Chapter 530 Impersonation
"What are you doing?!"

Li Yue was detained on the spot, the tea soaked a large area of ​​his clothes, and the enamel jar fell with a clang.

"Why are you arresting me? Why are you arresting me? Why are you arresting me?"

Li Yue was completely confused, her mind was tense and she struggled hard.

The police comrade twisted her arm and held her back, saying:

"Someone has exposed you as an imposter, please come with us now!"

"No, I didn't! Did Lu Miao tell you this? She lied, she just doesn't like me!"

Li Yue was suddenly startled and tremblingly argued:

"I was brought in by Teacher Tan, I'm not pretending to be someone else!"

Li Yue shouted very loudly, and there was a lot of movement in the tea room.

In the direction of the lobby on the first floor, many people were looking this way, but no one dared to get closer and take a closer look.

Because Teacher Tan and Director Ma are here.

Teacher Tan is a very busy person, running between school and the Guoying Society on a daily basis.

She is an upright person, but under the tight schedule and busy work, her temper is more or less irritable.

In the past, she was patient and tolerant towards Li Yue because she thought about Director Ma's face.

Now that he knew that Li Yue had brought Lu Miao's letter and was being tricked and teased, Teacher Tan was furious.

Teacher Tan felt even more angry when he thought that he almost missed out on a good young talent like Lu Miao because of some of Li Yue's actions and rhetoric.

"You still don't know how to repent!"

Teacher Tan shouted coldly, with a sullen look on his face:
"At this point, we still have to beat him up!"

Li Yuezhao was so frightened that his face was filled with snot and tears. He didn't even hear what Teacher Tan said.

Not knowing where she got the strength, when she saw Teacher Tan, Li Yue actually broke away from the two police comrades and rushed towards Teacher Tan:

"Teacher Tan, Teacher Tan! Please help me. Tell them quickly that you brought me in and I am not an imposter!"

Teacher Tan gritted his teeth.

If she could go back in time, she really wished she could go back and slap herself to death.

Look what she has been carrying all this time!

Teacher Tan pushed Li Yue away and withdrew his hand bitterly.

Without explaining anything, Teacher Tan took a step away from the door, letting out the dark-faced Director Ma outside, and said:

"Do you remember the recommendation letter you brought? It was written by Director Ma, and this is Director Ma!"


Li Yue's eyes widened and she was stunned, and her arm was grabbed by the police comrade again.

Li Yue's eyes were filled with disbelief.

Ma, Director Ma?

Is this old man Director Ma? !

Then, isn’t the matter of faith already...

"Teacher Tan, Teacher Tan, you called the police?!"

Li Yuehou finally understood something, her face turned gray, but she changed her words and cried:

"I was wrong, I know I was wrong, Teacher Tan, can you forgive me this time..."

"I just want a chance, I just want to stand out, I didn't think about anything else..."

Li Yue was not brave enough. After realizing the seriousness of the matter, she was so frightened that she became incoherent.

"Teacher Tan, help me, forgive me, okay? Okay! I have never harmed anyone! Teacher Tan!"

"Now that I know I'm afraid, what have you been doing?"

Teacher Tan felt disgusted with Li Yue and did not want to get involved with her at all. He directly said to the police comrade:
"It's troublesome."

The two police comrades nodded in understanding and escorted Li Yue out.

"Talk about teachers, talk about teachers!"

Li Yue screamed all the way, but didn't get a single response.

Colleagues in the lobby on the first floor of Guoying News Agency were quietly watching the excitement.

The people who used to go to the cafeteria to eat with Li Yue changed their expressions now.

Yu Hongxin was shocked and said:
"Impostor! She is so brave. Where is this place?"

After a while, he patted his heart again and sighed:
"Fortunately, we evacuated quickly enough, otherwise we would have been implicated by her..." People often say that birds of a feather flock together.

They often get along with Li Yue. After a long time, outsiders may think that they and Li Yue are the same.

so far so good……

Several people looked at each other, their faces tense and a little scared.


Li Yue was taken away by the Public Security Bureau and put into a special treatment room.

On the Guoying News Agency side, Teacher Tan directly called Chen Rivet Ding of Peking University to communicate the situation.

Under normal circumstances, if a student involved in an incident is taken to the public security bureau, the school will definitely come over to do mediation work and make money for the student.

But impersonation is not a trivial matter, and it is still a special unit department.

Chen Rivet made a statement on the spot and would fully assist in the investigation.

This matter was too serious and rigorous, and it indirectly led to other things.

There had been news from the education department before that someone at the grassroots level had reported imposters in the college entrance examination.

This matter has been investigated and verified, and it originally had nothing to do with Chen Rivet.

What Li Yue stirred up sounded the alarm in Chen Rivet's heart.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Rivet thought again and again and announced the news to the school's senior management.

All professional class instructors must carefully verify the authenticity of students’ scores.

It is necessary to completely eliminate the possibility of impostor. Once anyone is found to be impostor, he will be expelled immediately.

The information sheet was printed that night, and the forms were distributed to every student the next day.

From household registration, college entrance examination date, session, table number, test scores, etc., all information must be accurately collected.

Beijing and Peking University suddenly became noisy.

Lu Miao went to school the next day, filled out the information form, and handed it to Guan Yangyang, asking her to help carry the podium.

Li Jiancheng stood on the podium, taking the forms handed over by his classmates and looking down at them.

Seeing Lu Miao's picture, Li Jiancheng raised his eyes and glanced at Lu Miao, saying:

"Student Lu, please collect the forms at the back and send them to the office for me later."


Lu Miao scratched his forehead and stood up:

Li Jiancheng said "hmm", tidied up the forms in his hands, and went to the office first.

Lu Miao moved slowly, Guan Yangyang pushed her down on the table and sat down, saying:
"You look weird. Are you feeling uncomfortable? You'd better sit down and let me take care of it for you."

"Thanks then~"

Lu Miao was not polite to her either.

My waist does still hurt a little.

I just wanted to be lazy, but unexpectedly I was assigned a temporary job.

Guan Yangyang helped collect the remaining forms and sorted them out before handing them over to Lu Miao.


Lu Miao thanked him again.

Guan Yangyang pinched her arm lightly and said angrily:

"Thank you for what? What a big deal, who among us will follow whom?"

Lu Miao was amused, "hum hum" and stood up with a chuckle:

"I'll give it to the teacher first, and we'll talk to you when I get back."


Lu Miao took the information list to the office.

Li Jiancheng took it, put it in a drawer, and then took out another list.

"This is your timetable for going to Renmin University. Take a look at it first."

Lu Miao nodded, took the timetable and took a look at it.

In her own class schedule this time, there are half-day classes on Tuesday and Friday mornings.

The corresponding arrangement at the National People's Congress is six classes a week.

Three sessions on Tuesday afternoon and three sessions on Friday afternoon.

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