakes to the teachers in the school district.

The superiors urged that the English major at Renmin University, which had been lagging behind, should keep up with the situation and reorganize it.

I can't think about this matter in detail, as it makes me anxious when I think about it.

Lu Yuanzheng frowned, exhaled through his nose, and the breath around him became much darker.

Seeing the situation, Lu Miao put down Erbao, patted Erbao's little head, and asked her to go play with her brothers first.

Erbao Hui misunderstood and turned around and threw himself into his father's arms. He picked him up and threw him into the air. He giggled and started playing with it.

Lu Miao simply cleared the table and poured a glass of water for Lu Yuanzheng:

"What happened at school? Why are you looking so sad?"

Lu Yuanzheng rubbed his forehead.

His usually straight back was now a little bent, which showed that he was really worried.

"Renmin University is also going to launch an English major."

Lu Miao was startled and blurted out:

"How can there be so many teachers?"

A question that any of her students could think of, could Lu Yuanzheng, as the principal, not think of it?

Lu Yuanzheng was worried about this.

Peking University has not suspended classes for more than ten years. After the college entrance examination resumed, it was able to set up an English class.

This year it was expanded to two.

The only teacher who teaches is Teacher Hu.

From the beginning of this semester, Teacher Hu has been traveling back and forth between Peking University and Beijing Normal University...

The professional teachers at Beijing-Peking University and major first-tier universities are so nervous.

What's more, Renmin University is at the lower level? Young and middle-aged students, especially those from workers and peasant comrades, are basically illiterate in English.

Where to find someone to teach you is a question.

Now that I have found the person, how do I teach him?
Where to start teaching?

This is another question.

"Now what?"

How to do?
What else can I do?
Lu Yuanzheng said: "If there is a problem, solve it."

If it doesn't work, he can only go into battle in person.

Professionals can’t teach it, so it’s okay to teach some ABCD to pave the way for literacy...

As for the rest, go back and consider it carefully.

Lu Miao nodded.

She couldn't help with this matter, so she didn't say anything more.

So as not to cause trouble for her father.

Lu Yuanzheng had dinner here before leaving.

When I left, I specifically said that I would come back in a few days for the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival.

Schools are on holiday for National Day, which lasts for several days.

Tang Mei thought that he would probably live here, so she put the moon cakes, biscuits, etc. into the small wooden bucket, closed the lid and put them away.

Tang Mei spent the night tidying up and cleaning out another room in the courtyard.

In the next two days, let the children buy a suitable mat and put it on the kang to rest.


Besides, it was late at night, and the lights in both houses were turned off.

Fu Jingyou lay on his side with his chin on his side, pinched his wife's waist with his big hands, and pressed and rubbed her waist with his thumb:

"I never had the chance to ask you, how was it at Guoyingshe during the day? Are you tired?"

"I just got familiar with the environment and haven't done anything yet. How can I be tired?"

"Then haven't you watched others working? How do you feel? Is it stressful?"

"Anyway, it looks quite busy. As for the pressure, I won't know until I officially join the job... By the way."

Lu Miao turned around, faced him and asked:

"You said you went to see the gold market. How did you see it?"

"It's okay, you can put in some money and have a look."

Fu Jingyou thought for a while and said:
"It's 260 yuan a tael. You can buy a few taels and keep them for a while."

"260 yuan a tael?"

Lu Miao quickly calculated.

One tael is 50 grams. After conversion, the selling price of gold is five yuan and twenty cents per gram.

Compared with the price of gold weighing four to five hundred yuan per gram in later generations, this price sounds like a strong wind blowing and giving it away for free.

"Buy it. If you understand it clearly, then buy it!"

"Gold is a promising market, but buying too much is not safe."

Fu Jingyou thought for a while and said deeply:

"With that money from Shi An, I can just use some of it and buy it for 2 taels."

Five to six hundred yuan is quite a lot.

Make an investment first and see.

If it appreciates in value, that's naturally good.

If it's a small loss, I can make up the money by working hard when he assigns me a job.

Then the gold will be kept for him to buy some jewelry for his wife.

With this in mind, Fu Jingyou squeezed Lu Miao's hand, and rubbed his rough fingers from her palm to her wrist.

The skin on my daughter-in-law's wrists is white, tender and slippery to the touch.

The gold watch she bought before looked outstanding on her.

In the future, if gold is struck, it will definitely look good on her.

I just don’t know when the policy will be opened...

In the school, there are still students from time to time making noises about overthrowing capital or something. (End of chapter)

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