"You can't say that. After all, he is the person recommended by you, so he needs to say hello."

Teacher Tan's consideration is that Li Yue will definitely not be able to stay at Guoyingshe.

However, there is no guarantee that Director Ma will find another place for her to go.

Go through the process and talk about it.

Director Ma was stunned:

"What? The person I recommended here?"

Teacher Tan was startled for a moment and then asked hesitantly:

"Is there anything wrong?"

Director Ma stood up, stood at the table with his back slightly bent, and patted:
"Of course that's not true. I only fell in love with Xiao Lu. I've never heard of Comrade Li Yue!"

If only it were so easy to find the right people!

Director Tan shook his head, his mind suddenly knotted and he couldn't turn around:
"No, this matter...this Li Yue, Director Ma, didn't you write the letter of introduction for this Li Yue to ask her to come to me?"

“When did I write a letter of introduction?”

Director Ma has written a letter of introduction.

But that's just one letter he wrote.

And that letter, when he went to see Lu Miao before, Lu Miao said that there were many children at home, and the children accidentally destroyed it.

Director Ma had serious doubts in his heart and changed the topic:

"Will you show me the letter?"

As soon as the two of them put their heads together, Teacher Tan nodded, returned to his desk, rummaged through the locked drawer on the bottom floor, and took out a yellow envelope.

He took it out and took a look at it first. After confirming that it was the letter, Teacher Tan put the things back into the envelope, put them together and handed them to Director Ma.

Director Ma took it out again and took a look.

The handwriting is my own.

I also wrote the recommendations myself.

At first I looked confused.

There was also a list in the envelope. Director Ma took it out and looked at it, and suddenly he slapped his legs and laughed.

The veins on his forehead were bulging, his hands were obviously shaking, and he didn't look happy.

Teacher Tan still has questions:
"Director Ma, what's wrong with this letter?"

"The letter is from me, but it's not from me to that Li Yue at all!"

Director Ma was so angry that he laughed.

"I have only written one letter of introduction, and that was to Xiao Lu."

"Look at this list."

Director Ma shook his hands and held the settlement form, showing it to Teacher Tan:
"These are all manuscripts that Xiao Lu translated at my place the previous year. The settlement information and seals are all there."

"Look below, only the author's signature has been neatly torn off in a long strip!"

Teacher Tan has never been in Guoguang Translation Library, and she doesn't know much about the situation there.

But now I look closely and see that the bottom of the settlement list is thorny and obviously different from the other three sides.

It was indeed torn off.

Teacher Tan was shocked:
"What is this letter of recommendation?"

"I wrote it to Xiao Lu."

After simply explaining Lu Miao's previous explanation for the missing letter of recommendation, Director Ma said with a complicated expression:

"I just guessed that the two of them have a good relationship, and Xiao Lu might have something to hide, so he gave this letter to that Li Yue, but when I think about what you said..."

Director Ma's chest was heaving and his teeth were itching with anger. He took a breath and continued:

"Since this Li Yue would do something to frame Xiao Lu, then this 'friendly' relationship needs to be discussed."

"I'm afraid that Xiao Lu still doesn't know about this letter of introduction. In that case..."

Director Ma took a serious tone, looked at Teacher Tan and said:
"It's a small talk. It's a small crime to have unclean hands and feet. If you pretend to be someone else, it's a big deal if you come here and pretend to be someone else."

Teacher Tan nodded and became serious:

"I follow the director's arrangements."

Director Ma nodded and asked Teacher Tan to call Lu Miao over first and ask about the specific situation.

Talking about Teacher Tan: "It's a coincidence, Director Ma. Lu Miao took sick leave today and didn't come." "What?"

Director Ma was suspicious, then calmed down.

"That's all, I know where her home is. You have already come out today. I'll make another trip."

"You have worked hard."

"Good comrades should be cherished and reused. I pushed them over to you. Just don't use them as decorations."

Director Ma waved his hand, collected the letter and gave it to Director Tan again:
"These are the evidences. You should keep them. I'm going to Xiao Lu's side. Don't let any news about this one here for the time being."

Teacher Tan knew who this person was referring to, and he quickly nodded in response:


Director Ma nodded, opened the door and left.

After going downstairs and waiting for the bus, Director Ma went directly to the Fu family courtyard.

It was almost eleven o'clock when we arrived. Director Ma knocked on the courtyard door and it was Fu Jingyou who opened it.

Fu Jingyou still had some impression of Director Ma, so he quickly moved away from the door:


"The young man looks really strong and strong..."

Director Ma raised his head and praised, then asked:
"What do you call it?"

"My surname is Fu and my first name is Jingyou."

"It's a good name for a man of noble character and blessed by God."

Director Ma walked inside with a smile and asked again:
"Where is Comrade Xiao Lu? I heard that she is not feeling well. I came over to see her."

"In the house, you go first and sit down, I'll call her."

Fu Jingyou invited Director Ma to come in and sit down. He quickly made a cup of tea and handed it over before turning around and entering the room.

"Who is it?"

Lu Miao lay softly on her side and looked at him, not getting up yet.

Fu Jingyou brought her clothes and said:
"It's Director Ma from last time. He said he heard you were feeling unwell and came over to take a look."

Lu Miao was startled and blurted out:
"I'm a junior, how can I let him come and see me?"

After the words fell, he quickly stood up and cleaned up.

He inadvertently pulled his lower back and let out another cry of pain.

Fu Jingyou sat by the kang and supported her:

"Just take it easy, I'll pour the tea, and he'll drink it slowly and don't be in a hurry."

Lu Miao nodded, his hands moving slowly.

Director Ma is in charge of the Chongwen Translation Library and usually does not go to the Guoying Society.

He knew she was ill; he must have heard the news during his impromptu visit to the British News Agency.

Lu Miao quickly changed out of her pajamas and buttoned them up, smoothed her hair into a low ponytail, fumbled under the kang, put on her shoes, and went out.

"Director Ma, why are you here?"

"Haha, I haven't seen you for a while. Come and see you."

Director Ma looked at Lu Miao and saw that her hair was loose and her pretty face was slightly pale. She looked sick. He quickly pulled a chair aside and asked her to sit down and talk:
"Before, you thought it would take you at least half a year to find someone to work with. But you are doing well. You have translated a book in less than three months. This is another surprise for an old guy like me."

Lu Miao put her fist to her lips and smiled warmly, explaining with a smile:

"It's because I have nothing else to do during the summer vacation and my mind is focused on it, so I moved faster."

Director Ma nodded, took two sips of tea after exchanging pleasantries, and cut to the chase:
"I came here today because I actually want to ask you something."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"It's about the letter of introduction I gave you before."

Director Ma put his hands on the table and held the enamel jar and said:
"You said earlier that the child tore it up without noticing, but I saw the letter somewhere else today."


Lu Miao was stunned. She turned her head and looked at Fu Jingyou blankly, and then at Director Ma:

"Have you seen it elsewhere?" (End of Chapter)

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