Journey to the West: Yaoshou, this monkey is too peaceful

Chapter 67 What?The mastermind behind the scenes involves Zhen Yuanzi?

Chapter 67 What?The mastermind behind the scenes involves Zhen Yuanzi?
Sun Wukong was very surprised in his heart that Nezha would persuade him to run away.

For a moment, Sun Wukong couldn't understand what Nezha meant.

It stands to reason that Nezha is not too fond of Tianting's tricks.

But why would Nezha let him go to Heaven instead? Isn't this obviously cooperating with Heaven?

In other words, Nezha was arranged to fan the flames?
Unable to figure it out, Sun Wukong didn't think too much and just followed his plan.

Sun Wukong: "Third Prince, you were sent by His Majesty to test me, right?"

"You go back and tell Your Majesty that I am loyal to Your Majesty. It is absolutely impossible for me to go to heaven and I have never thought about it."

"If I really did something wrong, I will never escape and I should accept the punishment!"

Looking at Sun Wukong's determined look, Nezha was a little confused.

How stupid is this Sun Wukong? Even when death is imminent, he still refuses to run away and stays to wait for death?

But if Sun Wukong doesn't run away, where can I find a chance to fight Sun Wukong?

My hands have been itching so much lately!
This journey to the west plan has promised to make me fight enough.

It’s just that this journey to the west plan has been delayed again and again, and there are constant changes!

How can we wait any longer?
They are all rubbish and cannot handle such a simple thing.

Nezha just couldn't wait.

So, you might as well persuade Sun Wukong to go to heaven instead.

Then you can have a good fight with Sun Wukong.

Otherwise, if we continue with this plan one by one, we will end up in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

Nezha: "You, why are you so stupid? Really, if you don't run now, you won't be able to run away later!"

Sun Wukong: "No, I thought about escaping earlier."

"But I haven't been able to make up my mind for a long time, but after seeing you coming, I can't escape even more."

Nezha's eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "Why, how does this have anything to do with me?"

Nezha had a very bad premonition.

Sun Wukong: "If you are the third prince and you don't come, I will leave as soon as I say. With cumin, you can go anywhere in the world, and you don't have to worry about anything."

"But Third Prince, you can come here to persuade me. If I leave, it will be too unloyal. I can't harm you. After all, you are the one who persuaded me to escape. What's the point of leaving you to be punished in heaven? !”

"Third Prince, I don't have many friends. Today I recognize you as my friend. You came to help me regardless of the consequences, so I can't leave you alone."

Nezha was almost so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of blood.


So, because of his own reasons, Sun Wukong no longer wanted to go to heaven?

Nezha wants to cry now. Damn it, why is Sun Wukong so loyal?
I feel like a fool, Mad, how could he be so real.

But Sun Wukong's loyal attitude made Nezha unable to get angry at all.

Instead, I became interested in making friends with Sun Wukong. This monkey is really good.

If the influence wasn't too great, I really wish I could tell Sun Wukong about the journey to the west!
Nezha is usually unruly, but he is not stupid!

Therefore, Nezha said speechlessly: "Okay, then you can take care of yourself!"

Nezha was about to leave, Sun Wukong quickly shouted:
"Third Prince, please wait..."

Nezha: "Is something wrong? Are you planning to go to heaven instead?"

Sun Wukong waved his hand and said: "Third Prince, please don't say any more about going to heaven!"

"Third Prince, you risked your life to help me. Even though I'm a monkey, I can't help you in return."

"My friend came to visit me, but I didn't treat him well. Just accept this gift. It's a little thought from me, and don't show it to others."

Sun Wukong handed over a jade box!

Nezha took the jade box numbly, his whole body was a little numb.

I saw the ten-thousand-year-old flat peach that Sun Wukong gave to the Jade Emperor before, and I was very envious of it.

At the same time, I also heard Taibai Jinxing talk about various scenes of Sun Wukong giving gifts.

They are all good things.

Sure enough, being Sun Wukong's friend has many benefits.No, no!
The things Sun Wukong sent out made big noise every time.

Both Taishang Laojun and the Queen Mother were suspected of being behind the scenes.

Could it be that this gift is also an incredible thing!
Nezha was frightened and felt that the thing in his hand continued to be heavy.

Nezha: "Isn't this bad?"

Nezha was a little afraid to ask for it.

Sun Wukong: "Take it, it's not something valuable, don't worry about it. Besides, I can't take it out if it's valuable."

Nezha then nodded and said: "In that case, I will accept it and leave first."

Nezha didn't stay any longer and couldn't wait to leave, for fear that something would happen again.

After leaving a distance, Nezha stopped and couldn't wait to open the jade box!

But when he saw the ginseng fruit inside, Nezha's eyes widened.


Isn't this a valuable thing?

But when I think about the Nine Transformations Golden Pill and Ten Thousand Years Flat Peach that Sun Wukong gave away before, I feel relieved.

But this ginseng fruit is ten thousand years old.

Nezha's heart was pounding. Could it be that Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the Earth Immortals, was involved in sabotaging the Westward Journey plan?
Nezha was trembling all over just thinking about it.

Good guy, this is a big deal, and it's not something I can handle at all.

Let the Jade Emperor have a headache with this matter!


And this moment!
Wuqu Xingjun has been escorted to the Lingxiao Palace by Li Jing.

Come down with an interrogation!
The Lingxiao Palace fell into an eerie atmosphere of silence.

Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, with blank expressions on their faces.

Therefore, the mistake is not with Wuqu Xingjun!

It seems to be the problem of Sun Wukong!

But it seems to have nothing to do with Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong is just cooperating with Wu Qu Xingjun.

If you really want to blame it, blame Wu Quxingjun for not making it clear!

Therefore, there is no one to take the blame!

But this matter must be resolved.

The Jade Emperor was very angry at the moment and stared at Wuqu Xingjun fiercely!

Such a small thing can't be done well, and it still makes such a big noise.

The Jade Emperor was very tired: "Okay, let's stop this matter. As for Sun Wukong, hurry up and drive him out of heaven!"

"Sun Wukong's unfavorable care of the racecourse caused heavy losses to the Heavenly Court, which violated the laws of Heaven. I am merciful and will not care about it!"

The Jade Emperor was really scared. He was afraid that before he could get Sun Wukong down, something might happen next, and Heaven would not be able to withstand it!

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other in shock!
Avalokitesvara: "Amitabha, good!"

Taibai Jinxing was very calm in his heart. This Sun Wukong was simply good at torturing people. Look, His Majesty couldn't bear it anymore.

Jade Emperor: "Wuquxingjun, I'll leave this matter to you. If it doesn't work well, huh..."

Wuqu Xingjun: "I obey the order, I will definitely live up to my mission this time!"

And right now!
Nezha suddenly ran in in a hurry!
"Your Majesty, Your Majesty is not well, everyone, look at this!"

"Sun Wukong just gave it to me as a gift!"

"You read that right, the ginseng fruit is ten thousand years old."

"Will Great Immortal Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the Earth Immortals, be able to..."

(End of this chapter)

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