Chapter 526 Something goes wrong

Lu Miao didn't agree to ask for leave the next day, but when it was time to get up the next day, she couldn't get up again.

She was never vague about business matters. She always got up when she heard Tang Mei's movements in the morning.

Today is unusual.

Fu Jingyou thought she was tired recently, so she didn't get up.

After looking at the time and letting her sleep a little longer, Fu Jingyou called her.


Lu Miao turned sideways, her lower back hurting and refusing to move much.

"Huh? It hurts? Where does it hurt?"

She pulled her elbow back.

Fu Jingyou pressed his palm against her lower back.

"Here? Here?"

He rubbed her gently as usual.

"No, it hurts when touched..."

Lu Miao's nasal voice suddenly became thicker, she pushed his hand away to prevent him from touching it, and her long eyelashes became wet.

"It just hurts."

"Can you turn over and let me take a look?"

Fu Jingyou helped her turn it over carefully and opened the hem of her clothes to take a look.

In the center of the lower back, directly opposite the lumbar spine, there was a large bruise on the fair skin.

"How did this happen? Where did it go?"

Fu Jingyou lowered his deep eyebrows and his heart suddenly sank.

He rubbed his fingers around the bruise, not daring to really get close to touch it.

Lu Miao vaguely remembered something and explained:
"I accidentally bumped the table yesterday... maybe it was done at that time."

The pain was severe at that time, just for that moment.

There was always a slight pain in the back, but she didn't take it to heart.

"Is it serious?"

"The bruise is quite big."

With Fu Jingyou's help, Lu Miao tried to sit up and move around, and soon lay back down:

"Forget it, I won't go today." She lay on her side, pulled the corner of Fu Jingyou's clothes and gave the phone number of Guoying News Agency:

"You go to the back of the street and call me for me. Just ask Comrade Wang Ming in the tea room and ask him to help me go to the second and third floors to ask for leave from Teacher Tan and Team Leader Chen."

Fu Jingyou nodded, patted her comfortingly, got out of bed and changed into her gown.

I didn't bother brushing my teeth and washing up, so I washed my face hastily by the well and went out.

Fu Jingyou went there for a while before coming back.

Lu Miao had already gotten up. After washing, she didn't even change out of the clothes she wore for sleeping. She sat at the table and slowly drank her porridge with a bad look on her face.

"Did you hit him?"


Fu Jingyou nodded, held her hand, and asked her to follow him into the house.

"Wait a minute, I'll finish this."

Lu Miao quickly drank the porridge at the bottom of the bowl, stood up and walked slowly into the room.

Fu Jingyou closed the door and came back to help her, "Lie down."

"what happened?"

"I bought two plasters that promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. I'll put them on you to make you feel better faster."

He helped Lu Miao sit down, then turned around and lit the kerosene lamp.

There is a name for the old-fashioned plaster, which is dog skin plaster.

It's not like a plaster in later generations, just peel off the film and stick it on.

This kind of plaster is a dark ointment spread on a layer of kraft paper. It needs to be baked over a fire before use.

Let the ointment inside dissolve before tearing it open.

Fu Jingyou tore open the plaster. Lu Miao glanced at the dark ointment in the middle and felt a little conflicted.

But it really hurts a bit...

"It smells so bad, it's so annoying!"

"Okay, okay, be obedient, eh? Just stick it on for a day or two and it'll be fine."

Lu Miao was crying and lying on the bed, muttering, and let Fu Jingyou stick to her.


Lu Miao took leave and did not go to the Guoying Society, and inadvertently missed a wonderful show.

Yesterday, Teacher Tan called Director Ma and said that there was something wrong with the person he recommended.

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