Chapter 113 Arresting Station Master Xu

Bi Xueqing took people to the administrative department and successfully arrested Liu Hua.

Then he went to the kitchen of the cafeteria.

But after going to the cafeteria and the kitchen, Xu Weiguo was not seen.

"Comrades working in the kitchen at the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill, our investigation team received a report that Xu Weiguo was suspected of harassing other lesbians when he was in Tongzhou."

Bi Xueqing hasn't finished speaking yet.

Nan Yi, who was sitting in the back kitchen holding a teapot and drinking water, stood up.

"Comrades of the investigation team, you want to investigate Xu Weiguo, right? I know this man very well. I heard many female comrades talk about him when I was in the machine repair shop."

"Where are the people from Xu Weiguo now?"

"They are probably in the machine repair shop now, probably looking for Liang Ladi."

After hearing this, Bi Xueqing thanked Nan Yi and then led the investigation team to the machine repair shop.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at the machine repair shop, he saw Xu Weiguo who was planning to attack Liang Ladi.

"Director Bi, this is Xu Weiguo we have met before."

"Handcuff him and take him back to the street office."

"I understand, Director Bi."

Two members of the investigation team went up, controlled Xu Weiguo, and handcuffed him directly.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? I am the canteen director of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill."

"Xu Weiguo, stop yelling here. You know what you did over there in Tongzhou. You took people away."

"Comrades from the investigation team, please wait a minute."

Just as Chen Qing was about to take the person away, he heard a voice coming from behind.

Liu Feng was in poor health. After running for two steps, he was gasping for breath. When he ran in front of the investigation team, he couldn't help but put his hands on his knees and gasp for air.

"Comrade of the investigation team, I am Liu Feng, the director of the machine repair shop. When stationmaster Xu was at the grain station, he was very dedicated. Our machine repair shop had no shortage of food even during the famine years."

When Xu Weiguo heard Liu Feng begging for mercy on his behalf, he hurriedly said to Bi Xueqing.

"Yes, I have been working conscientiously and responsible for the comrades workers over the years to ensure that the comrades workers can eat food."

"Isn't it a lesbian who is responsible for comrades who work for them and is a lesbian who ruins machine repair shops and grain depots?"

"Director Liu, I have received several letters of complaint from lesbians in the machine repair factory and the grain station. You were the director of the machine repair factory before. There are so many lesbians in your factory who were harassed by Xu Weiguo. Don't you, the factory director, not know at all? Is it love? Or do you know that you didn’t report it and were colluding with him? "


Liu Feng himself has quite upright ideological and moral character.

However, he was aware of Xu Weiguo's improper lifestyle, and had even received reports from lesbians in the factory.

It's just that he originally had a harmonious character.

Every time a lesbian reported him, he was right there having sex with her.

"Take people away."

Now that there is no evidence, Bi Xueqing will naturally not take Liu Feng away, and she also knows that Liu Feng cannot escape.

If the investigation reveals that this matter is really related to Liu Feng, it will not be too late to come back and arrest Liu Feng.

Now Liu Feng no longer dares to stop Bi Xueqing.He could only watch Bi Xueqing take the person away.

It didn't take long for the entire Red Star Rolling Mill to know about the arrest of the newly transferred people from the machine repair shop.

Liu Feng went to Guo Chengsong's office again.

Although Guo Chengsong was proud in his heart, his face was very serious.

"Comrade Liu Feng, regarding the matter of Liu Hua and Xu Weiguo, we must quickly report the criticism to the entire audience. Otherwise, it will be too late for us to deal with it after the investigation team has finalized the matter."

What else can Liu Feng do at this time?
Before he came, he had already inquired that this investigation team would never arrest anyone without evidence.

Those who were arrested before were all sentenced in the end, and none of them were arrested by mistake.

So now, whether it is for the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill or for himself, it is the best choice to draw a clear line with Liu Hua and Xu Weiguo in time.

"Okay, Comrade Guo Chengsong, I'll do as you say."

It didn't take long for the entire Red Star Rolling Mill to remember the radio again.

"Dear comrades workers of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill, we are broadcasting a notice. Liu Hua, the former Administrative Section of the Mechanical Repair Plant, and Xu Weiguo of the Dongjiao Grain Station were transferred to our factory during the inspection period. They were reported for major violations of regulations and disciplines and have now been specially assigned to the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant. The investigation team took them away, and the leaders of the Red Star Rolling Mill discussed and decided to give the two men the punishment of expulsion. If the majority of factory employees know of other violations of regulations and disciplines by the two, please report it to the Security Department of the Red Star Rolling Mill in a timely manner."

After hearing this broadcast.

At this time, Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang, who were working as cooks in the cafeteria of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill, couldn't help but feel excited.

They were originally planning to frame a person who was transferred from the machine repair shop.

Originally, they had set their target on Liu Minggan, who looked honest and honest.

But he didn't expect that without them being framed, the people who were transferred from the machine repair shop would be arrested directly, and two of the leaders were arrested.

The two people were smoking cigarettes in the back kitchen warehouse of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill, and started talking happily.

"Zhang Qiang doesn't need us to take action now. The two leaders of the machine repair shop have been arrested. I'm afraid the Metallurgical Bureau's trust in the machine repair shop is not that high."

"Yeah, maybe the machine repair shop will transfer them. These people will go back wherever they came from. In two days, they will pack up and go back to the eastern suburbs."

Both of them were daydreaming proudly at this time.

When Xu Weiguo was sentenced, Nan Yi was driven back to the Dongjiao Machine Repair Factory.

The two of them will have the opportunity to become leading cadres in the kitchen of the cafeteria of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

But what they didn't know was that the large-scale personnel transfers at the Red Star Rolling Mill and the Dongjiao Mechanical Repair Plant were not just because there were so many criminals at the Red Star Rolling Mill.

It was also because senior employees from the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill were to be transferred to cooperate with the testing of the 10-kilowatt hydroelectric power generation equipment in the Tongzhou Grand Canal.

Therefore, no matter what happens again, large-scale personnel exchanges at the Red Star Rolling Mill and Machine Repair Shop will definitely be carried out.

Soon, Bi Xueqing took Xu Weiguo and Liu Hua back to the Nanluo Subdistrict Office.

He asked the patrol team to put the two of them into the detention room first.

When Lin Chen saw Bi Xueqing coming back, he reported to Bi Xueqing the interrogation of Zhang Cuihua.

"Director Bi Zhang Cuihua explained everything. This is the confession written by Zhang Cuihua."

Bi Xueqing took the record handed over by Lin Chen, read it over and said to Lin Chen.

"Okay, you will write a summary report later. It must be written in detail. After all, the case solved this time is a case before the founding of the People's Republic of China. It has great propaganda significance and cannot be sloppy anywhere."

(End of this chapter)

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