Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 12 The captain promised to apply for promotion for Lin Chen, and the workshop workers came t

Chapter 12 The captain promised to apply for promotion for Lin Chen, and the workshop workers came to the street office to thank Lin Chen
When Wu Xiuying said these words, she deliberately looked pitiful.

But when Lin Chen saw this look, he had no sympathy at all.

Just because of the things the deaf old lady did in the courtyard, she was not worthy of pity.

In the original drama, the deaf old lady relies on her elders and shows her support. No matter what happens, she will only favor He Yuzhu.

And now Lin Chen knew about the deaf old lady blackmailing the residents of the courtyard.

Then it would be even less possible to pity her.

"Wu Xiuying, you want someone to take care of you until you die, so you blackmail the residents of the courtyard? Are you going to rely on your old age and use your seniority to dominate others in the courtyard?"

Wu Xiuying said that she had difficulties. Don't the other residents in the courtyard have difficulties?

"I know I made a mistake. Leader of the patrol, please give me a chance to change my ways."

"If you take the initiative to explain the circumstances of the crime, we will report it to the superior unit. However, it is also impossible for us to conceal the fact that you extorted other residents and illegally sold food stamps."

Ten minutes later, Bi Xueqing and Lin Chen left the interrogation room.

Bi Xueqing looked at Lin Chen and said.

"Comrade Lin Chen, you deserve the most credit for solving the three cases in the past few days. I will apply for credit from my superiors."

Bi Xueqing also did not expect Lin Chen, a member of the patrol team who had just graduated from the police academy a year before becoming a full-time member of the street office.

Actually, three major cases were solved at once.

Among them, Jia Gen's case and He Yuzhu's case were directly attributed to Lin Chen.

"Captain Bi, this is the credit of all of us. I wouldn't dare."

"Whoever gets the credit deserves the credit. If a full-time police officer participates in directly solving major crimes, his police rank can be directly promoted."

"The He Yuzhu case involving a total amount of 2000 yuan, and the Jia Geng and Wu Xiuying cases involving a few hundred yuan are all due to you. I hope you can directly promote them to two levels of street police. I will earn more from the higher-level leadership units." Take it.”

Bi Xueqing became the captain of the patrol not only by her looks and family background, but also by some means of winning people's hearts.

"Thank you, Captain Bi, but I have something else to do."

"Comrade Lin Chen, what can you do?"

"Captain Bi, what should I do with Wu Xiuying's illegal gains?"

When Bi Xueqing heard Lin Chen ask Wu Xiuying, she was silent for a few seconds and said.

"If Wu Xiuying commits such a crime, her qualifications as a five-guarantee household will naturally be cancelled, and all her illegal gains will be confiscated."

"Captain Bi, can you please apply to your superiors? Wu Xiuying has extorted many residents of the courtyard house before. Can you give priority to compensation to the residents who were blackmailed by her? After all, it is really not easy for those people."

When Bi Xueqing heard what Lin Chen said, her beautiful eyes looked into Lin Chen's eyes.

She originally thought that the reason why Lin Chen did these things was to transform from an ordinary full-time police officer to a police officer.

But now that he has agreed to help him apply for meritorious service, he can still think of the residents on the street.

Bi Xueqing's affection for Lin Chen increased even more.

After a few seconds, Bi Xueqing spoke.

"I will apply to my superiors for this matter."

After Bi Xueqing left, Lin Chen checked the memory of the original owner in his mind.

Then I learned that the police system in this world is divided into two categories, 6 levels and 17 levels.

And the reason why Lin Chen is now called a member of the street patrol team is.It's because he is not considered a policeman at all now.

He now belongs to the lowest rank of 17-level full-time civilian police private.

Only after reaching the rank of police sergeant at level 15 can one be considered a civilian police officer.

In fact, He Yuyu's so-called little policeman boyfriend is actually a full-time police officer at the lowest level.

According to the standards for police rank promotion, generally upon expiration of the assessment period or significant meritorious performance, one can be promoted step by step.

But the problem is that Lin Chen has not yet entered the police system, so Bi Xueqing said that she would try to help Lin Chen get promoted to two levels of police rank and become an official police officer at the subdistrict office.

Although Lin Chen arrested criminals just to fulfill his duties and mission.

Uphold justice and fairness.

However, it is good to be promoted to a police rank after all. Becoming a formal policeman will also help him catch criminals.


a few hours later.

It's time to get off work.

When Lin Chen left the subdistrict office, he saw several people wearing the clothes of employees of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

Several people came over after seeing Lin Chen.

"This comrade must be Comrade Lin Chen from the street patrol team. We are workshop workers at the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill."

"I am Lin Chen, what do you want from me?"

"Comrade Lin Chen, my name is Liu Zhigang, and these two are my co-workers, named Wang Jianqiang and Li Mingyuan. We came here specially to thank you."

"Comrade Lin Chen, thank you for arresting He Yuzhu, the beast who was working for the tiger in the factory."

"Comrade Lin Chen, we are all workers' representatives in the workshop. Many comrades in our workshop have been bullied by He Yuzhu. He bullied us workshop workers and leaders in the factory just because he was a chef. When the lesbian went to fetch food, he beat her more."

"When we comrade workers went to fetch vegetables, he fetched less. After arguing with him several times, he fetched even less. We reported it to the leaders in the factory, but the leaders ignored us."

"Yes, the food he provides to the female workers is too little for them to finish. But the food he provides to us workshop workers who do manual labor is pitiful."

"Comrade Lin Chen, now that you have arrested He Yuzhu, the other cooks at the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill have become honest and no longer dare to give our workshop workers less food."

Although Lin Chen arrested criminals, he only wanted to fulfill his responsibility and mission, and for the sake of justice and fairness in his heart.

But now I see that I have really helped many ordinary people, and I have also been thanked by these workshop workers.

After receiving positive feedback, Lin Chen felt that what he did was meaningful.

So Lin Chen looked at the three workshop workers and said.

"Brother worker, don't worry. If anyone bullies you again in the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill, the people in the security department will not care about me. Just come to the subdistrict office to find me. If I can't handle it, I will go to our captain." , if our captain can’t handle it, I’ll go find the leaders in the district.”

"Thank you, Comrade Lin Chen."

"Thank you, Comrade Lin Chen."

"Comrade Lin Chen, we originally planned to write you a letter of thanks to the sub-district office and ask the sub-district office to commend you, but we old men don't know a few words at all. This thank-you letter will have to go to the comrades in the Propaganda Department tomorrow. , let the comrades from the Publicity Department write it for us."

"Comrade Liu Zhigang, thank you. I have received your thoughts, but this letter of thanks is really unnecessary."

(End of this chapter)

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