A soft-waisted educated youth has sex with a loyal dog and a rough guy in the 1960s

Chapter 532: The fate of being reversed and collapsing again

Chapter 532: The fate of being reversed and collapsing again

Li Yue's eyes widened and she kowtowed. She really regretted it!
She thought that at most she could not stay in the British Society.

She didn't expect it would cause such a big fuss!

Not only will he be kicked out of school, but he will also go to jail!

If she had known this was the case, she would definitely not have done this!

She is still young, and she is still a student in a prestigious school! As long as she graduates, she can live a good life!

She can't go to jail, she can't!

Lu Miao felt dizzy with ringing in her ears and felt a little physically uncomfortable.

Although she felt uncomfortable, Lu Miao also heard it.

Li Yue seems to have a pure theory of victim guilt, and uses a tricky perspective to kidnap others morally.

She is just afraid of the consequences of her mistakes, not true repentance.

It's not really a sincere apology.

"Li Yue, have you ever heard a word?"

Lu Miao broke away, took a step back behind a police comrade, and said in a cold and distant voice:
"Dragon begets dragon and phoenix, and mouse's son can dig holes."

Li Yue was stunned, looking up at Lu Miao blankly with her face full of snot and tears.

Lu Miao continued calmly:
"Some people say that dragon and phoenix are complimentary, while rat is derogatory, but I don't think so."

"It is undeniable that different origins will indeed cause certain obstacles at certain times, but it cannot absolutely explain what a person is like."

"When you go from your family to a big city and enter a prestigious school, you have already overcome 99% or even 100% of the obstacles."

"Your destiny has been changed, you have reversed everything! But you don't seem to understand or feel it."

Lu Miao frowned slightly, calmed down, and stared at Li Yue like a judge:
"If you can't understand the precious things in this, then I hope that in the next few years of transformation, you can learn to understand!"

Being a college student from a prestigious university out of a small mountain village is not just an honor.

It is often a responsibility.

If you don’t want to take on the heavy burden of “responsibility”, you must at least have self-awareness.

Understand what things should be done and what can be done.

Those things cannot be done.

And don't cry weak, cry hard, or show yourself as a weak person at any time.

Everyone will step on the weak.

This world always follows the strong, sympathizes with the weak, and even bullies the weak.

If Li Yue thought that she would be able to avoid all responsibility if she cried weakly and suffered miserably.

Then Lu Miao would really think that this is a very ridiculous thing.

We are all adults, and if we do something wrong, we should bear the corresponding consequences.

This is the most basic rule of social survival and getting along!

Li Yue could have made a comeback, but she was not smart, honest, and restless.

From a tricky perspective, if Li Yue occupied one of these three, this situation would not have happened.

Even the matter of letters of recommendation may fall into obscurity and never see the light of day again.

She can steadily ride the wind soaring upward.

But alas, she didn't.

But this time, the so-called "luck path" did not favor her anymore.

Li Yue couldn't listen and muttered words begging Lu Miao for forgiveness.

He struggled to crawl forward on his knees, trying to pull Lu Miao away.

Two police comrades stepped forward and lifted her up.

"Lu Miao, Lu Miao! You have to forgive me, you have to forgive me!"

Li Yue yelled madly.

"You can't do this to me, you can't do this!"

Lu Miao turned a deaf ear and turned to the police comrade who had just taken notes for her and smiled:

"If I need to take my opinion, my answer is not to forgive and support the organization in handling it according to law."

Although Lu Miao was smiling, his face was very pale and ugly.

The police comrade thought that Li Yue's madness had frightened her, so he quickly asked his colleagues to take Li Yue away.

"Comrade, do you want to sit down and leave slowly?" Lu Miao shook his head and thanked:

"Thank you, but no, there are classes at school, and I have to go back to school with the teacher."

"Well, be careful on the road, I think you don't look good."

Lu Miao subconsciously touched her face and politely thanked her again before leaving.

Li Jiancheng saw her outside and asked how she was doing. Seeing that her face looked bad, he asked if she felt uncomfortable.

Lu Miao shook his head and said truthfully:

"I'm fine. I just knocked my waist a little in the past two days and my waist hurts a little. As for Li Yue..."

Lu Miao spoke concisely and comprehensively, explaining the situation in a few sentences.

Li Jiancheng nodded and went to the station with her to wait for the bus:

"Principal Chen has already told her about clearing her student status, and also sent a telegram to notify her family. We will just wait for her family to come over for judicial follow-up. Teacher Tan should also need to come forward. As for you, you can just go to class with peace of mind. …I’ll tell you when the final result comes out.”

"it is good."

"Is it really not possible to take leave and go back to rest?"

Lu Miao smiled and said, "I'm okay. If I can't hold on, I will tell you."

At that time, I felt dizzy when I was pulled by Li Yue in the narrow corridor.

But after taking a few breaths of fresh air, she felt much better.

"Okay, just use your own discretion."



I have to go to Renmin University on Tuesday afternoon, that is, tomorrow afternoon.

Lu Miao was actively preparing for her return to school.

Collect and correct all the materials I used to teach Class 2 for later use.

She also has the textbooks from last semester. She will look for them when she goes home later and bring them with her tomorrow.

Let’s first investigate the specific situation there, and then see what method of teaching will be adopted…

Slowly tinkering, it soon arrived the next morning.

After finishing the two morning classes, it was not even eleven o'clock.

Lu Miao directly waited for the bus to Renmin University at the bus stop near Peking University.

When you get to the place, first take Chen Rivet's autographed letter and go upstairs to find your biological father.

Not surprisingly, her father was so shocked by her that he jumped up from his chair.

"What, you?"

Lu Miao nodded with a sweet smile and said:

"Isn't that what's written in the letter?"

Lu Yuanzheng waved:
"No, no, no, this isn't appropriate."

It was the same as Lu Miao’s initial thoughts.

Lu Yuanzheng also felt that it would be difficult to please one of his own people.

I need to call Chen Rivet to talk about this right now and ask someone else to come.

Lu Miao pushed the office window as far as possible, sat on the sofa and let him relax while fanning himself.

If they could find someone else, Chen Rivet and Li Jiancheng would have found them long ago.

How can she always do her ideological work?

Sure enough, not long after the call was put through, the call was quickly hung up.

Lu Yuanzheng walked over and sat on the other side of the sofa, turned around and asked:

"In your school, there is no one else in your major?"

"Yes, but they don't dare to come. I am the one in our major."

Lu Miao gave a thumbs up and praised herself without any bottom line in front of her father:
"And dad, let me tell you the truth, if you send me back now, no one will come."

He doesn't like the dark horses in the English major, so who would dare to come?

Lu Miao's words were exactly the same as what Chen Rivet said on the phone.

Lu Yuanzheng took a breath and sighed again.

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