Chapter 533: Stepping on two boats

Lu Yuanzheng silently stroked the back of his head and could only accept the reality:
"Okay then, you can take a look at it first... I'm sure you'll be fine in the intermediate class, but are you ok in the advanced class?"

Such a suspicious tone~!

Lu Miao didn't like hearing it, and immediately puffed up her red lips and said:

"It's up to me to decide whether it's okay or not. Just wait and see!"

Lu Yuanzheng shook his head and smiled helplessly:
"Ghost girl."

But having said that, Lu Yuanzheng ordered:
"The old rules are that at home you are dad and at school you are the principal. I will arrange for someone to set up a small table for you in the teacher's office later. From now on, you can go to the office during breaks and avoid coming to my place."

Those who should avoid suspicion should still avoid suspicion.

Lu Miao pouted, a little unhappy, but still nodded obediently:
"I know~!"

"Well, there are lunch boxes and meal tickets here. Let's eat lunch in the cafeteria here, right? It's time for a lunch break after eating. I'll show you a few professional buildings."

"I didn't eat here. I didn't say hello to my little aunt when I went out in the morning. She must have done my share."

Lu Miao shook his head and stood up with the canvas bag in hand after finishing the report.

"School at the National People's Congress is about to end at noon, right? I'll go find Brother You and come back after dinner. He can ride a bicycle very quickly."

Lu Yuanzheng nodded and told her that the mechanical and electrical major was on the fourth floor of the teaching building in the northwest corner.

Lu Miao went downstairs and headed towards the teaching building in the northwest corner.

When I got there, I remembered that I had just asked where the mechanical and electrical major was, but I forgot to ask about the classroom where Fu Jingyou was.

Wandering around the corridor on the fourth floor, Lu Miao poked her head and looked around quietly.

She is very particular about her daily routine. After washing her hands and face, she must apply cream.

The situation outside is not as strict as before. Usually when the weather is hot or the sun is strong, she has to hold a small umbrella when traveling depending on the situation.

People often say that whiteness covers three ugliness. She was born with exquisite facial features and was inherently beautiful.

Her snow-white skin contrasts with a few stray black hairs on her forehead, and is paired with delicate lips.

White is white, black is black, and red is eye-catching and bright.

With bright eyebrows, at first glance, she looks like a delicate beauty in an ink painting.

There were already many men majoring in mechanical and electrical engineering, so Lu Miao made a small move and single-handedly managed to win the hearts of most of the virgins in several classrooms.

She quietly looked into the classroom, and the people in the classroom turned to look at her.

It feels weird, like being treated as a rare species.

Lu Miao felt a little embarrassed.

Looking at her watch, class ended in six minutes. She simply turned to a corner, rested her elbows on the corridor balcony and held her chin up, and waited.

get out of class will end in a few minutes, but the minds of the students in the classroom have already wandered away.

Fu Jingyou is like this.

There were many people in the classroom, so Lu Miao didn't see him, but he saw Lu Miao.

Although he didn't know what his wife was doing here, it didn't stop him from being anxious to meet her.

Looking at his watch, he saw that class was over in two minutes. Fu Jingyou couldn't wait any longer and had already closed his book neatly and picked up his backpack.

Under the table, the soles of the shoes were almost wearing out sparks.

He just waits for the teacher's command and runs away.

"A, annoy..."

Hu Yinglai from the next table winked at him and muttered in a low voice:

"Why are you so excited? The teacher is watching..."

Fu Jingyou looked up.

Sure enough, the supervisor on the podium stared at him with a straight face.

But the timing just so happened that the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

The class teacher glared at Fu Jingyou, rolled up the textbook and tucked it under his arm, said "get out of class is over" and left the classroom.

Fu Jingyou jumped up suddenly and followed closely behind.

Hu Ying looked at it for a moment and murmured in a low voice:

"What are you doing? You're so anxious. Is your wife outside or what?" A classmate next to me happened to get up and said:
"Walk faster and take a look. Maybe they haven't left yet!"

Hu Yinglai caught them and asked:

"What are you looking at? What's going on outside?"

Hu Yinglai was studying hard by herself just now, but she really didn't notice that there was a good-looking girl outside.

The classmate was embarrassed to say that he was going to see a girl, so he said vaguely:

"Oh, if you want to see it, hurry up and follow him! They will leave in a while!"

People have two fixed psychology.

One is to follow the crowd, and the other is to follow the crowd.

Hu Yinglai's face was full of suspicion, but he could not resist his curiosity. He quickly put away his books and followed.

Fu Jingyou and his wife met outside the door and were talking:

"Why are you here? Didn't you wait for me to pick you up?"

"Come here to do some errands, and I'll wait for you to go home with me."

Lu Miao said with a smile.

When Hu Yinglai and others left the classroom, they caught up with the dazzling scene of this talented man and woman.

In a conservative era, when you meet a beautiful girl, you may not necessarily be embarrassed to approach her and strike up a conversation, but you still dare to take a look at her secretly.

But now the situation was different. There was a tall man who took the lead and stepped forward to talk to people.

Hu Yinglai and others, as well as the boys in the adjacent classroom, saw it and gathered around them.

Anyway, there are already people who are shamelessly chatting up other girls, so what if they are one of them?
But who would have thought of it?
Are the two in front of me actually a couple?
Fu Jingyou felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy. He blocked Lu Miao behind him with his arms, and turned around to face the crowd while bulging his shoulder muscles.

There is an ominous feeling as if a beast has invaded its territory.

Hu Yinglai was confused.

What are you doing?

Didn’t you say you have a wife at home?

You have a daughter-in-law and you still treat other girls like this?

Well, Fu Jingyou, you want to quit doing human affairs, right?

Don't even think about it!

Hu Ying rushed forward, planning to save his friend and return to the right path.

Before he even took two steps, he was pushed back with an elbow from the person in front.

Hu Yinglai's letters were scattered all over the floor, and in the blink of an eye, the book was trampled on.

Hu Yinglai hurriedly knelt down to pick it up:
"Don't step on it, don't step on it! This is my book..."

There are a few tall people in the next class, but they are tall and thin, not as strong as Fu Jingyou.

Now push forward.

The atmosphere was tense. One of the tall men put his hands around his shoulders and sneered and asked:
"What's wrong, Mr. Fu? Isn't it enough that you already have Mr. Liu? Now you want to occupy two of them?"

Fu Jingyou frowned sharply, fearing that Lu Miao would think too much after hearing this, so he quickly shouted:

"If you can't speak, don't speak. Just be quiet. No one will think you are mute."

The tall man on the other side burst into laughter, spread his hands and looked at the others around him, as if he was preaching something:
"Hey, what do you mean by this? Is it an excuse or something? Why can't I understand it all of a sudden?"

After that, he tilted his neck and shouted at Lu Miao who was behind Fu Jingyou:

"This lesbian, I don't know if you are from our school, and if you have heard of the deeds of our classmate Fu, but I would like to remind you, be careful, don't be stepped on by someone with ulterior motives. Boat!"

Fu Jingyou was calm and composed in other matters, but when it came to his wife, he couldn't be calm at all.

How could he endure being treated like this in front of his wife?

The trapezius muscles on his shoulders and back were beating, Fu Jingyou was full of rage, and he rushed up with his fists raised:

"You're so damn good at telling me, but you still don't listen, right?"

"How's it going? You want to fight? Are you afraid of you?"

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