Chapter 515 Worry
The two met on the road. Lu Miao smiled so hard that she quickly closed her umbrella:

"You came to pick me up?"

Fu Jingyou nodded and said "Yeah", got out of the car and turned around.

He supported his wife with his arms and helped her sit back.

Fu Jingyou got on the bicycle, slowly stepped on the pedals, and said:

"Is there anything going on at school today? It's too late to go home."

"It's not a big deal, I just got stopped by the teacher to talk for a while."

Lu Miao chuckled softly, grabbed the clothes at his waist with both hands, and urged:
"Go home first, I'm hungry."


Lu Miao didn't say much about going to Renmin University to teach classes.

Let's not mention that this matter has not yet been revealed, but then again, she actually has some evil intentions.

If she went to the National People's Congress to lead a class, she didn't know if she would meet Fu Jingyou's class?

One of the couple is a student and the other is a teacher.

If they really met in class, Fu Jingyou would definitely be very surprised, right?

It’s not just Fu Jingyou.

If this thing is really done, it is estimated that when she goes to the National People's Congress, her own father will have to hold her for three seconds even if he sees her.

Lu Miao felt a little funny when she thought about that scene.

She chuckled "hum hum", Fu Jingyou carried the bicycle into the yard, tilted his head and asked her:
"What are you laughing at?"


Lu Miao shook her head, followed him into the house, and chatted softly:
"Have you seen anyone selling wild cherries here? They are the ones you picked for me in the countryside."

"Want to eat?"

"'s still very hot. I feel like eating something sweet and sour will make me feel better."

She has been feeling tight in her chest recently and her appetite is not that good.

"Then I'll get up early tomorrow and go to the market to have a look."

Fu Jingyou nodded, took her words to heart, put his big palm on her back, and led her to sit down at the table.

"it is good."


There are fewer mountains in the north, and the market is a bit more relaxed.

However, there is no policy to clearly open up trading. In the urban area, there are very few people who dare to mess with mountain goods.

Wild cherries are definitely out of the question.

The next day, Fu Jingyou got up early and went to the market. He bought a small pot of mulberries as big as his fingers.

After breakfast, Lu Miao sat at home and ate some.

The mulberries are full of flesh and all of them are surprisingly sweet.

It's delicious, but it just doesn't make sense.

After eating a small bowl of mulberries, Lu Miao rinsed her mouth carefully before picking up her things and walking out:

"Auntie, I'm going to school."

"Did you bring the water? Don't forget, you'll be thirsty in school and you won't have anything to drink."

"Bring it!"

"Be careful on the road and watch the car more."


Lu Miao ran out of the courtyard and closed the door behind her.

"I'm not a child. I say these things every time..."


At Beijing University of Science and Technology, Lu Miao attends classes normally, and goes to Guoyingshe regularly on Thursdays and weekends.

During this period, I received a paper envelope from the publishing house in my mailbox.

Inside was Lu Miao's remittance slip for manuscript fees.

Lu Miao checked and found that the amount was correct.

She didn't have time to go to the bank, so she gave the remittance slip to Fu Jingyou and asked Fu Jingyou to take the time to go there with her family's ID information.

Fu Jingyou responded one by one.

Besides, in a short period of time, at the National People's Congress, multiple majors in the school conducted English exams in batches. Afterwards, the students were divided into three levels: literacy class, intermediate class and advanced class based on their scores.

The corresponding course progress is starting from scratch and primary and elementary level.

Fu Jingyou studied intermittently. Compared with the students who passed the exam for other types of work, he had some foundation and was admitted to the intermediate class.

Hu Yinglai was in the same class as him.

The difference is that one of the two people is nine points away from entering the senior class, and the other is three points away.


After the results were finalized, the National People's Congress majors readjusted their course schedules.

At the same time, time advances and National Day is here.

In the 30th year of national independence and unity, two red flags were planted on the gates of each school in advance.

The red flag in the center of the playground was also raised high.

Students were also notified in advance that the school would be closed for six days from October 6st to th.

Among them, there are three days of National Day holiday, one day of mid-summer vacation, and two weekends.

Sleeping at night, in the darkness, Fu Jingyou whispered to Lu Miao tenderly:

"Are you going to Guoyingshe on National Day? Can you take one day out of the six-day holiday?"


Lu Miao squeezed his big hand and played with it, then asked softly:

"Is there a problem?"

Fu Jingyou said: "Didn't I say to go to Jinmen last time? Dad is staying at home during the holidays and the car is free."

Lu Miao nodded and thought for a while.

She actually wanted to go out for a walk, but after thinking about it carefully, she shook her head:

"I don't think so. Although the seniors in the club are easy to talk to, they only let me do some casual things now. I haven't found anything interesting about other serious things. I have to put in more work there."

Waiting for opportunity is one.

Secondly, the seniors in the club didn't give her any work, which meant that they still didn't trust her and were considering evaluating her.

At this time, she had to calm down and tighten the chassis. Where could she go?

You can earn less money at this stage, but if you can keep this job stable, you must keep it stable.

This is directly linked to what kind of school Dabao and Erbao will go to in the future.

I didn’t know that before I became a mother.

After becoming a mother, some issues that I never paid attention to or even scorned before have naturally become a concern.

Lu Miao stood up and knelt down, pecked Fu Jingyou on the lips, and said guiltily:

"Wait until my side stabilizes, okay?"

Just as she supported Fu Jingyou's work in the past, Fu Jingyou naturally also supported her.

He hugged his wife's slender waist and pulled her directly into his arms.

Fu Jingyou kissed her soft lips and said:

"Don't always worry about these things. You should also arrange your rest time reasonably and don't be too tired."

The corners of Lu Miao's lips curved, and she nestled in his arms and acted coquettishly:

"I know, there's nothing going on at the moment. I spend most of my time there sitting around, so I'm not tired."

Fu Jingyou said "hmm" in a low voice, and was easily reassured by her.

He softened his voice and asked her gently and dotingly:
"Do you still want to eat crabs? If you want to eat them, I'll buy them."

"miss you!"

Lu Miao responded positively and twisted around in his arms:
"Let's take a look at the shells, shrimps, and small octopuses. If there are any, buy some and get some fish sauce seafood to eat later."

Fu Jingyou didn't know what seafood in sauce was, but if his wife wanted it, he would definitely get it back.

"it is good."

"Hmm... Let's see if there is any fish seller, the flat, ugly turbot, or dried small yellow croaker, buy some if you have them."

Lu Miao said seriously:
"Deep-sea fish are rich in nutrients, and eating them is also good for children's intelligence and development."

"it is good."

Fu Jingyou responded one by one.

Lu Miao was leaning on his arm, facing him, her breath was fragrant, and she continued to talk:

"Let's buy some nuts later and put them at home. Both adults and children can eat them. Eating them is good for your health..."

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