Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 119 Nanyi moves to Red Star 4 Courtyard

Chapter 119 Nanyi moves to Hongxing Courtyard

But there was really no choice. Liang Ladi instantly felt empty in her heart, and she didn't even feel like sharing the dried tofu.

After Nanyi found out about the situation from Liang Ladi, he ran to the office of acting factory director Liu Feng.

"Director, I have something to tell you."

Liu Feng looked up and saw Nan Yi, telling him to take a breath and stop being so anxious.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Take your time."

Nan Yi took a breath, and after finishing his words, he opened his mouth.

"Director, I want to move to the Red Star Courtyard. I heard that there are still a few vacant rooms waiting to be rented out. Do you think I can move there?"

Liu Feng was a little surprised as to why he suddenly wanted to move to a place where there were so many criminals.

"Why do you suddenly want to move there?"

Nan Yi scratched his head in embarrassment. It was impossible for him to say that he went there because he wanted to get close to Ding Qiunan.

"Aren't there a few workers in the back kitchen of our factory who live there? I thought that if I moved there, I could develop a relationship with them and exchange daily experiences with them, which would also be good for my own work."

"I think it would be more convenient to live together with other comrades in the kitchen, and it would be easier to manage them. Besides, living together can also improve the relationship between revolutionary comrades among us, right?"

Liu Feng nodded after listening. Young people today are so good and they are so attentive to their work.

Since Nan Yi has this idea, how could he, the factory director, disagree.

"If you think about it, then of course I have no objection."

Without saying anything, Liu Feng signed the letter of introduction for renting a house to Nan Yi and handed it to Nan Yi.

Nan Yi took the letter of introduction and didn't jump up excitedly until he walked out of the factory director's office.

In this way, Ding Qiunan is one step closer, and he feels more motivated.

Waiting in the kitchen for get off work to get off work was almost like a year. Finally, when it was time to get off work, Nan Yi picked up his bag and rushed out.

I hurried to the Nanluo Subdistrict Office.

After waiting for about ten minutes, it was finally my turn.

The people in the household registration department were a little strange after reading Nanyi's procedures.

"The place you live in now is quite good. Why do you suddenly want to move to this yard?"

Nan Yi smiled when he heard the person from the household registration department ask.

"Most of my colleagues at work are in this courtyard, and my two apprentices are also here. I thought it would be more convenient for us to go in and communicate about work matters."

"My two apprentices and I just came here, and we must be somewhat unfamiliar with each other. It would be safer to live together."

After hearing this reason, the comrades in the household registration department still frowned. It is a good thing for young people nowadays to make progress in their work.There is something really difficult to describe in this courtyard.

"Are you sure you have thought about it? Several criminals have been shot dead in this yard before."

"And there have been quite a few criminals in this yard. No one wanted to live in a house where criminals lived before and now."

Comrades from the household registration department also kindly reminded Nan Yi.

After all, the people in the household registration department know how much rumors are going on in this courtyard. They cannot just watch a person and then jump into the fire pit.

"It doesn't matter. As long as I am upright and don't become a criminal, no one can interfere with me."

"Besides, the factory director has already agreed to this matter, so you can do it for me as soon as possible." Nan Yi shook his head. No matter what happened now, there was no way to stop him from moving to the Hongxing Courtyard and living with Ding Qiunan. A piece of determination.

Isn't it just that there are more criminals? If you move there by yourself, no one can stop you as long as you don't get any interference.

Nan Yi wished he could move everything to the courtyard tonight.You can live next door to Ding Qiunan tonight.

For this reason, Nan Yi specifically told the comrades in the household registration department that he would live in a house closest to Ding Qiunan.

"Okay, then just wait a while and I will complete the procedures for you."

Ten minutes later, Nan Yi happily jumped out of the Nanluo Subdistrict Office with the contract in hand.

It happened that Lin Chen was also walking inside, and he was a little surprised as to why Nan Yi appeared here.

"Captain Lin!"

Nan Yi couldn't help but feel happy, and even said hello happily after seeing Lin Chen.

But I was really worried, so I hurried home to move my things. I just said hello and ran away immediately.

After Lin Chen finished dealing with it, he went in and asked his colleagues in the household registration department.

"Nanyi actually wants to move to the Red Star Courtyard?"

Lin Chen was also very shocked after hearing this. After all, everyone disliked their yard, and he didn't expect that there would be people rushing to move in.

No wonder he was so happy when he saw Nan Yi just now. It turned out that he had given away something that was on his mind.

"Yes, I really don't know what this comrade is thinking. He actually wants to move to a place where there were so many criminals before."

"I tried to persuade him no matter how hard I tried, but he wanted to move there. I had no choice but to go through the procedures for him."

"And it's a long-term lease. I really don't understand what this comrade is thinking."

"But since he must go, then we can't say much, so we have to do it for him."

Later, the comrade from the household registration department felt that he had said something wrong again and hurriedly apologized to Lin Chen.

"Captain Lin, I'm not talking about you, I'm just saying that under your leadership, I am deeply impressed that the courtyard can be managed so well now."

"Your heroic deeds have long been spread here. After all, who doesn't know that you have arrested many criminals in the courtyard in a short period of time?"

Colleagues from the household registration department also looked at Lin Chen with admiration.

Lin Chen waved his hand, indicating that it was okay.

Lin Chen naturally knew in his heart that Nan Yi had fallen in love with Ding Qiunan a long time ago. Anyone who was not a fool could tell it at a glance at the speed at which Nan Yi ran towards the courtyard.

I didn't expect it to go so fast, and I was already ready to move to the yard.

And it was Nan Yi, who was also very fast and resolute in chasing the little girl.

There was no life in that yard, so adding one more person would be no problem.

One more person can make the courtyard more lively.

After all, Nanyi is still a cook in the steel rolling mill, so moving in will undoubtedly bring good news to those of them who can't cook.

It's obviously a good thing to be able to eat some good food from time to time in the future.

Lin Chen naturally didn't reject it in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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