Chapter 520 Swing

Erbao nodded seriously, clung to his mother, hugged her neck tightly, and said with a milky voice:
"Mom is busy and hasn't hugged Xia Xia for a long time."

Lu Miao was startled.

There haven't been that many things going on lately, but running around has really made me a little energyless.

They all neglected to pay attention to several children.

After kissing Erbao's little face, Lu Miao smiled and promised:
"It's my mother's fault. In the future, my mother will pay attention and make sure to spend more time with Xia Xia and her brothers, okay?"

Erbao nodded seriously, grinned through his small teeth, and said in a soft and sweet voice:

The little girl is sweet and well-behaved, and she can be coaxed to death.

Lu Miao's heart softened.

Just like the child's father in the past, he turned into a woodpecker in one second.

He pecked Erbao's chubby little face several times.

Erbao twisted around and giggled happily.

During the recent holiday, she had been running for the National English Society and never had a day off.

Fu Jingyou felt sorry for her hard work and was afraid that Erbao would pester her and make her even more tired.

He quickly took Erbao and urged her to go into the house and sit down to rest.

Lu Miao glared at him, he blinked and raised the second treasure high:
"Xia Xia, be good, daddy will play with you, okay? Huh?"

The little girl is very coaxing. She likes her mother and her father. She giggles and kicks her legs in the air:

"Dad, I want it too!"

Dabao trotted over.

Shi An followed closely behind, but stood quietly aside, not actively shouting to hug or lift him up.

Fu Jingyou patted Shi An's little head and threw them one by one in the air.

The courtyard was filled with laughter and screams. Tang Mei poked her head out of the kitchen, inevitably nagging again:
"Just play it a few times. Throwing it so high would scare someone to death!"

Fu Jingyou smiled and nodded, "I understand."

Seeing that it was still early, Fu Jingyou asked Shi An to take the two little ones to play with, and Fu Jingyou went to the scrap station.

I originally wanted to see if I could find some suitable boards and build a small seesaw in the yard.

Finally, I saw an abandoned big truck tire in the corner.

Fu Jingyou thought about it and spent two cents to get the tire at home.

He was cleaning tires by the well, while Lu Miao and several children squatted beside him and watched:

"What did you bring this back for?"

"When it's drained, I'll poke a hole here and thread a thick hemp rope through it to make a net bag."

Fu Jingyou traced a circle inside the tire with his long fingers to show her:

"If you give me a thinner cushion, I can hang it up inside the shop and it will become a small swing."

Dabao was closest to him. As he spoke, his wet hand patted Dabao on the head:
"When the kids lie down and sit in it to play, they are not afraid of falling as if they were in the park."

Dabao touched a few wet hairs on the top of his head, stomped his feet and crawled into his mother's arms.

"Mom, dad is bad."

Lu Miao was unprepared and was almost knocked over by the little calf.

"Dad is joking with you."

After catching Dabao and kissing it, Lu Miao said:
"You would think of something, but there is no shade in the yard. It's so hot during the day and there are so many mosquitoes at night, how can we have fun?"

"Wouldn't it be better to hang it on the beam in the house?"

Fu Jingyou turned the tire over, scrubbed the other side, and said with a smile:
"Don't talk to them then, you can sit on it no matter what."

The beams are thicker than thighs, so they can be made as you like.

Lu Miao thought about it and thought it would work:

"Okay, I have a lot of leftovers from the last time I made clothes. I just happened to put them together, don't waste them!"

That night, the young couple got busy.

The electric light was on and a kerosene lamp was burning in the room.

Fu Jingyou moved the sewing machine to a bright place under the lamp. Lu Miao was sewing on the sewing machine, and he was sitting on the kang, holding the tire in one hand and a screwdriver in the other.

Burn it on a kerosene lamp for a while, then "sizzle" it a few times with another hand, and then burn a hole in the inner ring of the tire.

Fu Jingyou was quick with his hands and feet, and he quickly finished pricking the eye, holding the hemp rope and passing it through the eye.

Knitted a bird's nest shaped net bag.

He pressed it with his hand and it felt good.

Heat the screwdriver again and use it back and forth several times to make four larger holes in the middle of the tire.

Use it to thread a suspension rope as thick as your thumb, and tie something larger to the inner end of the bottom to prevent it from breaking out of the hole due to gravity.

Lu Miao was also quick, choosing a few larger pieces of cloth to put together, and stuffing some fine pieces into the stuffing that could not be used.

After sealing the mouth, shake out the small cloth inside and shake it evenly.

Then tie a few circles of wires in the nine-square pattern to fix it, and a thin small square mat is ready.

Lu Miao threw the mat to Fu Jingyou, and Fu Jingyou clicked it into the tire and said with a smile:
"The size is just right, the thickness is right, the pad does not hurt the buttocks, and it is not hot. The baby's mother is very skilled."

Fu Jingyou gave a thumbs up.

Lu Miao rolled her eyes at him and hummed softly, slipping on the kang:

"Hurry up and turn off the lights and go to bed, I have to get up early tomorrow!"

"it is good."

Fu Jingyou smiled fondly, blew out the kerosene lamp, and stood under the kang holding the tire.

He pulled the light cord smoothly and climbed onto the kang.


The next morning when I went to Guoying News Agency, the atmosphere in the workroom of Group 6 on the second floor was strange.

As soon as Lu Miao put down her things and sat down at the table, Chen Mei looked around at the other people in the room, walked over first, and asked in a low voice:
"Xiao Lu, did you translate the manuscript a few days ago? French manuscript?"

Lu Miao paused for a moment and nodded slightly:

"Yes what's the matter?"

Chen Mei pursed her lips twice, glanced at the deputy team leader Wang Liming, with a complex expression on her face, and asked instead:

"When did this happen?"

"That's when I borrowed this French dictionary."

Lu Miao pointed to the old-fashioned entry on the top of a thick pile of documents on the opposite table.

Chen Mei was startled.

It turned out to be that day!
They didn't even know anything!
Lu Miao quickly noticed something strange and asked:
"What's wrong, Sister Chen, has something happened?"

Chen Mei hesitated to speak, and was about to speak. Wang Liming coughed lightly.

Chen Mei turned around and saw the person coming in from the door.

"Team Leader Chen is back, be careful."

Chen Mei whispered instructions with her back to the door, took the pen out of Lu Miao's pen holder, and said in a loud voice:
"It's really unlucky. The nib of the pen broke. Xiao Lu, you just don't need this pen. I'll lend it to you for a day."

Lu Miao glanced towards the door, nodded and said:
"Okay, Sister Chen, you can use it first."

While he was talking, people came in through the door.

Lu Miao saw the other party clearly, and the other party also saw her clearly.

how to say?

Both sides were taken aback.

Lu Miao was the first to react and did not forget what Chen Mei reminded her just now. He stood up and said:

"Team Leader Chen."

Chen Qinghai looked so ugly that he couldn't stand it.

Unexpectedly, during his absence, the new guy in the group turned out to be the one he bumped into downstairs yesterday.

Chen Qinghai clenched his fists.

I was holding my breath, thinking that this girl might have a lot of background.

Chen Qinghai could only convince himself to suppress his anger for the time being.

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