Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 106: Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill undergoes major change

Chapter 106: Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill undergoes major change
"Director Bi, didn't He Yuzhu catch him earlier than these people? Why hasn't He Yuzhu been sentenced yet?"

"He Yuzhu reported Wu Xiuying, so he was considered a witness in Wu Xiuying's case. Therefore, He Yuzhu's trial was postponed."

Lin Chen finally understood after hearing Bi Xueqing's explanation.

This He Yuzhu has another bug.

Because he became a witness who reported Wu Xiuying, his trial was postponed.

However, Lin Chen also knew that He Yuzhu would be sentenced to death sooner or later.

Soon the death sentences for Xu Fugui, Wu Xiuying, Cui Dake, Yi Zhonghai and others were posted on various bulletin boards at the Nanluo Street Office.

The residents of Nanluo Street Office had already expected it, so four people were sentenced to death all of a sudden. This kind of thing that seemed unbelievable in other streets did not cause much sensation in Nanluo Street.

Lin Chen also followed the request and notified the residents of the Red Star Courtyard to let them go to the execution ground to watch the execution on the rest day next week.

Naturally, the Red Star Rolling Mill also informed them, but the specific personnel at the Red Star Rolling Mill who went to observe the execution were arranged by the factory leaders.

Another day later, the Red Star Rolling Mill broadcast a notice of personnel transfer. Some employees from the Dongjiao Mechanical Repair Plant would be sent to the Red Star Rolling Mill.

The leadership team of Dongjiao Mechanical Repair Plant will also be exchanged with that of Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

Although such a direct change of the leadership team is likely to affect the production of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

But the problem is that the problems now exposed by the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill are too serious.

From the factory director and deputy factory director to the workshop director and canteen director, down to the cooks and movie projectionists, the mechanics, fitters, forgers, purchasers, and doctors in the infirmary are all criminals.

Making such a decision in the metallurgical system is really helpless.

After all, a large factory like the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill has produced more than a dozen criminals in just a few months.

If the metallurgical system cannot take some measures, it really cannot explain it to other organizations.

It was under this circumstance that the metallurgical system made the decision to let the Red Star Rolling Mill and Machine Repair Shop conduct large-scale personnel dispatch.

However, Guo Chengsong and others will not be replaced immediately. They will also need to wait for people from the machine repair shop to come over and complete the docking work with the leadership team of the Red Star Rolling Mill before leaving.

Three more days passed.

Many leaders and employees in some positions of the Dongjiao Mechanical Repair Factory were replaced.

Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill is a large factory with 2000 people, while Dongjiao Mechanical Repair Factory is just a small factory with more than [-] people.

Moreover, this transfer only removed some people from the machine repair shop.

Therefore, except for the leadership team, most people at the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant will not be replaced.

But naturally there are exceptions.

Naturally, the entire kitchen of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill must be replaced.

The main reason is that there are too many criminals in the back kitchen of Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

The death row prisoners included Guo Jianhua, the canteen director, and Cui Dake, the cook, as well as He Yuzhu, who was about to be sentenced to death.

Li Youwei, a buyer who has been sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and Liu Lan, who is involved in promiscuous relations between men and women.There were so many criminals in just one cafeteria kitchen, so the superiors gave the entire cafeteria serious punishment. All the original employees in the kitchen of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill had to be transferred to the machine repair shop.

After Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang learned the news, they couldn't help but discuss it in the kitchen and warehouse in their free time.

"Qiangzi, why do we just memorize it like this? We followed the master He Yuzhu, and then he didn't teach us any skills. Now we finally got the recipe of Tan's cuisine from He Yuzhu and learned a few things, but we are going to be beaten. Sent to a machine repair shop in the suburbs."

Zhang Qiang was also very depressed and took a puff of cigarette.

Both of them knew about this and there was no room for reversal.

In this era where collective interests outweigh everything, with so many criminals in one department, they naturally have no face to argue with their leaders.

But at this moment, the fat man Zhang Qiang suddenly put out his cigarette and made a sinister look.

"MCA, didn't the superior leaders say that when the people from the machine repair shop are here, they won't let us leave immediately. They want us to hand over the work to them before going to the machine repair shop to take up our posts?"

"Yes, that's what the superiors said. They want us to be sent to the machine repair shop, and they have to teach the newcomers well before we are assigned. This is like selling us and asking us to count the money ourselves."

"MCA, have you ever thought about it, if during the handover process the people sent by the machine repair shop also did something illegal and criminal, such as stealing things from the factory, do you think the superiors will still do it? Let’s switch with them.”

After Ma Hua heard what Zhang Qiang said, he understood in his heart.

This is the person sent by Zhang Qiang to frame the machine repair shop.

The people sent by the machine repair shop have also become criminals. In this case, the original employees in the back kitchen of their Red Star Steel Rolling Mill will not be sent to the machine repair shop.

However, compared to Zhang Qiang, Ma Hua was more upright after all, and he was a little tangled in his heart at this time.

"Qiangzi, aren't we doing harm to others? Besides, we were caught in this frame-up."

Ma Hua was interrupted by Zhang Qiang before he finished speaking.

"How can it be so easy to get caught? When their people come over, let's find someone to put something in their bag, and then pretend that something has been lost in the kitchen to investigate. We can just dig it out from his bag."

"Over there is the Dongjiao Mechanical Repair Factory. To the west is the Tongzhou Grand Canal, and to the east is the Dongjiao Forest. There is nothing around it except a machine repair factory. If we go there, if we cook well, what's the use of cooking poorly? What kind of leadership will we have? I'll go there if nothing happens."

Hearing what Zhang Qiang said, MCA was shaken. Although the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill is said to be on the side, it is next to Xizhimen and can be regarded as the old capital.

Things were different at the Dongjiao Mechanical Repair Factory. Pushing forward 200 years, it was a place where people were assigned.

Ma Hua also remembers that he read many story-telling novels, and when it came to being dispatched, it meant being dispatched to Tongzhou.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill Special Investigation Team Office.

At this time, Lin Chen, Chen Ming and others came over to pack their things.

Now, more than a dozen criminals have been arrested at the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill. The director and deputy director have also been arrested, and the work of their investigation team has been completed.

Now the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill is about to undergo a major change, and superior leaders have also decided to disband the special investigation team.

So the two of them came here today to pack up the important things of the special investigation team and take them back to Nanluo Street Office.

(End of this chapter)

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