Chapter 531 It’s not easy for me

Take classes in two stages respectively.

Two of the lessons are for intermediate classes.

Four corresponding advanced classes.

One class lasts 50 minutes, and I go to classrooms in different colleges for three consecutive periods.

Basically, I squeezed out a whole afternoon...

Lu Miao was a little hesitant, but after careful consideration he agreed.

Who said it was the school her father led?
If she couldn't help share some of the burden, her father would have a headache.

"I understand, teacher."

Lu Miao put away her timetable and prepared to return to the classroom.

Li Jiancheng called to her again:
"Wait a minute, Mr. Lu!"

"Huh? What's wrong, teacher?"

"You should already know about Li Yue, right?"

Li Jiancheng was stunned when he heard the news in the morning.

Li Jiancheng always thought that Li Yue was a girl from the countryside.

There is just a little problem with knowledge, nothing else is a big problem.

What broke out this time was completely beyond his expectation.

"I received news today that Teacher Tan provided evidence with the Public Security Bureau, but Li Yue still refused to admit it."

Li Jiancheng made a "tsk" sound, frowned and rubbed the back of his head in annoyance:
"Now we need you to go over there and help make a record to further prove the authenticity of this matter."

Lu Miao was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say to calm his emotions, so he nodded and said:

"I understand, teacher, should I go by myself? Or with you? I can do it any time."

Li Jiancheng frowned and sighed:
"Come with me. You can finish the big class and then leave for the next physical education class."

"it is good."


After Lu Miao got on the train, she and Li Jiancheng waited for the bus to the Public Security Bureau.

When he went to explain the situation, Lu Miao was taken into a separate room to take notes.

The police comrade first asked her to tell her what she knew personally, and then asked precise questions based on these experiences.

Lu Miao told the truth about what she knew, and she also frankly said she didn't know about what she didn't know.

She is also a party, but she is also a victim.

The police comrades did not embarrass her and told her she could go back after finishing the notes.

Lu Miao stood up slowly while holding the table, and asked:
"Comrade Public Security, what will be the final outcome of this matter? Can you reveal it now?"

The two police comrades looked at each other, thinking that this was news that would be announced later, so they didn't hide it and said directly:

"The bureau doesn't know how your school will arrange it, but the bureau leaders attach great importance to this matter."

"The situation will be reported level by level later. At present, it seems that your classmate will have to be detained for at least three to five years. Of course, the final result may be more serious."

Lu Miao nodded slightly, and her heart suddenly became clear.

Li Yue was imprisoned in the Special Treatment Room of the Public Security Bureau.

What is that place?
In the past, it was a place where spies and spies were detained and interrogated.

This shows the rigor of this matter.

The Public Security Bureau is also of a social nature.

Li Yue has already caused such a big scandal before she officially entered this society.

Beijing-Peking University is a prestigious school, not an ordinary school. In addition, her previous major demerits were unresolved. Now it is impossible for Beijing-Peking University to continue to accommodate her.

I can’t stay in Guoyingshe, I can’t continue studying, I can’t escape from jail...

Lu Miao was distracted for a moment, wondering if Li Yue regretted it now? In fact, she never quite understood the source of Li Yue's malice towards her.

If it was just because of some quarrels in the past, then Li Yue was too temperamental.

She was supposed to graduate in two or three years. With her mid-to-lower grades, even if she couldn't stay in the Guoying Society, she could still be assigned a job that was beyond the reach of many others.

Because of such a small thing, her future, or even her whole life, was ruined. She must regret it.


There is no regret medicine in this world.

Lu Miao was distracted for a long time and did not respond. The police comrade who took the notes gently woke her up and said:

"Classmate Lu, I'll see you off."

Lu Miao came back to her senses, smiled apologetically, nodded and walked ahead.

Opening the door, Lu Miao just walked out of the single room.

When they met, they saw Li Yue's hands restrained by handcuffs, followed by two police comrades walking from the other side.

Li Yue was taken to the Public Security Bureau at noon yesterday. So far, it has been exactly one day and one night.

She was probably not having a good time here. Her face was pale at that time, her eyelids were swollen, and her usually neat braids had burrs.

One of the shoes on my feet was missing, and I was really in a state of despair.

Lu Miao saw this and turned to the side.

Li Yue has a problem and the law will punish her. She is a little tired and doesn't want to have any more interactions with her.

Lu Miao didn't want to pay attention to Li Yue, but when Li Yue saw her, it was like seeing a savior.

With eyes flashing with surprise and joy, Li Yue threw herself down and knelt in front of Lu Miao:

"Lu Miao, Lu Miao! Are you here to forgive me? Lu Miao!"

Lu Miao was already a little uncomfortable. Being pulled by her like this and accompanied by a burst of endless howling made her head hurt.

Lu Miao broke away his hand and stepped back:

"There is no point in fighting for my forgiveness. You know what you have done yourself. Instead of talking about these useless things, it is better to reform and try to get out as soon as possible."

"No, no!"

Li Yue shook her head, raised her head and knelt down and continued to pull her:

"Lu Miao, they said it! As long as you agree to forgive me, as long as you agree to forgive me, the nature can be lightened, and so can the punishment!"

Li Yue looked like a person falling into the water, clutching the driftwood in front of her tightly and refusing to let go.

"Lu Miao, please forgive me, please forgive me! I was wrong, I really know I was wrong!"

Regarding the letter of recommendation, Teacher Tan and Director Ma provided evidence and rhetoric.

Li Yue originally refused to admit it. After a whole night of communication and interrogation last night, the police comrades who took the notes almost went into shock.

In the morning, I couldn't bear to talk about the seriousness of the matter and mentioned that if Li Yue actively cooperated with the record.

If the victim is willing to forgive her, the punishment may be lighter in the future.

Li Yue only heard a few key words and explained everything on the spot.

Originally she was afraid that Lu Miao would not forgive her, but now that Lu Miao was here, Li Yue cried and begged, feeling that she had hope again.

"Lu Miao, please!"

For a while, Li Yue clasped her hands together and begged, even slapped herself in the face, and walked forward on her knees, trying to pull her away:
"Lu Miao, I did something wrong before, it was me who was wrong!"

Li Yue was extremely panicked.

Afraid of taking responsibility, she tried every means to obtain Lu Miao's forgiveness.

But her limited emotional intelligence prevented her from saying anything nice:
"But I didn't cause any real harm to you! Can you forgive me, forgive me?"

"I can walk out of the mountains. It's really not easy to get to this point. I can't go to jail, no!"

"Lu Miao, can you understand me, be considerate of me, or have mercy on me, have mercy on me?"

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