Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 15: Buyers and bullies work together to buy and sell by force

Chapter 15: Buyers and bullies work together to buy and sell by force

"Mom, I understand. I will definitely find a way to get the letter of understanding from the factory. Mom, please let me get some food for Sophora japonica first."

Jia Zhang glanced at Qin Huairu, then at Huaihua and said.

"Okay, you can get her something to eat. She can just eat pancakes with sweet potato noodles as a loser. There is no need to get her two-way noodles. By the way, you can also steam a steamed bun with two-way noodles for me. This I've been stretching my arms for a long time and I'm exhausted. In two days, you can help me get some painkillers from Dr. Zhang in your factory."

While Jia Zhang was talking, she rubbed her arm where she had just used the feather duster, and slapped Qin Huairu with the feather duster for a long time.

Jia Zhang was angry, but her arms felt a little sore.

"Mom, I see."

Qin Huairu didn't dare to mess with Jia Zhang anymore, so she had to steam sweet potato flour pancakes for Sophora japonica.

Street Office

Chen Ming and Qin Chen investigated in Hongshan Commune for a long time.

Finally, I found some clues.

It turns out that Liu Degang, the nephew of Liu Benshan, the captain of the Hongshan Commune, teamed up with the buyers of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

They used threats and coercion to purchase various agricultural products from the villagers of Hongxing Commune at low prices.

The buyers of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill always go to the countryside with the film screening team.

Chen Ming and Qin Chen returned to the sub-district office and were about to report the situation to Captain Bi.

Only then did I learn that the street was holding a commendation meeting. Lin Chen had officially become a police officer in the street office because of his great contribution to the recent three major cases.

After Chen Ming learned about the situation, he was filled with envy.

After all, the entire sub-district office originally had only 4 police officers, but now Lin Chen only had 5 more.

But later Chen Ming also learned that he was also involved in the Jia Gen case and the He Yuzhu case because of his outstanding performance.

Got a level one promotion.

He was awarded the title of Professional Civilian Police Service Private.

The salary has also been increased to 32 yuan a month.

Chen Ming thought to himself that he had now discovered that the purchaser of the steel rolling mill colluded with the criminals in Hongshan Commune to forcefully buy the agricultural products of the villagers in the commune.

So he was thinking that maybe if this case was solved, he could continue to advance to the next level.

Became the 6th national police officer in the entire sub-district office.

Patrol Captain Bi Xueqing's Office
At this time, Lin Chen, Chen Ming, Qin Chen, Bi Xueqing, and witness Ma Jianhua from Hongshan Commune were present.

As soon as he entered the office, Bi Xueqing asked Ma Jianhua, a villager from Hongshan Commune who looked to be in his 50s or [-]s, to sit down quickly.

Then he looked at Chen Ming and asked about the case.

When Chen Ming heard Bi Xueqing's inquiry, he talked about the situation he investigated in Hongshan Commune.

"Captain Bi, we went to the countryside to investigate for many days, and finally we learned that every time the film team went to the countryside, they would bring a buyer from the Red Star Rolling Mill with them, and that buyer from the Red Star Rolling Mill teamed up with Liu Degang, the bully from the Red Star Commune. They worked together to force the villagers of Hongxing Commune to sell their agricultural products at low prices."

Chen Ming explained the general situation.

It also reflected Lin Chen's suspicion.

Lin Chen originally didn't think that Xu Da Maoguang would get so many benefits by going to the countryside to show a movie.

But he originally thought that Xu Damao was in the business of reselling grain.

But I didn't expect that he was a matchmaker, helping the tyrants to do evil, forcing innocent villagers to sell agricultural products at low prices.

In this case, the nature would be even worse.

Bi Xueqing was very angry after hearing this.

"These beasts, let them go to the countryside to show movies to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the people in the commune. They actually want to take advantage of the opportunity to enrich their own pockets and do such things to harm the people in the commune."

"Captain Bi, this is what some villagers from Hongshan Commune wrote about the agricultural products they were forced to sell. I have read it and the prices are far lower than the normal price."

Bi Xueqing took the small book handed over by Chen Ming.

After carefully looking at the details above, one after another villagers from Hongxing Commune wrote down the things they were forced to sell.There are domestic poultry, eggs, goose eggs, and all kinds of wild products, and the prices are indeed pitifully low.

After Bi Xueqing read it, her fists clenched in anger.

But at this time, Lin Chen looked at the old man who came back from the commune with Chen Ming and Qin Chen and said.

"Comrade from Hongshan Commune, may I ask you why you didn't report this to the commune captain?"

When Ma Jianhua heard Lin Chen say this, bitterness surged out of his chest.

"Comrade Lin Chen, the person who forced us to sell agricultural products is called Liu Degang. Liu Degang's uncle is Liu Benshan, the captain of our commune. How dare we go to his uncle to file a lawsuit against his nephew."

Everyone present understood everything as soon as they heard it.

The bully in Hongshan Commune is no ordinary bully.

He is still a bully with a background!

And there are so many testimonies signed by so many people in front of me.

Bi Xueqing and Lin Chen couldn't help but not believe it.

Bi Xueqing looked at Lin Chen and others and said.

"I will talk to Director Wang about this matter and ask her to report this matter to the district. Then we will catch the prisoner. Chen Ming, you and Qin Chen go to the Red Star Courtyard and catch Xu Damao."

"Lin Chen, call the rest of the patrol team. After Director Wang and I finish our report, we will go to the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill to arrest people."



ten minutes later.

Bi Xueqing walked out of Director Wang's office.

At this time, Chen Ming and Qin Chen had already set off to Hongxing Courtyard to arrest Xu Damao.

In addition to the street patrol team performing tasks, the 11 patrol team members have already assembled.

Lin Chen has also explained the situation clearly to the members of the patrol team.

The patrol team members were also very angry after hearing this.

They also knew that their captain had a background, so they had no worries about arresting the canteen director of the Red Star Rolling Mill.

"Captain Bi, we didn't expect that in a factory as big as the Red Star Rolling Mill, the canteen director would be such a beast."

"Captain Bi, I think we should apply to our superiors for a thorough investigation of the Red Star Rolling Mill. All the criminals in our neighborhood office these days are related to that factory."

"Captain Bi, although the canteen director of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill is the most evil, there are many people in the security department of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill. Can you let us in to arrest them?"

"Oh, why didn't I think about their security department?"

Originally, the entire patrol team planned to go directly to the factory and arrest Wang Jianhua, the back cook of the cafeteria of Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill, who had committed a crime.

But someone mentioned the security department of the Red Star Rolling Mill, and the patrol team suddenly woke up.

There are many more people in the security department of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill than in their patrol team.

People like them might not have been able to get in in the past, and they were immediately stopped by the people from the security department.

"Don't worry, everyone. I have my own way. Just follow me and arrest people. If anything happens, I will be responsible for it."

Bi Xueqing had already thought of a countermeasure.

After she goes there, the worst possible thing is to move her father out.

Pull the tiger's skin to make a banner.

Since Liu Degang from Red Star Commune could do this kind of thing to bully the villagers because he had an uncle who was a captain.

Then why is it unreasonable for her to carry her father out to arrest these criminals?

(End of this chapter)

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