Chapter 525 I can only face her

"Lu Miao asked me to give it to her. She said she wanted to go to the third floor and she wanted to show off!"

Li Yue said in a hoarse voice.

Teacher Tan said: "Since she wants to show off, why didn't you say it just now?"

"I, we are classmates in a professional class, I can only face her..."

"It's enough!"

What a "Xiang Lu Miao"!
Did she really say anything to Lu Miao?
Is it true that you are afraid that they will treat Lu Miao approvingly? !
Teacher Tan's forehead veins bulged, he slapped the table and scolded:

"When things get to this point, you still refuse to admit your mistake! Do you really think that others are fools?"

"Teacher Tan, I don't have..."

Teacher Tan had already lost face, so why would she continue to talk about what she had and what she didn't have?
"Get out! Go and give me a 3,000-word review immediately!"

"Talk about teacher..."

Li Yue opened her lips and wanted to say something.

But seeing that Teacher Tan's face was terribly dark, he had no choice but to swallow it back.

Li Yue clenched her fists and gritted her teeth, turning back and going downstairs three times at a time.

After sending Li Yue away, Teacher Tan wiped his face, calmed down and said to Chen Qinghai:
"Team Leader Chen, the matter has been basically solved. It is confirmed that the main cause is not Lu Miao. Now Team 6 can do whatever they need to do. As for Li Yue..."

Teacher Tan took a breath, patted Lu Miao, and said in a cold and strict tone:
"I will give a proper explanation to Group 6 and the club."

In less than ten minutes of negotiation, Li Yue changed three or four ways.

As long as you are not a fool, you can see something.

Sending documents by mistake is not a small mistake, it involves many levels.

What's more, was it done on purpose?
Furthermore, there is the issue of framing and slandering colleagues.

This Li Yue is not a good person, and the club will definitely not tolerate her...

The two people involved in this matter were both brought in by Teacher Tan.

Now that Teacher Tan has broken one of his arms, even if Chen Qinghai wants to get Lu Miao away, he can't mess with Teacher Tan at this time.

After all, he is still the superior.

Chen Qinghai had no choice but to nod, "Let's leave this matter behind for now. Please talk about the teacher's troubles."

Teacher Tan stiffly twitched the corner of his mouth, patted Lu Miao, and asked Lu Miao to follow Team Leader Chen and do a good job.

Then he turned around and went downstairs.

Group 6 was temporarily peaceful.

When Teacher Tan went downstairs, Li Yue saw her and came up again with a sad face:

"Teacher Tan, I really didn't lie, you believe me! I didn't dare..."

Teacher Tan avoided Li Yue's pull with a cold face and scolded:
"If you don't know what you should do, then do as I say! If you can even obey what others say, then it's early and you don't have to stay here anymore!"

Many people turned around in the lobby on the first floor.

Li Yue was so shy that she trembled all over. In the end, she couldn't resist the strange looks from other people around her. She gritted her teeth and ran back to the tea room crying.

She knew it!

As long as you are facing Lu Miao, talking about Teacher is partial!

He will definitely favor Lu Miao!


Teacher Tan ignored Li Yue and went directly to the communication room to call Chongmenwen Guoguang Translation Center:

"Hey, Director Ma, I'm Tan Yingmei, Xiaotan... yes, I have something to do."

"About the person you recommended before, I have something to communicate with you in person. Do you think you have time to come over in the past two days, or should I go over to see you?"

"Are you coming over? Is that tomorrow? Okay, okay, eh, then I'll wait for you..."

Teacher Tan hung up the phone and left the communication room.

I originally wanted to go find Li Yue, but I bumped into Wang Ming in the hall and simply stopped.

She really didn't want to see Li Yue again.

Got a headache.

She's stupid and vicious. Fortunately, she didn't allow her to go to the second floor some time ago. Otherwise, there's no telling how much trouble she would have made.

How could Director Ma fall in love with such a person?

Teacher Tan really can’t understand.

But it doesn't matter, she definitely can't tolerate Li Yue here anymore. Rubbing his forehead to relieve the headache, Teacher Tan waved to Wang Ming:

"Xiao Wang, come here for a moment."

"Talk about the director!"

Wang Ming quickly ran forward.

Teacher Tan nodded and said:

"Li Yue is in the tea room, right? Please help me bring her a message. Let her go back and rest today and come back tomorrow. She can't do anything in this state now."

Wang Ming had no idea what happened upstairs, so he nodded and sent the message.

When Li Yue heard the first half of the content, her heart dropped.

Although I knew that I might not be able to stay in Guoyingshe, when I heard it with my own ears, I still couldn't accept it.

Li Yue sat there in a daze, not even caring about hatred.

She was lost in thought when she suddenly heard Wang Ming say:

"Teacher Tan asked you to go back and have a good rest today and come back tomorrow."

Li Yue's eyes were as wide as copper bells, and she suddenly raised her head and grabbed Wang Ming:

"Really? Did Teacher Tan really say that?"

She looked like a ferocious evil spirit. Wang Ming was frightened by her, and he broke away from her in disgust and said:

"Yes, if you don't believe me, ask yourself. Just pack up and go back. I'll go and get busy."

Wang Ming ran away and didn't want to have anything to do with Li Yue.

Li Yue was still thinking wildly just now, but now her heart suddenly calmed down.

Talking about the teacher is fair and just, but it's a pity that she is not very smart.

It's just right, it's convenient for her.

Li Yue raised the corners of her lips and laughed, her bad mood gone.

Lift the blue cloth bag modeled after Lu Miao's canvas book bag.

Li Yue hummed a little tune and went to the cafeteria to finish her morning shift and lunch before returning to school.

On the other side, there are 6 groups of translators.

Lu Miao rubbed her lower back and sat back down with her eyes and nose in mind.

Still busy with your own business.

Chen Qinghai arranged things for her, and she did them.

Chen Qinghai didn't arrange it for her, so she continued as usual, helping others organize and bind manuscripts.

She neither flatters nor pursues the "big leaders" in the group, is neither arrogant nor impetuous, and is very calm.

But in Chen Qinghai's eyes, she became a typical newbie in the workplace who is uncivilized, ignorant and has no discernment.

Lu Miao doesn't know how to flatter and say nice things, it just depends on who she is targeting.

If you are a capable person, if you say something nice, it will make you happy and I will be happy, that’s fine.

But to make her behave like this to Chen Qinghai?
She absolutely couldn't do it.

Chen Qinghai could not stand Lu Miao more and more.

Due to the fact that he had already made trouble today, Chen Qinghai could not have another attack in a short period of time, so he could only endure it for the time being.

After getting off work on time at 4:30 p.m., Lu Miao went downstairs.

Fu Jingyou came to pick her up today.

She got into the car and pulled down her seat belt. Fu Jingyou turned on the ignition and turned the steering wheel and slowly drove off the roadside, heading towards home:
"How are you today? Are you tired?"

Lu Miao was afraid that he would worry, so she didn't say much about work, and smiled and said:

"I'm not tired. There's not much work to do today."

"If you're not tired, you've been running for several days. Tomorrow is your last day off, and you have classes the day after tomorrow. Can you take a day off at home?"


Lu Miao hesitated for a moment and shook his head:
"Forget it, it's early to get off work anyway, and you have the car keys in your hand. Can you pick me up tomorrow?"

"You, you..."

"Hehe~ drive well!"


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