Chapter 516 I'm scared

"I also got the royalties. I paid Shi An's more than 700 yuan, and the remaining money combined with my family's money is about 600 to 700 yuan."

"Brother You, if we don't have any shortage of money in the short term, we won't bother with food at home."

"We will see the situation then and buy a small basketball. If anything happens, let a few children shoot it."

A child's size and physique are lifelong matters, and Lu Miao takes them very seriously.

"When they get older, you can set up a basketball hoop and let them play and shoot in the yard. This will help them exercise and grow taller."

"Okay, it's all up to you."


Lu Miao nodded her chin in satisfaction and said vaguely:

"The children are still young, so don't think about it for now. Let's build up our bodies first. Everything will be easy to say in the future."

The boys mainly play basketball. When conditions improve, we will see if they have other hobbies and interests, and we can develop them at that time.

The same goes for Erbao.

As a little girl, she is still young, so she plays with her brothers first.

When she gets older, take her to see more interesting projects suitable for girls.

Let her choose what she likes when the time comes.

Lu Miao was thinking in confusion.

I don’t know if I thought too deeply about it, but I dreamed about several children at night.

The dream is far-fetched, and the images are spinning around.

At a certain moment, she looked down and found that her belly was inflating like an inflated balloon at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The vision was so terrifying that Lu Miao trembled.

His consciousness briefly came to, but he didn't wake up completely.

She fumbled randomly and pulled the hand of the man next to her to cover her stomach, and then she leaned back and nestled into Fu Jingyou's arms.

He hummed softly and muttered slightly uneasily:

"Afraid, I'm afraid..."

"Did you have a nightmare?"

Fu Jingyou woke up as early as she was excited.

Fu Jingyou hugged her, his voice was hoarse, and he patted her gently to comfort her:
"It's okay, it's okay, don't be afraid, I'm right here, okay?"

Lu Miao twisted her slender brows into knots, murmured occasionally, and slept uneasily.

Fu Jingyou adjusted his posture to accompany her.

He held her tightly with one hand to give her a sense of security to prevent her from getting too hot, and held a fan with the other hand and shook it gently.

From the corners of the gaps in the curtains, a few rays of light blue light leaked in.

There was a sound of door panels banging in the alley beside the house.

Lu Miao finally settled down and fell into a deep sleep.

Fu Jingyou felt relieved, holding her with one arm all the time, and holding the cattail leaf fan in the other hand, shaking it, then lowered it to the edge of the kang.

He also fell into a deep sleep.


During the National Day holiday, Lu Miao joined the translation team 6 as usual.

Several seniors have already arrived and have started a new day of work.

Lu Miao walked lightly and sat back in her seat.

I thought that today’s job would be to do odd jobs.

What is unexpected is that there is also a manuscript portfolio on her desktop today.

After putting away his things, Lu Miao bent over and sat down, then picked up the document bag and looked at it in disbelief.

Or a French manuscript...

Lu Miao felt a little confused.

But after thinking about it, I felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

Although she did not reveal to Guoying News Agency that she knew French, she had revealed it to Director Ma before.

She was recommended to Teacher Tan by Director Ma.

Director Ma should have mentioned it to Teacher Tan privately before sending her a manuscript with French content.

In addition, I also learned about it from Wang Ming before.

Manuscripts distributed on personal desktops are the responsibility of the individual. The first floor will send it up, and the leaders on the third and fourth floors will occasionally send it down.

Lu Miao had no doubts. He simply tidied the table, took out the water glass from his bag and placed it on the corner of the table.

She opened the document bag, took out a stack of handwritten manuscripts and browsed them carefully.

All I have done before is English-to-Chinese, or Chinese-to-English translation of manuscripts.

French translation, let alone translation, was her first contact in this era.

I still need to recall and review before I can start...

Lu Miao took out the manuscript paper and began to explore slowly but carefully.

Lu Miao had noticed earlier that on the unoccupied desk opposite her, there was a French dictionary on top of the files.

It happened that the meaning of some words was a little uncertain. Lu Miao thought about it, stood up and asked:

"Sister Chen, can I have a look at this French dictionary?"

Chen Mei looked up, then quickly lowered her head and said:
"Okay, just remember to put it back after use."

"it is good."

Lu Miao nodded and took out the dictionary.

Afraid of being disturbed by the wind, I took the pen holder on the side and pressed it on.

It took Lu Miao a whole day to sort out a few pages of manuscripts.

In the afternoon, it was almost time for her to come home from get off work, and her speed picked up a little, and she finally finished a manuscript in time for today.

Put the original manuscript and the translation paper she made into the document bag.

Lu Miao took a careful look at the information on the bag, took a seat and put it into the corresponding document basket on the table by the door.

Someone will pick it up later.

After finishing all this, Lu Miao turned around and said playfully:
"Are there any documents that need to be sorted out? If not, I will go back today~"

"Not yet, I haven't finished today's content yet."

Xu Chang unscrewed the tea cup, pursed his lips, avoided the tea leaves, took a sip of tea, and said:

"Xiao Lu, please stay a little longer. It's now four-thirty. Wait half an o'clock, and dinner will be served in the big cafeteria behind. Is it appropriate to eat before leaving?"

There is no charge for meals in the Guoyingshe canteen, and no food stamps are required.

Dinner time is from 5pm to 10pm.

Generally, when the staff are done with their work, they eat here and then go back.

This is not about taking advantage of the company.

The workload is usually huge, and every day someone is rushing me on one thing or another.

Employees are also under great pressure.

Free meals can be regarded as a small subsidy from the company to employees.

Although Lu Miao is doing odd jobs now, she also works, right?

Moreover, this is the translation team on the second floor. It is certain that she will enter the Guoying News Agency in the future. What does it matter if she eats in a big cafeteria?
Several people in the group became familiar with each other, and they were all thinking about how to do it appropriately.

Xu Chang thought that Lu Miao had just arrived and might not know about it, so he mentioned it one more thing.

Lu Miao understood, nodded and said with a smile:

"Then I'll tidy up and go downstairs to get a glass of water. It's probably almost time. Let's eat before we leave, haha."

Chen Mei laughed, raised her head and winked at Lu Miao with a tacit expression.

The atmosphere in Group 6 was relaxed for a while. Lu Miao stood chatting for a few words, and then quietly left after everyone got back to work.

Without going to the cafeteria, Lu Miao went straight out to wait for the bus.

After sitting for a whole day without moving much, my lower back became stiff.

It’s better to eat when you go home.

She felt a little uncomfortable and just wanted to go back and lie down for a while.

Fu Jingyou went to Jinmen during the day and brought back most of what Lu Miao said a few nights ago.

Lu Miao was feeling tired, but when she returned home she saw her family, children, and so many things she liked to eat.

My mood is better and I am not tired anymore.

Lu Miao pulled Fu Jingyou and directly occupied the kitchen stove.

Babies, can you help me a little by writing a review or something to share A Yao’s book with the public, so that more people can see it?

(Star eyes~)

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