Chapter 514 Dark Horse
I studied for two consecutive classes, and there were no other classes that day.

Lu Miao chatted with Guan Yangyang and the others, slowly packed up her things, and planned to go home in time for lunch.

As soon as he stood up and left the classroom, he was stopped by Li Jiancheng.




Li Jiancheng nodded and waved to Lu Miao.

Guan Yangyang saw at a glance that Li Jiancheng had something to say to Lu Miao, so he smiled at Lu Miao and returned to the dormitory with his textbooks in hand.

Lu Miao waved and turned to look at Li Jiancheng:
"Teacher, what's the matter?"

"It's something."

Li Jiancheng smiled and raised his hands, "Talking while walking?"

Lu Miao nodded and went to the office together.

Li Jiancheng got straight to the point:

"Principal Chen summoned the teachers from the Foreign Language School and held two consecutive class meetings in the morning. They discussed some decisions and wanted to ask what you think."

"ask me?"

Lu Miao was stunned.

What could happen at school that would require her to be consulted?

Li Jiancheng said "hmm" and said:
"Teacher Hu has been running back and forth between the Normal School and the Normal University in the next door. You often take over the second class, so you know that."

Lu Miao nodded.

Li Jiancheng continued:

"You are the dark horse of our class, and your grades are recognized by the school. Last month, you taught Class 2, and your grades in Class 2 were also very stable. This is enough to show that you are also quite accomplished in teaching."


Lu Miao vaguely realized something.

But is this evaluation a bit too high for a current freshman?

"English talents are scarce, and the country issued a new policy at the end of this summer to encourage students to pay attention to this language."

Li Jiancheng didn't know what she was thinking, so he continued:
"Now that major universities are restarting English classes, teachers are a problem."

Lu Miao's eyelashes trembled up and down, basically confirming what Li Jiancheng wanted to say.

It should be, it probably means that she should be a stable substitute teacher for the second class.

However, Li Jiancheng scratched his head and said the next second:
"The president of Renmin University, your father, President Lu, called to ask for support. This is the reason for the morning meeting."

"There are only two teachers in our school who can teach English, one is Teacher Tan and the other is Teacher Hu."

"You know what's going on with these two teachers now..."


Lu Miao was stunned for a moment and then revealed the secret:
"Teacher, you don't mean to let me go, do you?"

What her dad said two days ago, "if there's a problem, solve it" is this the solution?
Lu Miao shook his head, thinking and questioning:
"Teacher, I'm still a student. The teacher of the professional course in our school is temporarily busy. It's okay to ask me to go to Class 2 to help keep an eye on classroom discipline. I'm going to Renmin University. This is inappropriate..."

"You can't say that. Special situations require special measures."

Li Jiancheng said:

"The situation is tense. There is no other way. Principal Chen also knows that you are a substitute teacher for Class 2 and thinks you are very suitable."

"At the end of the discussion in the morning, what I said was that if you are willing to go, Renmin University will adjust their school's course time according to your course schedule."

Like today, where there are only half-day classes in the morning, Lu Miao can go to Renmin University in the afternoon after finishing her classes at Peking University.

"Principal Lu also said that he will continue to look for teachers majoring in English. Now he has arranged for people to go there. He only needs to teach ordinary classes and maintain the classroom."

"In addition, although you are not a serious teacher, the school cannot let you run away in vain. The principals of both sides mean that they will each pay you thirty yuan every month." This money is said to be their own expenses, but in fact, Beijing and Peking University In the end, there is a high probability that Lu Yuanzheng’s expenditure will come from Lu Yuanzheng’s side.

If an important person wants to go to Peking University, whether he pays him a salary or gives him benefits, Lu Yuanzheng will give him a reasonable salary.

It makes no sense that Chen Rivet Ding still wants to touch the school's account after helping.

Lu Yuanzheng couldn't tolerate this happening.

Lu Miao nodded thoughtfully and asked:

"Did Principal Chen arrange this, or did my father appoint me?"

"Principal Lu didn't explicitly say who he wanted. It was a unanimous decision made by Principal Chen and several relevant teachers. It also catches up with your previous substitute teaching for Class 2."

Otherwise, the search for manpower will take a while.

Lu Miao nodded, feeling a little clearer.

If you hold a high position and call your own people, you will easily be criticized by the outside world.

She said that her father would definitely not want her by name.

"On weekdays, I have half-day school classes, so I can go there and help with surveillance. During other holidays, I have other things to do, so I can't cooperate with the transfer."

Lu Miao thought for a while and continued:
"I can pay half the salary or not. Either the National People's Congress or Peking University can reimburse my travel expenses, but I have a condition."

Li Jiancheng asked: "What are the conditions?"

Lu Miao said: "Teacher, you know that the president of the National People's Congress is my father. As a daughter, I should help my father, but this relationship can easily be used to make a fuss."

We were talking about this at home a few days ago.

Lu Miao knew that Lu Yuanzheng was worried about this.

If possible, time permitting, she would certainly be willing to help her father share some of the burden.

It's okay that she is Lu Yuanzheng's student, but she is not.

If someone makes a fuss about this matter, they say that father and daughter are carrying personal goods.

What should we do if our own people appoint their own people and try to exploit the country's corners to seek money, welfare and so on?
Of course it's good that it didn't happen.

But what if it happens?
As long as she thinks about it, she must stifle potential troubles first.

Don't go back and work hard, the whole family will not be able to get a good reply.

Lu Miao's beautiful eyebrows furrowed slightly. After thinking carefully, she expressed her request straightforwardly:

"I need the transfer arrangement letter written by Principal Chen."

As long as there is Chen Rivet's handwriting, no matter what happens in the future, I will have the absolute confidence to explain clearly what happened.

Li Jiancheng thought for a moment and then understood. He nodded and said in assurance:
"You're right to think about it. I'll go talk to Principal Chen about this in a moment."

After a pause, Li Jiancheng confirmed with her again:
"So, you agreed, right? If it's OK, I'll give you our class's schedule?"

Lu Miao nodded seriously.

"Okay, then this matter is settled for now."

Li Jiancheng laughed:
"When there is news over there, I will let you know exactly when you need to go there."


"There's nothing else to do for now. You can pack up and go back quickly. It's almost time for dinner when you get home."

"I understand, teacher."

Lu Miao responded, bowed slightly, picked up his bag and left the office.

We were delayed for a while when we got home. Lu Miao was still walking on the road holding a small umbrella.

Fu Jingyou didn't see her when he went home. He asked Tang Mei and found out that she hadn't come back yet, and he couldn't sit still.

I pushed my bicycle out and went to Beijing and Peking University to find someone.

Please take a leave of absence and will update on time tomorrow!
Attached is a picture of the fair-skinned little Brother Fu after studying in the capital.

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