Director Ma is old enough to tell the truth from a young man who has lived to this age. He can still tell the truth by observing carefully.

Seeing that Lu Miao didn't know anything, Director Ma became more aware.

There was probably some misunderstanding, which made Lu Miao think that the letter had been torn by the child.

In fact, it was stolen.

Director Ma said: "You know Li Yue, right? Teacher Tan said you two are in the same major."

Lu Miao nodded.

More than just a major?
They are in the same class, and they are in the same class.

"Teacher Tan called me yesterday and said that something happened to the person I recommended and that I had something to say in person. I thought it was you, so I rushed over this morning, but I heard a farce."

"I've also read that letter. It's the one I wrote to you. Although I didn't write your name in the letter, I asked you for the stamp slip for the translation library's settlement. Do you remember?"

Lu Miaoren was still a little confused and nodded blankly.

Director Ma continued: "The author's name at the bottom of the list was torn off."

"... was ripped off."

Lu Miao's lips moved and she muttered repeatedly.

She didn't know whether it was because she felt uncomfortable or for some other reason, but she tried hard for a while to concentrate on this matter.

"So, Li Yue stole my letter and took it to the Guoying Society. Teacher Tan has been taking her with her. Is this the reason?"

Director Ma asked: "Do you also think she stole your letter?"

Lu Miao nodded and said truthfully: "I couldn't find any letters at that time. My family said that the list the child tore up was paper. I thought it was because the child was young and ignorant and lost it by mistake."

"Thinking about it afterwards, I always felt that something was wrong. It was very strange, and it was difficult to reconcile my assumptions. However, there were no other clues to support me to think about it elsewhere, so I could only make a hasty conclusion like this."

Lu Miao pursed her lips and considered for a moment before continuing:
"Li Yue has always been at odds with me. You said she gave the letter to Teacher Tan, so it must have been taken away by her."

If it is accidentally picked up by a passerby, normal people have many choices.

It may be turned in to the school, it may be discarded, or it may be opened and read.

After reading the content and taking it to Guoying News Agency, of course there is a chance, but it is very small.

But if Li Yue accidentally discovered it when she was touching her things, she took the initiative to take them away.

That's different.

If Li Yue doesn't deal with her and takes away the opportunity that belongs to her, Li Yue's character will probably only feel happy and proud.

After listening to her analysis, Director Ma nodded and said "hmm":
"I came here mainly to confirm this matter with you. If I am sure that she stole the letter, then this matter must not be tolerated."

Fu Jingyou poured a glass of warm water and put it in Lu Miao's hand. Lu Miao took a sip and asked:
"How will the club handle this matter?"

"Guoying News Agency is not an ordinary department, and Guoying News Agency will not have the final say in this matter."

Director Ma didn't say anything further, but Lu Miao understood what he meant.

It doesn't matter what Guoying News Agency says, then the public security units have to come forward.

Li Yue, I'm afraid that not only will she not be able to stay in the IHS, but it will also be difficult for her to retain her student status.

Director Ma didn't say much, and Lu Miao didn't ask too many questions.

After drinking a jar of tea, Director Ma asked Lu Miao to take a good rest and then left to resign.

Lu Miao stood up and said, "It's lunch time soon. Director, please eat here before leaving!"

Director Ma waved his hand, "There will be plenty of opportunities to eat after dinner, but the top priority is to figure this out."

"Thank you for your hard work."

"Everything should be done."

Lu Miao had no choice but to send Director Ma out, with Fu Jingyou following closely behind.

Director Ma walked out of the courtyard and turned around to joke:

"Comrade Xiao Fu, you must take good care of Comrade Xiao Lu, she will be the future pillar of the country!"

Lu Miao chuckled helplessly.

Fu Jingyou stroked the back of his head and smiled.

After seeing off Director Ma and closing the courtyard door, Fu Jingyou helped Lu Miao walk into the house:
"What happened to that letter of recommendation?"

"I'm not particularly clear about the specific process. I only found out about it when Director Ma mentioned it just now."

Fu Jingyou's deep brows were slightly lowered and frowned. After thinking for a while, he asked: "How did you get this waist? Did someone from the Guoying Society make you suffer?"

Lu Miao was afraid that he would worry, so she didn't tell him much about work, so she glared at him and asked him instead:

"You don't know my temper yet? Who can make me angry? If I don't make others mad, just burn some incense!"

Fu Jingyou was amused by her.

But after the brief smile passed, my heart became heavy again.

Fu Jingyou stared at Xiaoqiao's back with his deep peach blossom eyes, and the worries in his heart lingered for a long time.

He is always afraid that she will be wronged...

It's also useless to him.

If he could live up to his expectations and earn more money, she wouldn't have to run around every day to look at people's faces.

Lu Miao didn't know what was going on in his mind.

She thought she would be angry because of the commotion over the letter of recommendation, and she should be angry.

But in fact, she was in a state like a balloon stuck in her eyes.

I was shocked for a moment, but then I didn't feel much at all.

As for being angry?

To be honest, it was probably because she felt uncomfortable. She was a little lack of energy and strength.

After all this fussing, I can't sleep now.

Lu Miao turned around and cheered up:

"You have nothing to do. Brother You, go to the market and see if there is any pea starch for you to weigh and bring back. Buy some mangoes too."

After wanting to watch it for a while, he said "hmm" again and said:

"Choose hard mangoes. They ripen quickly today, and soft ones will rot easily."

The three children were taken by their grandparents to play in the Temple of Heaven Park early in the morning.

There was no point in sitting around for a rest, so Lu Miao considered trying to make ice powder.

It takes time and effort to cook the starch paste and let it cool.

Calculating the time, after finishing it at noon or afternoon, the whole family would be back just in time to eat.

"Okay, I'll buy it."

Fu Jingyou nodded: "Come here and lock the door. If you don't call the door, don't open it."

"Yeah~ Got it."

Lu Miao supported her waist and moved towards the door.

After sending Fu Jingyou away, the house suddenly became empty.

Lu Miao went back to the room and drank the water in the cup, washed out the enamel jar used by Director Ma and put it away.

She had nothing to do, so she held the thumb-thick suspension rope with her wet hands and lay back against the tire swing in the main room.

The big truck has big tires. It is said to be a swing, but it is actually more like a hammock.

Lu Miao was nestled inside, swaying gently on her toes.

The temperature in the room is moderate, and it's quite quiet and comfortable.

She raised her head and closed her eyes lazily, enjoying herself a little.

The young couple in the Fu family courtyard were busy looking for something to do.

On the other side, Director Ma left the Fu family and went to Guoying Society again.

After some negotiation with Teacher Tan, the two reached a consensus.

I called the comrade who was running errands on the third floor and walked behind the Guoying News Agency to report to the police station on the next street.

Li Yue sat in the tea room drinking tea, holding an English textbook in her hand and looking at it.

I was still thinking about how to deal with Teacher Tan’s next assessment.

When police comrades wearing white uniforms and wide belts came over, they buckled her upright. (End of chapter)

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