Journey to the West: Yaoshou, this monkey is too peaceful

Chapter 68: Buddhism and Heaven, send troops to the Five Villages

Chapter 68: Buddhism and Heaven, send troops to Wuzhuang Temple

A group of gods looked at the ginseng fruit that Nezha took out!
Everyone in the Lingxiao Palace gasped.

Once again, the Lingxiao Palace fell into an eerie silence.

Everyone's scalp was numb and their faces were full of shock!

Immortal Zhen Yuanzi is also involved, this problem is huge!

The Jade Emperor looked solemn and said, "Nezha, are you sure this is true?"

Nezha: "Reply to Your Majesty, everything is true!"

The Jade Emperor believed it!

All the gods at the scene also believed it.

The main thing is that the treasures that Sun Wukong took out were not just the ginseng fruit.

Jade Emperor: "My dear friends, this involves the Great Immortal Zhen Yuanzi. The problem is serious. Can anyone tell me how to deal with it?"

After hearing this, all the gods looked at each other in shock.

Good guy, if Zhen Yuanzi really has a problem, then it's okay to talk about it.

But if not, you can't talk nonsense. It's hard to tell the cause and effect.

Just like Taishang Laojun and the Queen Mother, they were involved in different situations, but they both proved their innocence in the end.

Now it's Zhen Yuanzi's turn, and no one can guarantee it.

Master Guanyin was the first to speak: "Amitabha, this matter must be investigated clearly. Ginseng fruit is only available in Wuzhuang Guanzhen Yuanzi. Regardless of whether it is related to the mastermind behind the scenes, the evidence is here and we must find out."

Taibai Jinxing: "Your Majesty, it's better to investigate this matter clearly, otherwise it will be bad for us to misunderstand the Great Immortal Zhen Yuanzi!"

The Jade Emperor nodded: "That's fine!"

At this moment, the Jade Emperor is one head and two big.

This has changed again.

Alas, when will this end?

There was evidence pointing to Taishang Laojun before.

Later, he pointed at the Queen Mother. The mastermind behind this is really very capable.

I just don’t know if Zhen Yuanzi, the Great Immortal, has the same misunderstanding as Taishang Laojun and the Queen Mother, or if Zhen Yuanzi is the mastermind behind it!

Wuqu Xingjun: "Then, as for the Jade Emperor and Sun Wukong, should they be executed now or slowly?"

Master Guanyin: "Amitabha, Your Majesty the Jade Emperor, I think the issues of Sun Wukong and Zhen Yuanzi can be dealt with separately. Just do what you want. Don't let Zhen Yuanzi's issue affect the progress of the Journey to the West plan!"

Jade Emperor: "Okay, Mr. Wu Quxing, please go and deal with Sun Wukong's problem."

The Jade Emperor also wanted to quickly move forward with his westward journey plan.

Otherwise, if we continue like this, who knows what problems will arise.

Wu Quxingjun: "Yes, Your Majesty!"

Wu Quxingjun left with the Jade Emperor's will.


On the way, Wuqu Xingjun took several heavenly officials there.

Wu Quxingjun began to make calculations in his mind at this moment.

Mainly he was worried that Sun Wukong would make another mistake and how he would deal with it next!

This time we must not let Sun Wukong escape from the plan.

Wu Quxingjun and others arrived at the racecourse!
Although there are heavenly soldiers and generals joining the racecourse, it is completely impossible to capture all the horses in a short time.

Seeing the arrival of Lord Wu Quxing, Sun Wukong apologized and said:
"Shangguan Wuquxingjun, I'm busy right now and I can't give you a courtesy. Please forgive me."

Wu Quxingjun had a headache. As long as Sun Wukong had a temperament, everything would be easy to handle, and he wouldn't even have any psychological burden.

But this Sun Wukong is too polite and treats the monkey very well.

But thinking about the westward journey plan and the order issued by His Majesty.

