Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 13 Lin Chen officially becomes a policeman, Qin Huairu wants to compensate 200 yuan

Chapter 13 Lin Chen officially becomes a policeman, Qin Huairu wants to compensate 200 yuan

Three days later, the Red Star Rolling Mill
While Qin Huairu was working in the workshop, she was called out of the workshop by Guo Jianhua, the director of workshop seven, and Liu Yuhua, a female workshop worker.

Although Guo Jianhua has always been interested in Qin Huairu.

But now Qin Huairu's son Banggan has committed that kind of case.

Naturally, Guo Jianhua can no longer protect Qin Huairu.

"Qin Huairu, you also have to consider the pressure faced by the leaders in the factory. Your boss did something like that. The factory leaders received letters of report against you every day, so they can only temporarily let you leave the steel rolling mill. ."

"Director Guo, please help me again and beg the factory leaders."

"Qin Huairu, it's useless to beg me. What your family did is too big. Moreover, your appointment itself is not in compliance with the regulations. How can you replace someone with seniority? Everyone else is Starting as an intern, the monthly salary is 18 yuan."

"Your salary has been 27 yuan since the beginning. You have received a lot more money than others over the years. You should be content."

"The police have also investigated clearly and found out that the scrap materials Jia Geng stole from the factory are worth 200 yuan. You have to pay the money, otherwise the factory leaders will not be able to issue a letter of understanding."

"Director Guo, my family is really in trouble!"

"Qin Huairu, you want to consider the factory leaders. If Jia Geng does not compensate for the things he stole, the factory will issue a letter of understanding. I am afraid that the factory leaders will also be criticized by the workers."

Qin Huairu felt numb after hearing this.

She had expected to lose her job.

But she didn't expect that she would have to compensate Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill for 200 yuan in damages.

Red Star Courtyard

"I heard that these three recent major cases were all solved by Comrade Lin Chen from the patrol team."

"He was the one who broke it, but Comrade Lin Chen is not a policeman yet, he is just an orderly."

"The amount of money involved in these three cases is not small. It is estimated that they will be promoted to police officers soon."

"Let me tell you, our courtyard should all be grateful to Comrade Lin Chen. If it weren't for Lin Chen, we would still have to pay filial piety money to that old immortal every month."

"Keep your voice down, don't let Yi Zhonghai hear it and say we don't respect the elderly."

The neighbors in the courtyard were discussing.

Then I saw Wang Dagang running in from the front yard.

He shouted while gasping for air.

"Everyone, hurry up and register at the street office. There is a notice posted at the street office. Anyone who has been extorted by Wu Xiuying can register at the street office. They will probably have to pay us compensation."

The residents in the courtyard became excited when they heard what Wang Dagang said.

They were already satisfied thinking that they would not be blackmailed by Wu Xiuying again in the future.

Now I never thought that I could get back the money that was extorted before.

"So we can get back the money we blackmailed before."

"Oh my God, this is really an eye-opener. I can buy two more kilograms of meat fillings for the Chinese New Year this year."

"Who says it's not the case? I have to take my old lady with me and calculate how much money Wu Xiuying extorted from our family."

The residents of the courtyard walked out of the courtyard one by one.

He happened to bump into Xu Damao who was coming back from outside.

Xu Damao was in a good mood at this time.

Xu Damao has been beaten by He Yuzhu since he was a child, and even suffered a serious waist injury from He Yuzhu.

Now that He Yuzhu was caught, Xu Damao was naturally proud.

So I bought seven taels of pork belly and planned to ask Lou Xiaoe to make him stir-fried pork belly with cabbage.

"Xu Damao, your family has also been blackmailed by a deaf old lady. You should quickly ask your wife to go to the street to register. After registration, Wu Xiuying will be compensated."

"I can still get the money I gave to the deaf old lady back, so I have to ask my Ezi to register as soon as possible."

Xu Damao thought to himself, this is a double happiness.

The bastard He Yuzhu was caught.

They can also get back the things that the deaf old lady extorted from their family.

But at this moment.Qin Huairu also entered the courtyard from the outside.

At this time, Qin Huairu's eyes were red and her expression was dull.

Xu Damao saw Qin Huairu like this.

Immediately I thought of the rumors in the factory today.

It seems that Qin Huairu is going to be fired from the factory.

He also had to compensate Banggeng for the money he stole from the factory.

In fact, Xu Damao was also thinking about Qin Huairu's body.

At this time, Qin Huairu's idea came into his mind.

Now that Qin Huairu's dog licker He Yuzhu has been caught, Qin Huairu's job is gone.

Xu Damao felt that he had a greater chance of success.

Jia family.

After Jia Zhang heard that Qin Huairu's job was about to be lost.

Suddenly he started crying again.

"This can't be done. My son died in the steel rolling mill. He died for the mill. Huairu goes away and we go to the factory director to argue."

"Mom, let's not go. The leaders of the factory have said that I will directly take over Jia Dongxu's position and replace his seniority. It is not compliant in the first place. If we go to make a fuss, we might lose all the extra money we have received over the years. All the money will be taken back."

"What should I do? What should I do?"

Mrs. Jia and Zhang also wanted to let Qin Huairu save more money over the years so that she could use it to marry Banggen in the future.

But I didn't expect that Qin Huairu would be fired directly from the factory.

"Mom, the factory also said that the factory security department and the street patrol team have investigated clearly. The scrap materials from the Red Star Rolling Mill that Jia Geng stole in the past two years were sold for a total of more than 80 yuan, worth more than 200 yuan. Let us Compensation will be based on the original price and 200 yuan will be paid to Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill."

"Every factory has opened your shop and asked you to pay 200 yuan. We won't pay you any more."

"Mom, I'm afraid it won't work if we don't pay compensation. If we don't pay compensation, the factory won't issue a letter of understanding, and our gangster's sentence will probably be longer."

Jia Zhang suddenly panicked.

"This can't be done, this can't be done. By the way, Sha Zhu is looking for Sha Zhu. Doesn't Sha Zhu like to take care of our family's affairs the most? Let him pay for it."

Qin Huairu did not expect that Jia Zhang had become insane because of the heavy blow.

"Mom, you forgot that Si Zhu has already been arrested by the people from the subdistrict office. He is suspected of stealing property from the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill and taking kickbacks. He will be shot."

Jia Zhang only remembered after hearing Qin Huairu's reminder.

The foolish Zhu who directly helped their family was about to die.

"I asked why I haven't packed lunch for so long."

1 month 2 day.

Subdistrict office commendation meeting.

Lin Chen was outstanding because of his outstanding performance in the Wu Xiuying case, the He Yuzhu case, and the Jia Geng case.

Officially awarded the rank of police corporal.

At this time, Chen Ming, who was still investigating the case in Hongshan Commune, was also awarded the rank of professional police officer.

The entire sub-district office has a total of 130 staff, of which about 100 are staffed.

There are only more than 40 civil servants in the establishment. Now that Lin Chen has become an official policeman, he is one of the more than 40 civil servants in the establishment.

At this time, all the street office clerks present applauded Lin Chen.

Lin Chen bowed and expressed his gratitude to everyone.

"Thank you to the country, to the organization, and to all the comrades in the sub-district office. I will definitely perform my duties as a policeman more seriously in the future, serve the sub-districts and the people, and I will definitely not let the organization down."

While the commendation meeting was being held for Lin Chen, Fawen Gang, the street clerk on duty in the street office hall, hurried in.

"Comrade Qin Chen and Comrade Chen Ming, who went to Hongshan Commune to investigate, are back and have a major case."

(End of this chapter)

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