Chapter 523 Testify
Teacher Tan's face didn't look good.

Should I say it's a coincidence or an unfortunate coincidence?
The two people involved were brought in by her.

Lu Miao believed that Li Yue...

Teacher Tan is really confused.

Teacher Tan rubbed his forehead and said sternly:

"Call Li Yue over here!"

Wang Ming hurriedly ran to call Li Yue.

Lu Miao also looked serious.

She met Li Yue by chance in the car before, and she never understood why Li Yue had that expression.

Now, she seems to know.


When Wang Ming found Li Yue, Li Yue was cleaning cups in the tea room.

Wang Ming's face was tense, he knocked on the door and said:

"Comrade Li Yue, Director Tan calls you to go up to the second floor."

"Second floor?"

Li Yue turned her gaze.

"I call you to translate for Team 6."

Wang Ming didn't act familiar. After holding it in for a while, he asked stiffly:
"Do you know about Group 6?"

Li Yue paused, rolled his eyes, pursed his lips and looked back:
"I do not know what you're talking about."

Waving her hand, Li Yue turned on the ring faucet.

Li Yue casually wiped her wet hands on her body and walked out:

"There are still a few cups that haven't been washed out. Please wash them."

Wang Ming frowned and said nothing, watching Li Yue leave the tea room.

There are people on the first floor keeping an eye on them. If Li Yue goes up, he will definitely have to stay.

Curling his sleeves, Wang Ming stood in front of the sink, turned on the faucet, and continued to rinse the cup.

This Li Yue, something has been wrong lately, there must be something wrong!


Li Yue's eyes flickered, and she slowly went upstairs to the translation team 6.

Just like they were staring at Wang Ming just now, at this moment, everyone's eyes are focused on Li Yue again.

However, Li Yue nodded to Teacher Tan without changing her expression and asked:

"Teacher Tan, please find me."

Teacher Tan straightened the corners of his lips slightly, nodded and asked:

"Did you send me the manuscript for October 1st on the second floor?"

"October 1st..."

Li Yue hesitated slightly, frowning as if after careful consideration before nodding:

"I sent a batch of manuscripts two days ago. I don't remember the date, but it seems to be October 1st."

Just make sure she has sent the manuscript.

French manuscripts are not often found. If Wang Ming didn't touch them, they must be among the batch of documents she sent!

Chen Qinghai took a step forward, his voice overtook Teacher Tan's, and asked eagerly:

"Do you have any impression of the French manuscript you gave to team 6? Which table did you put it on at that time?"

Li Yue was stunned, not expecting to be asked this question, but she responded quickly and quickly replied:
"I remember some, and I put them on that table."

Li Yue pointed in a direction.

Chen Qinghai asked: "Are you sure?"

Li Yue nodded, "I'm sure."

Isn't that his desk?
Chen Qinghai was happy.

Teacher Tan turned serious, looked at Li Yue and asked again:
"Are you sure, Li Yue? Think about it again?" "Teacher Tan, I confirm."

Li Yue nodded seriously, "Although this is my first time sending documents, Comrade Wang Ming has familiarized me with the process before and also introduced that only Team Leader Chen of Group 6 is in charge of English and French. I can't remember it wrong. "

What Li Yue said was well-founded and quite certain.

Li Yue used to be a hot-tempered person, but this time she was quite firm and calm.

Let alone talking about the teacher, Lu Miao felt that Li Yue's facial expressions were not lying.

But if what Li Yue said was not a lie, and Lu Miao never took the initiative to touch the manuscript, what would happen to this matter?

Lu Miao knows and insists that she is innocent, but others do not believe it.

"Did you hear that? What else do you have to explain?!"

Chen Qinghai turned around and immediately pointed his finger at Lu Miao again, and even pushed Lu Miao.

Lu Miao staggered back, and her lower back hit the corner of the table where the file frame was placed at the door.

The sharp and dull pain made her stand on end in an instant.

She leaned sideways on the table and trembled, speechless for a moment.

Teacher Tan was startled and quickly stopped Chen Qinghai in front of her:

"If you have something to say, where do you think this is? Do you want to take action? She is still a girl. If she makes a mistake, it is not your turn to punish her like this!"

Several other comrades in Group 6 also stood up, obviously not supporting Chen Qinghai's actions.

Chen Qinghai knew that he was in the wrong, so he had to step back and say nothing.

Lu Miao's face turned slightly pale, and a thin layer of sweat gathered on his forehead.

Chen Mei helped Lu Miao, touched her back, and asked in a low voice:
"Are you okay?"

Lu Miao shook his head slightly and was thinking about speaking. Li Yue suddenly said nervously towards the door behind him:
"Teacher Tan...did something happen? Is there anything about Lu Miao?"

The person who was calm just now was hesitant and stuttering now.

One sentence put Lu Miao on the fire again.


Chen Qinghai snorted loudly.

Lu Miao frowned, not thinking about anything.

Li Yue cared about her so actively and curiously that she thought of home instead.

After a quick mental check, Lu Miao let go of Chen Mei's hand, walked slowly forward and stood in the center of the 6th group's workroom, and said calmly:

"On October 1st, I entered the workroom and sat down directly in my seat. I believe the seniors in the team can vouch for this."

Chen Mei and Wang Liming nodded together, confirming that Lu Miao was telling the truth.

Xu Chang and He Huan, who always had the lowest sense of presence, also nodded and said:
"We can all testify."

Chen Qinghai's face turned dark instantly.

How many days has it been?

Where did you go?
Just start wearing a pair of pants together? !
Chen Qinghai's cheek muscles twitched and he was so angry that he felt a little dizzy.

Lu Miao ignored Chen Qinghai, thanked everyone who spoke up for him, and continued:

"Team Leader Chen and I are at the opposite table, and there are documents in the middle. It is known that I have never left my seat, if the documents are placed on Team Leader Chen's desk."

Lu Miao turned back to his seat and simulated reaching out:

"The hand must be at least 1.5 meters long, and must be flexible enough to bend to get the document. Who in the normal world has such long hands? How can such a long hand not make any noise for everyone to notice?"

Lu Miao looked straight at Li Yue, his eyes were cold, and his tone was slow but even colder:
"Can you? Li Yue."

Except for Chen Qinghai, who had his own set of perceptions, everyone else's eyes were focused on Li Yue.

Li Yue was stunned for a long time. She couldn't figure it out. Wasn't it Lu Miao who was being questioned and punished?
Why did the fire burn her?

Li Yue swallowed her saliva, recovered and said immediately:
"I conveniently placed the manuscript bag on top of the documents."

The two tables are facing each other, with the top of the table facing the top of the table. Chen Qinghai's documents are stacked horizontally on the top of the table.

If what Li Yue said was true, then Lu Miao would be sitting in her seat in time and could reach the thing without any effort.

Chen Mei asked aloud: "Team Leader Chen's documents are placed in two columns. Which column did you put your things in?"

Li Yuefei quickly glanced at the situation on the indoor table and said firmly:
"In the row outside, I walked by with the basket and put it down easily."

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