Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 114 Yu Li and Yan Jiecheng divorce

Chapter 114 Yu Li and Yan Jiecheng divorce
After the liberation of the capital, there was a long period of time dedicated to checking unjust, false and wrongful cases before the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Now in 66, if the unjust cases before the founding of the People's Republic of China can be solved, it can be publicized as an achievement.

Naturally, Bi Xueqing would not let this opportunity pass by.

"I understand, Director Bi, I will write a report right now."

After Bi Xueqing finished arranging tasks for Lin Chen.

So he took people to interrogate Xu Weiguo and Liu Hua.

The two of them were originally leaders in Tongzhou.

Now he was handcuffed and put in the interrogation room.

Later, the lesbians brought from Tongzhou by the sub-district office who had been harassed by them also came forward one by one to testify.

What can Xu Weiguo and Liu Hua say now?You can only honestly admit your sins.

After both of them confessed, the patrol team sent them to the Nancheng District Detention Center during the day of the next day.

Let them wait to be judged by the law.

Lin Chen also reported the materials he had written to Bi Xueqing on the second day. There were two reports. One was about Zhang Cuihua's murder of her husband, and the other was a criticism of the three elders in the Red Star Courtyard for engaging in clanism. .

In fact, in the early 60s, the sub-district offices in Beijing began to demand the abolition of stewards.

The election of the chief steward in the compound was originally a policy implemented when the capital was first liberated to prevent enemy agents from mingling with the people.

Later, in the early 60s, when the overall environment was basically stable, neighborhood committees began to be used to ban the bosses.

Bi Xueqing took the two materials written by Lin Chen.

After reading it for a few minutes, he asked Lin Chen to give these materials to the publicity person running the publicity stall in the street.

After all, now the entire street, including Bi Xueqing, needs to write promotional materials and then submit them to higher-level units.

Lin Chen then sent the promotional materials to the promotional stall.

At the same time, Yu Li also came to the subdistrict office with various personal documents and Yan Jiecheng's marriage certificate.

At that time, marriage and divorce matters were still under the jurisdiction of the street office.

At this time, Yu Li was completely helpless.

There are too many criminals in the Yan family.

Three of them have been arrested now.

She and Yan Jiecheng originally planned to report He Daqing to get commendation, but in the end He Daqing was only detained for a few days without being sentenced, and the street did not give them any commendation.

Two days ago, the leader of the garment factory went to talk to Yu Li again. Later, Yu Li's sister Yu Haitang also went to see Yu Li.

Because Yu Haitang had the opportunity to compete for the publicity committee member of the Publicity Section of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill, but she was also afraid that others would use the fact that her brother-in-law was a criminal to attack her.

So I went to my sister's place to rub it in.

I hope Yu Li can go through the divorce procedures with Yan Jiecheng.

Yan Jiecheng was originally unwilling to get a fake divorce from Yu Li, but now the situation has come to this point.

Yan Jiecheng is no longer a clerk in the factory. He is just a cleaner in the factory. His monthly salary is only 18 yuan. If Yu Li loses her job, their family's life will be completely impossible.

So the two of them had no choice but to go to the subdistrict office and the Civil Affairs Section of the subdistrict office.

The two filed for divorce together.

However, formal approval will have to wait until 20 days later.

Many clerks in the subdistrict office also knew about the situation.

After Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li left, they couldn't help but start talking in low voices.Especially Zhang Cheng, who has been working for three or four years and has never dated anyone.

Looking at Yu Li's appearance, she was naturally envious.

Looking at the background of Yu Li walking away, he said from behind.

"This is really like a flower stuck in cow dung. How could such a beautiful lesbian marry into the Red Star Courtyard and marry into a family with three criminals?"

"Zhang Cheng, are you having some crooked ideas? Look at your weight of over 200 pounds. Even if a lesbian is divorced, will she fall in love with you?"

"What are you talking about? After all, I am a clerk in the street office, and my monthly salary is 37 yuan."

"I heard that Comrade Yu Li's parents work both ways. Her younger sister is a broadcaster at the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill, and she also works in a garment factory. Do you think he values ​​your salary of 37 yuan a month? Let me say that it's worth it. Our Captain Lin is pretty much the same."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. How can our Captain Lin find someone who is married? Captain Lin has already reached the rank of second lieutenant in just over half a year. He may become a school officer in the future."

At this time, Lin Chen happened to come out of the Publicity Department.

Then he heard someone talking about him, so he coughed twice.

A group of patrol members who were talking quietly turned their heads and looked back when they heard the sound. They stopped talking when they saw Lin Chen.

"What were you talking about just now?"

Lin Chen asked, everyone was silent for a while, and finally Zhang Cheng spoke.

"Captain Lin, just now Yu Li and Yan Jiecheng from Red Star Courtyard came over to get divorced. We felt that Yan Jiecheng was really not good enough for Yu Li. He comes from a family of criminals and ended up marrying such a beautiful lesbian."

"Oh, that's what happened."

Lin Chen thought that the divorce between the two would not be a bad thing for Li.

After all, Yan Jiecheng had that problem and there was no way for Yu Li to be pregnant with a child.

"Captain Lin, Chu Ming just said that Yu Li is a perfect match for you. Are you saying that he is chewing on other people's opinions behind their backs?"

Zhang Cheng thought about what others had just laughed at him, so he took this opportunity to file a complaint.

"Zhang Cheng, don't be so slanderous. I just said you're not worthy of that lesbian? Captain Lin, don't believe him. He's talking nonsense."

"If you have so much free time, why not patrol the streets more often."

Lin Chen was a little too lazy to pay attention to these people's gossip here, and went directly back to his captain's office.

When it was time to get off work, I went back to the Hongxing Courtyard. As soon as I returned to the compound, I saw Yu Li packing her things and walking out in the front yard.

Although Yu Li and Yan Jiecheng had a fake divorce.

But if they don't even move out of the courtyard, but they get divorced and still live together, this kind of thing will inevitably be reported by other people in the courtyard.

So Yu Li had no choice but to move out of Hongxing Courtyard first.

As a result, he bumped into Lin Chen at the door.

"Comrade Lin Chen."

"Comrade Yu Li, you have to move out now."

Yu Li nodded towards Lin Chen and said nothing more, just took her luggage and went out.

When Lin Chen continued walking back through the main courtyard, he saw Yang Xiaodong coming from the machine repair shop and helping Qin Huairu twist his clothes.

Each of the two people grabbed one end of the clothes and was twisting it hard.

Qin Huairu lowered her head when she saw Lin Chen coming over. After all, there were too many criminals in the family, so she was still a little panicked when she saw the patrol team.

(End of this chapter)

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