Teacher Tan frowned and looked at Lu Miao in confusion.

Lu Miao took a deep breath to calm down, turned towards the door, and truthfully explained what happened:
"Teacher Tan, I'm coming over at midnight on the first day of the National Day holiday. There is a document bag on the table."

"I understood the rules. Whoever puts the document on the desk should be responsible, so I opened it and did it. Now, Team Leader Chen thinks that I took the manuscript privately."

Teacher Tan nodded.

Chen Qinghai stood at the corner of the table, pointed at the table and added:
"It's French!"

Teacher Tan was stunned, looked at Lu Miao and asked:
"French, do you know French?"

Lu Miao was also stunned.

Talk about teachers...


Are you really not talking about the teacher?

Lu Miao was a little surprised, but still nodded truthfully:
"I can, I opened the document bag because I was sure I could."


Chen Qinghai mocked in a cold voice:

"Director Tan doesn't even know that you know French. Has your French been approved? You dare to touch it?"

Chen Qinghai was very angry. Lu Miao didn't know where his anger came from, but everyone else knew it.

Teacher Tan believed in Lu Miao's character and did not believe that she would take other people's manuscripts privately.

He waved his hand and took Lu Miao to stand behind him. Teacher Tan said:
"Team Leader Chen, you heard it too. She said the manuscript was placed on her desk from the beginning. You know the rules in the club..."

"Did she say yes? I am the person responsible for this type of manuscript in Group 6. If I say she took it from my desk, does that also hold true?"

Teacher Tan frowned. He didn't expect that Chen Qinghai, as the team leader, would be so messy:
"It shouldn't be too easy to investigate this matter. Who sent the manuscript will be clear once you ask."

I brought this person myself, and I haven’t found out anything about the situation, so I just want to resign myself now.

A little too anxious.

One code is one code, and how to deal with it must be clarified first.

After taking a breath, Teacher Tan continued:
"The top priority is to first determine whether there is a problem with the manuscript and whether there is any opportunity to remedy it now."

Chen Qinghai's face turned darker.

Would he not know this?

Why was he so impatient to deal with Lu Miao?
Just because the manuscript is fine!
He followed the leader conscientiously, traveling to Jinmen and Hunan for more than half a month.

I came back yesterday to report to my superiors.

He also thought that his superiors would see his hard work and say more kind words in the coming year to help him get promoted smoothly.

The submitted manuscript information showed 6 groups. When the superiors reviewed and approved it, they thought it was done by Chen Qinghai...

As soon as Chen Qinghai went upstairs, he was asked why he came back now to report this since he had come back a few days ago.

If it hadn't been for this, Chen Qinghai wouldn't have known that the new kid in his group had such great "ability".

If there were errors in the manuscript, Chen Qinghai might not have such a big battle.

But there is no problem with the manuscript.

The superior even made some comments, saying that his language was concise and clear, and praised him for improving his French...

A few words directly rang the alarm bell in Chen Qinghai's heart.

Lu Miao is an English major and studies French in her spare time.

But the French she learned in her free time was better than him, but what about English?
English is her major!

There is such a person in the group, let alone promotion.

Chen Qinghai felt that if time went on, it would be difficult to say whether he could keep his position as team leader.

He must get Lu Miao away before Lu Miao emerges!

She was placed on the second floor as soon as she arrived, so she was probably excellent.

But she didn’t know how to hide her clumsiness when she first entered the society, so he would teach her this lesson today!
Sometimes, being too good can ruin your future!

After Chen Qinghai didn't speak for a long time, Teacher Tan understood something and looked directly at Chen Mei and said:
"Comrade Chen, please go downstairs and find Comrade Xiao Wang who is responsible for delivering manuscripts."

All the documents sent out on the third and fourth floors were important, so it was impossible for such low-level mistakes to occur.

If you want to check, you must start from the first floor. Wang Ming came quickly:

"Team Leader Chen, Director Tan, hello seniors."

I didn't know what I was busy with just now. Wang Ming was sweating on his forehead. He stood still but did not forget to bow to greet others.

Chen Qinghai stared at Wang Ming with a gloomy expression and said nothing.

The other people in Group 6 nodded in a friendly manner and said nothing.

Teacher Tan got to the point and asked:
"Xiao Wang, let me ask you, are the manuscripts in charge of Group 6 always sent by you?"

Wang Ming nodded:

"Yes, talk to the director."

The atmosphere in the room was serious and low. Wang Ming noticed something, swallowed twice, and couldn't help but become nervous:
"Director Tan, Team Leader Chen, is there something wrong with the manuscript? Is there anything missing?"

Teacher Tan avoided answering and continued to ask:

"There was a French manuscript a few days ago, are you impressed?"

Teacher Tan gave up his position at the door and let Wang Ming look inside the six-group workroom:

"Think about it carefully, which table here did you put the documents on?"

"French manuscript?"

Wang Ming was confused, scratched the back of his head, and tried to remember.

But he was so anxious that there were more beads of sweat on his forehead, and he didn't think of a clear answer.

"This one……"

Wang Ming shook his head in embarrassment:

"Teacher Tan, there have never been many French manuscripts. Every time there are, I pay close attention to them, but it seems that there have been no manuscripts related to this area recently."


Chen Qinghai was the first to jump up and down.

"How come there isn't? Then that manuscript was created out of thin air!?"

Chen Qinghai walked towards the door and scolded in a loud voice:
"Who brought you in? Is this a trivial matter? You can't handle such an important thing!?"

Wang Ming's status is worse than Lu Miao's.

Lu Miao is just a minion in Group 6, but Wang Ming is at the lowest level of the entire Guoying Society.

Anyone can speak against him, let alone Chen Qinghai who is still the team leader?

Lu Miao couldn't see it, moved a step and asked Wang Ming slowly:

"Comrade Wang Ming, if you think about it again, it's the manuscript for October 1st two days ago. Isn't it in French...?"

Lu Miao slowly guided Wang Ming.

Everyone stared at Wang Ming closely.

Wang Ming felt even more stressed, beads of sweat rolled on his forehead, and his eyebrows furrowed seriously as he tried to remember.

There was a moment of silence in the working room of Group 6. Wang Ming suddenly raised his head and said loudly:

"I remember! On October 1st, I entertained Mr. Zhu's special correspondent on the first floor. The documents were given by Comrade Li Yue!"

Wang Ming came before Li Yue. He had taken Li Yue through the process before, but he had not yet let Li Yue formally deliver the documents.

Wang Ming felt something was wrong at that time, but Mr. Zhu's special correspondent was here, so he couldn't walk away for a while, so he could only stop Li Yue with his eyes.

But Li Yue still went...

Afterwards, he also confirmed with Li Yue whether the money was distributed according to the procedure.

Li Yue reassured him again and again before he felt at ease.

Now look at the picture in front of you...

Something was obviously wrong.

Wang Ming swallowed and had a bad feeling:

"Talking to Director..." (End of Chapter)

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