Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 107: Some employees of the machine repair shop moved into a courtyard, and the city wall was

Chapter 107: Some employees of the machine repair factory moved into a courtyard house, and the city wall was blown up

Just as Chen Ming and Lin Chen were packing their things, there was a knock on the door of their special office.

Then Lin Chen saw Xu Chenglin, the section chief of the security section of the Red Star Rolling Mill, and Zhu Cheng, the head of the personnel section of the Red Star Rolling Mill, come in.

"What's the matter with you two comrades?"

Soon the head of the personnel department came up with a list.

"Comrade Lin Chen, a total of 10 leading cadres and dozens of employees have been transferred from the machine repair factory in the eastern suburbs this time. The housing here at the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill is in short supply, so we thought of the Hongxing Siheyuan. Can the houses seized by the special investigation team be separated out?"

After listening to the words of the head of the personnel department, Lin Chen knew that they planned to arrange some people to go to the Red Star Courtyard.

Lin Chen naturally had no objections to this kind of thing. After all, the criminals had already been sentenced.

Naturally, those sealed houses cannot remain sealed. That would be a waste of national resources.

However, Lin Chen was still a little curious in his heart, who were the people who were transferred here?

So he looked at the head of the personnel department and said.

"Chief Zhu, can you show me the list of changes?"

Zhu Cheng immediately handed Lin Chen the list in his hand.

"What's not to be seen in this list? It's not a secret. It will be announced in the factory soon. Also, I will no longer be the section chief. Being transferred to the machine repair shop may not necessarily be a position."

Lin Chen also knew Zhu Cheng's current embarrassing situation, so he didn't say anything. He just said haha ​​and took the list that Zhu Cheng handed him.

The top ones on the list are naturally Liu Feng, the director of Dongjiao Mechanical Repair Factory, and Jiao Min, the director, but Secretary Ma's name is not there.

Lin Chen thought that there might be some people left at the machine repair shop.

Then he saw the name of Liang Weiguo, the director of the grain station next to the machine repair shop. This man was transferred to the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill as the canteen director.

Lin Chen didn't expect that the head of the grain station, who had abused many female comrades, would be transferred here.

Then there were some names that Lin Chen was familiar with, Liu Hua from the administrative department. Of course, this person was also a criminal who had raped many gay girls.

Then there are Liu Minggan and Yang Xiaodong who are the back cooks in the cafeteria.

There is also Liang Ladi, a workshop worker, who made a special note that she has three children.

Lin Chen thought that it was probably because there was not enough housing at the machine repair shop that Liang Ladi was brought here by her master Jiao Min.

Later, Lin Chen also saw the iceberg beauty Ding Qiunan, who was an iron rice fan and a beauty in a machine repair shop.

After roughly scanning the list, Lin Chen looked at Zhu Cheng and said.

"I have to discuss this matter with our director about Section Chief Zhu."

"Good Comrade Lin Chen, please try your best to reply to me as soon as possible."

"I understand, Chief Zhu."

Zhu Cheng and Xu Chenglin left after explaining the situation to Lin Chen.

After a while, Lin Chen and Chen Ming packed up their things and took them back to Nanluo Street Office.

Ten minutes later, Lin Chen returned to Nanluo Street Office and went directly to Bi Xueqing.

Prepare to report to Bi Xueqing what Zhu Cheng just told him.

Bi Xueqing has been out of the hospital for some time now. Although Bi Xueqing is a leader's child, she has not been pampered since she was a child. She has also experienced war and militia training.

My health is good, and my complexion has improved a lot these days.When Lin Chen entered Bi Xueqing's office, Bi Xueqing was still reviewing and approving documents regarding the demolition of Xizhimen. Probably a few days before Wu Xiuying, Yi Zhonghai and other death row inmates were executed, Xizhimen was about to undergo blasting work.

Seeing Lin Chen come in, Bi Xueqing raised her head.

"Comrade Lin Chen, what's the matter?"

"Director Bi, when I went to pack up the belongings of our investigation team, the chief of the HR Department of the Red Star Rolling Mill came to me and said that the accommodation arrangements for the tens of thousands of workers at the Red Star Rolling Mill were tight, but now that more than 100 workers have been transferred, they will be able to make arrangements. It won’t open.”

"So we hope that the sealed houses in Hongxing Courtyard can be used to solve the resettlement problem for some people."

"The houses in the Hongxing Courtyard were originally used to house the employees of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill. Now that the criminals have been identified, they can naturally be used to house other employees."

In fact, Bi Xueqing has also considered appropriating some houses in the Red Star Courtyard to house residents affected by demolition in Xizhimen.

However, Bi Xueqing later rejected her plan. After all, the vacant houses in the Red Star Courtyard had been occupied by people who had been sentenced to death.

The demolished residents in Xizhimen were already dissatisfied. If they were moved to the house where the condemned prisoners lived before, their mood would be even more difficult to appease.

So now Bi Xueqing heard that the HR Department of Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill wanted these houses to be allocated, so she made a favor.

When Lin Chen heard Bi Xueqing agreed, he said to her.

"I understand, Director Bi. I'll go and give a reply to Section Chief Zhu as soon as tomorrow morning."

Two more days passed.

Some employees transferred from the machine repair shop were arranged to the Red Star Courtyard.

There were Liang Ladi and her three children, as well as Ding Qiunan, Liu Minggan, Yang Xiaodong, and of course there were many whom Lin Chen didn't know.

After this group of people were resettled, they were ecstatic at first.

After all, the Xizhimen side was much more prosperous than their side of the Grand Canal, and the house they lived in now was in much better condition than the house they lived in at the machine repair shop. But it didn't take long for them to understand the actual situation. .

The houses they live in are either the houses of death row inmates who have been sentenced to death and executed, or the houses of death row inmates who have been sentenced to death and are about to be executed.

All of a sudden, this group of people couldn't help but feel terrified.

On the way out of the house to go to work at the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill, Liu Minggan, who was huge, was actually trembling because of fear.

Liang Ladi couldn't help but laugh at Liu Minggan's appearance.

"Looking at how little you have accomplished as a big guy, you can no longer live in the house where the dead man lived. With such a big guy and such a coward, you are so much worse than your master. You see Dr. Ding and you are not afraid."

"Yes, Doctor Ding."

As Liang Ladi spoke, she patted the shoulder of Ding Qiunan who was walking in front.

"I'm not afraid."

Although Ding Qiunan said he was not afraid, his tone of voice was trembling.

Three days later it was time to blast the Xizhimen city wall.

Many residents around Xizhimen came to the blast cordon.

After all, many people have grown up in the city wall since childhood, and they have developed feelings after decades.

But in the end, with a huge explosion, the Xizhimen city wall collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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