Chapter 519 Attachment
"I obey the leadership's arrangements. I obey whoever has the ability! In terms of qualifications, I am one level older than Li Yue. Why should I look at her face and support her?"

Yu Hong was also a little unhappy. She broke away from the two men's hands and said:

"I want to praise you, but I won't!"

Yu Hong also walked away.

"Hey! Yu Hong, Yu Hong?!"

"What happened today? Both of us are so angry."

The other two people there looked helpless, sighed and walked to the canteen, chatting in private:
"But to be honest, Li really hard to say."

"Don't think so much, just keep up the good work."



Neither Li Yue nor Lu Miao knew about the discussions behind their colleagues on the first floor.

During the lunch break, there were four seniors in 6 groups. Some were resting at the table, while others were busy.

Lu Miao held her chin and looked around to make sure that nothing was wrong with her. She yawned and lay down on the table with her eyes closed to rest.

She has always been picky about her sleeping environment. She has never taken a nap in school for so long.

I don’t know what’s going on these days, but I always feel exhausted.

I originally thought about lying down for a while to let my eyes rest, but my consciousness sank and I fell asleep.

When I woke up again, I heard someone talking next to me.

She opened her eyes drowsily, and her fair face was still stained by the folds of her clothes.

Her pretty little face stared blankly, as if she hadn't woken up yet.

The seniors in the workroom were chatting away, and when they saw her appearance, they all laughed:

"What's wrong, are you awake?"

Lu Miao blushed a little and hugged her face in embarrassment.

The seniors did not continue to tease her.

Deputy team leader Wang Liming stood up, stretched out his arm on the table, pinched something and handed it over:
"Xiao Lu, everyone has just divided it up, this is your share."

Lu Miao didn't know what it was, so she quickly got up to pick it up.

When I got it in my hand, I discovered that it was a small piece of chocolate that had been broken off.

"Thank you, Team Leader Wang."

Wang Liming waved his hand and sat back at the table. While shaking off the manuscript paper and getting ready to work, he smiled and said:
"This stuff is very bitter and refreshing. It's just right. You can sort out everyone's manuscript documents later."


Lu Miao nodded and broke the small piece of chocolate into two parts.

Put half of it in your mouth, wrap the other half in a small paper bag and put it in your pocket immediately.

Real dark chocolate is not only bitter, but also hard.

She held it in her mouth for a while, and then it gradually melted away a little.

There has always been no taste in my mouth, but after holding the chocolate in my mouth for a while, I suddenly felt much better.

Even my chest, which had been feeling tight, felt a lot more relaxed.

Lu Miao stretched, stood up, and gathered the manuscripts and document bags on everyone's desk one by one.

He moved back to his desk, found the corresponding document bag, began to bag and seal it, and then put it into the corresponding document basket on the table by the door.

It was almost two o'clock when I woke up from my nap. After finishing the documents, I went downstairs to help the seniors get some water. It was almost the time when Lu Miao got off work.

Before leaving, the group shared another piece of White Rabbit toffee.

Not many, two per person.

Of course, Lu Miao is also involved.

Lu Miao accepted it calmly, smiled and thanked her, said hello and said see you tomorrow, and went downstairs first.

He stuffed one toffee into his mouth and put the other in his pocket.

Thinking that Fu Jingyou would come to pick him up today, Lu Miao skipped downstairs with brisk steps.

When I ran to the door of the first floor, I didn't pay attention and bumped into someone head-on.

Lu Miao quickly took a step back, bowed and apologized:
"I'm sorry, I didn't bump into you, did I?"

The middle-aged man walked in a hurry and was startled when he bumped into someone. He glanced up and down at Lu Miao and said:
"Are you okay, little comrade?"

The two apologized to each other for a long time, and finally waved their hands and said with a smile that it didn't matter, it was fine. This matter has just passed.

Lu Miao bowed slightly, picked up his bag and continued to trot out.


Chen Qinghai bumped into someone at the door, settled the matter and continued upstairs.

Thinking about it, I felt something was wrong.

The female comrade looked new, and she looked like she had come down from upstairs.

She looks young and doesn't look like a newly hired comrade. Could it be that she is a girl from a leader's family?
The more he thought about it, the more curious he became. Chen Qinghai reached the stairs with his briefcase, then turned around and walked towards the door.

Lu Miao stood on the steps at the entrance of Guoying News Agency and looked around before noticing the man waiting on the other side of the road, leaning against the front of the car.

She jumped up and down, waved excitedly, glanced at the road, and trotted over:

"Brother You!"

Fu Jingyou smiled and nodded, took two steps forward to take her canvas bag, and opened the passenger door for her:

"How was your day? Are you tired?"

"Nothing to do today~!"

Chen Qinghai stood at the door of Guoyingshe and looked at it.

On the other side of the road, Lu Miao was smiling.

While looking back at Fu Jingyou, he talked about sharing snacks in the group today.

While holding on to the door frame of the car, he slowly got into the car.

Being able to drive a small car...that's really not an ordinary person!

Chen Qinghai was shocked and thought to himself that it was fortunate that he had apologized in time.

It was not easy for him to climb to where he is today.

If you endure it a little longer, you will almost be promoted to director of the third floor next summer, but there can be no mistakes...

After watching for a while, Chen Qinghai turned around and went up to the second floor until the car diagonally across the road drove away.


Let’s talk about the other side, in the car.

Lu Miao took out the remaining half of chocolate from the afternoon and stuffed it into Fu Jingyou's mouth.

Seeing Fu Jingyou frowning while slurping the chocolate, as if the trick had succeeded, Lu Miao couldn't help laughing:


Fu Jingyou looked forward and focused on driving:
"What? Why is it so painful?"

"Dark chocolate, a foreign product, is not cheap in China! Senior gave it to me, so I ate a small piece and left a small piece for you."

Fu Jingyou almost vomited it up. When she heard that it was specially reserved for herself, she chewed it and swallowed it quickly.

"Do you think it tastes good?"

"It tastes a bit bitter, but if you soak it in milk, the taste will be more mellow."

Lu Miao gave it to him to taste. Seeing that he couldn't get used to it, he quickly took out the White Rabbit toffee from his pocket and fed it to him.

With sugar in his mouth, Fu Jingyou suddenly felt much better:

"Our own candies are still delicious."

"Get up early tomorrow and see if you can buy better plum pork, the kind that's two fat and eight thin."

Lu Miao laughed and shook his head, and said seriously:

"I always feel embarrassed eating the food given by my seniors. I'm thinking of taking some time to make some pork jerky and bring it over for them to try."

"By the way, I also leave some at home, so the children usually eat them."

Fu Jingyou nodded, "Okay, I'll take a look tomorrow."


It takes more than an hour to wait for the bus, and it takes about ten minutes to drive home.

I was in good spirits today. When I got home and put down my things, Lu Miao hugged several children one by one and played small games with them.

The second baby is surprisingly attached to his mother, either clinging to a corner of his mother's clothes or hugging his mother's lap whenever he has free time.

Lu Miao noticed something, picked up Erbao and said:
"What's wrong with Xia Xia? Do you want your mother to hug you?"

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