Wuqu Xingjun immediately looked serious and scolded: "Sun Wukong, as Bimawen, you manage the horse farm of Heaven, but now you have made such a big mistake, you have violated the laws of heaven!"

"Your Majesty wants you to be an official for a short period of time. You can avoid the death penalty, but you cannot escape the punishment of living."

"Now you will be deposed from your official position and driven out of heaven!" "Sun Wukong, you can accept it!"

Sun Wukong: "May I ask Lord Wuquxing, Lord, is this really His Majesty's will?"

Wu Quxingjun: "Of course, have you seen these people around me? The Heavenly Officials who carry out His Majesty's decree and witness..."

Sun Wukong: "That's it, then I obey the order!"

After saying that, Sun Wukong bowed in the direction of Lingxiao Palace!

At the same time, he said: "Wuqu Xingjun, please keep this official seal, and keep an eye on these captured horses!"

"We have also arranged how to manage the horses that we have captured..."

After some explanation, Sun Wukong turned around and flew towards Nantianmen!
As Sun Wukong simply left, Wuqu Xingjun was a little unable to react for a while.

No, this, leaving now?
No more variables?
But Wu Quxingjun was still uneasy after not seeing Sun Wukong leave the heaven.

Lord Wu Quxing hurriedly caught up and said, "We are both officials, so I will give you a ride!"

Sun Wukong: "Well, you've got to work!"

The two came to Nantianmen and said goodbye.

After seeing Sun Wukong really leaving, Wu Quxingjun let out a long sigh of relief.

Good guys, the mission for this issue is finally completed.

Actually, I feel like Sun Wukong is quite easy to talk to.

Wu Quxingjun immediately went back to resume his life.

Wu Quxingjun: "Your Majesty, as expected, Sun Wukong is gone. I personally sent him to Nantianmen and watched him leave the Nantianmen and leave the Heavenly Court!"

After hearing Wu Quxingjun's words, the Jade Emperor felt relaxed all over.

Just leave!
Avalokitesvara: "Amitabha, that's good, that's good. Everything is still under control."

All the gods looked at each other, they were really gone.

If we don't leave, I'm afraid no matter how big our hearts are, we won't be able to bear such a torment.

As for what Master Guanyin said, everything is under control?
Hehe, maybe!

Jade Emperor: "Wu Qu Xingjun, is there anything wrong with Sun Wukong leaving this time? Please explain the whole process in detail!"

Wuqu Xingjun: "I obey the order!"

As Wu Quxingjun explained the process one by one.

Everyone at the scene was silent!
What did they hear?

Sun Wukong is very easy to talk to, very polite, and very polite. Everyone understands this.

After all, it's no longer strange.

But even though he was framed like this, Sun Wukong didn't even show any anger at all. He simply didn't have any hatred towards Heaven!

How to deal with this?How to proceed with the follow-up plan!

The Jade Emperor looked at Master Guanyin: "Master Guanyin, is this situation reasonable?"

Master Guanyin: "Amitabha, although there are changes, everything is under control. It doesn't matter!"

Taibai Jinxing rolled her eyes, haha, just take control, you will definitely have a headache when the time comes.

Jade Emperor: "In that case, that's good!"

So, they communicated again and determined the tasks of the follow-up westward journey plan.

at this time!

Outside the Lingxiao Hall, the light of Buddha fills the sky. It is the true form of Tathagata coming with many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

Tathagata: "Amitabha, Jade Emperor, are you sure that the mastermind behind this is the Great Immortal Zhen Yuanzi?"

The Jade Emperor came out with a group of gods!
Jade Emperor: "Tathagata, what is your attitude? Are you treating me as your subordinate?"

Tathagata raised his eyes: "Well, Jade Emperor, since the evidence points to Zhen Yuanzi, why not go to Wuzhuang Temple and meet Zhen Yuanzi for a while?"

Jade Emperor: "Yes..."

(End of this chapter)

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