Chapter 120 Ran Qiuye was reported

Lin Chen was still chatting with the comrades in the household registration department.

Then he heard rapid footsteps coming from behind.

He turned his head and looked back.

Then he saw Zhang Cheng running over.

Zhang Cheng ran to Lin Chen and said to him while panting.

"Captain Lin, Director Bi invited you to come to the office. It seems that he has something to tell you."

Lin Chen nodded, and then set off to Bi Xueqing's office.

1 minute later.

Lin Chen arrived at the door of Bi Xueqing's office, knocked on the door, then opened the door and walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Bi Xueqing looking at documents at her desk.

I was thinking to myself, could it be that the superior leaders have issued some new policies?

"Director Bi, is there something wrong? You called me over in such a hurry."

Bi Xueqing looked at Lin Chen, and for a moment she didn't know how to speak.

Today, the documents from the superiors came down, and the punishment for Ran Qiuye's parents was also decided. Even the commissioner who had just been sent to deliver the documents gave Bi Xueqing several letters of report to report on Ran Qiuye. The report was that Ran Qiuye was not serious in teaching and was perfunctory with students. It is a human crime, and Bi Xueqing also knows that if this kind of crime is investigated in depth, there will always be some culprits.

At this time, Bi Xueqing also mistakenly thought that Lin Chen and Ran Qiuye had that kind of relationship, so it was even more difficult to speak.

Lin Chen looked at Bi Xueqing, but looked at herself without saying anything.

Being looked at like this all the time made me feel a little numb in my back for a while.

"Director Bi, why are you just looking at me and not speaking? It makes me so nervous."

Bi Xueqing sighed and handed the document in her hand to Lin Chen.

"See for yourself, Ran Qiuye and her parents have been convicted. Now the patrol team is required to seal off the house next to their home."

"Ran Qiuye was also reported for not teaching seriously and misleading students."

"Now Ran Qiuye's job is probably no longer guaranteed."

"Later, we will arrange for her to sweep the streets."

Bi Xueqing felt a little regretful. After all, Ran Qiuye was still young, and it was always inappropriate for a young woman to show her face on the street all day long.

Besides, Ran Qiuye was a teacher by training, so being asked to sweep the streets was a bit unqualified.

After Lin Chen read the documents in his hand, he nodded. Although he felt sorry in his heart, there was nothing he could do.

"This is the best arrangement. Although sweeping the streets is tiring, it's also a good thing since this matter doesn't involve her."

Things have developed like this, and everything you are doing is in vain. It is better to accept the reality calmly.

"By the way, the only thing I can do is to let Ran Qiuye live in the Red Star Courtyard after he has completed his education in the street."

After all, Bi Xueqing also knew that there was some relationship between Lin Chen and Ran Qiuye.

Being able to arrange Ran Qiuye to the Red Star Courtyard is her greatest ability now.

Instead, she looked at Lin Chen and found that he didn't react much.

Lin Chen didn't have much of that feeling towards Ran Qiuye.

Lin Chen just couldn't bear to see good people like Ran Qiuye fall into such a miserable situation and let them suffer for no reason.

Lin Chen believed that it took a lot of effort for Bi Xueqing to be able to do this. After all, he knew how difficult it was now. "You may have to lead the patrol to do this. If you let someone else do it, I'm afraid it won't work out well. I still trust you."

Bi Xueqing was also afraid that if someone else was allowed to go, Lin Chen would feel uncomfortable if something bad happened.

Lin Chen smiled, knowing in his heart that Bi Xueqing must have misunderstood.

But he didn't want to explain too much.

"I know, Director Bi, I'll take people there right away."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he turned around and prepared to go to the patrol team to call someone. Then he followed Bi Xueqing's instructions and took Ran Qiuye to the street office so that she could receive criticism and education, write a self-criticism, and reflect on her mistakes.

But she was just about to turn around and go out.He was stopped by Bi Xueqing again.

"Comrade Lin Chen, please wait a moment."

Lin Chen turned around again when he heard Bi Xueqing calling him.

"Director Bi, is there anything else?"

Now that Lin Chengang has been commended by his superiors for writing good promotional materials, he is likely to be promoted to the police rank.

But now Ran Qiuye has also been determined.

Bi Xueqing had no intention of forcing Lin Chen and Ran Qiuye to separate.

But she also felt that as Lin Chen's leader, the director of the sub-district office, it was necessary to tell Lin Chen about the seriousness of this matter.

If he reminds him what choice he should make, it has nothing to do with him.

With this thought in her mind, Bi Xueqing looked at Lin Chen and said.

"Lin Chen, as the street director, I still want to remind you of some things. Now that Ran Qiuye's problem has been determined, and the report of her not being serious in teaching has also been verified, you have to think clearly in your mind. , if you really choose to be with Ran Qiuye, then it will be you who will affect your future."

"Ran Qiuye has no future now, but you can't. You still have a great future, but you are different. You have just been commended by your superiors."

"If I really chose Ran Qiuye, I would actually feel a little regretful in my heart."

Bi Xueqing decided to persuade Lin Chen in a serious and thoughtful way, not to be impulsive and confused, and take the wrong path.

Just now, Lin Chen felt a little uncomfortable because of Ran Qiuye's incident, but now, Bi Xueqing's words to persuade him because she misunderstood his relationship with Ran Qiuye made him want to laugh inexplicably.

"Director Bi, I think you must have misunderstood. These worries of yours are all unnecessary. Don't worry, I know what's going on and will consider it carefully."

After Bi Xueqing heard Lin Chen's words, she just nodded silently. She also knew that there were some things that were hard to persuade. Today's talk was about it. Lin Chen's choice was his own business.

"Okay, then you go ahead."

"I understand, Director Bi."

After saying that, Lin Chen turned around and left, then went to the street patrol team to call someone.

About ten minutes later, Lin Chen led a patrol team downstairs to Ran Qiuye.

Ran Qiuye was already ready to sit at home and wait for the people from the street office to come.

Yesterday, the school leaders asked her to go home and reflect.

Ran Qiuye's parents had long been sent to the countryside to teach, so Ran Qiuye thought that it would be okay if she also went to the countryside to teach.

Anyway, I teach students everywhere, so there is nothing different.

At this moment, the footsteps of a group of people came from the door of Ran Qiuye's house, followed by a knock on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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