Chapter 16 Arresting Xu Damao

Red Star Courtyard.

Cook early on rest days.

Many residents of the courtyard were washing vegetables on the sink, and some were carrying clothes that needed to be rinsed.

The residents in the courtyard washed their things and chatted.

"You said, can we return the things that the deaf old lady extorted from us?"

"I can definitely get it. If not, why do they ask us to go to the street to register?"

The aunts were chatting.

Then he saw He Yuyu walking past these aunts as if he had lost his soul.

After He Yuyu walked away, the aunts in the courtyard began to whisper again.

"He Yuzhu was captured. It was a big blow to He Yuzhu. He felt like he had lost his soul."

"He Yuzhu was not kind to Yuyu before. I heard that the money for Yuyu's schooling was earned by his work-study program."

"He Yuzhu has donated all his things to Qin Huairu, how can he still have money to take care of his sister? Rainwater is really pitiful. She used to be a pretty girl, but she looks sallow and thin from hunger."

"Have you heard? It seems that Qin Chen and He Yuyu from the patrol team in our street office have separated."

"Ah, didn't they all say they were going to get engaged? Why did they break up?"

"I'm a member of the street patrol team. If I get through the qualifications, I might become a regular policeman. He Yuyu's brother did that again. I must break up with He Yuyu!"

Several aunts in the courtyard were discussing, and an aunt glanced in the direction of the front yard.

Then I was stunned.

"Look, isn't that He Yuyu's previous partner?"

"Didn't he and He Yuyu break up? Why did he come here again?"

"I don't think he came here to look for He Yuyu. He probably came to arrest someone in our courtyard. Look, there is a patrol member following him."

A few ladies doing the laundry muttered something in a low voice.

Chen Ming and Qin Chen walked to the pool.

Chen Ming looked at a few aunts washing dishes and said.

"Aunts, please ask where Xu Damao from our courtyard lives."

"Xu Damao, the west wing in the backyard is Xu Damao's house."

"Thank you, auntie."

After Chen Ming finished speaking, he gave a look.

Then the two walked towards the backyard.

Several aunts saw two patrol members walking away through the hall.

He muttered again.

"Isn't it the one who arrested Xu Damao?"

"I don't think Damao is allowed to bring back so many sluts every time he goes to the countryside to play movies. It seems that this is evidence that he was caught by the street patrol team."

"He Yuzhu was arrested these days. Xu Damao has been celebrating for a few days. Now he will probably go in to accompany He Yuzhu."

"How about we go to the back and have a look."

"Okay, let's go back and take a look."

Xu Damao's house in the backyard of Hongxing Siheyuan.

There were several dishes on the dining table in the room, as well as a bowl of wine.

Only Xu Damao was sitting at the table, and Lou Xiao'ezi was cleaning the room behind him.

At this time, Xu Damao waved his chopsticks with both hands and hummed a tune.

"Why are the flowers so red? Why are they so red? They are as red as burning fire."

Listening to Xu Damao's humming song, Lou Xiao'e raised her eyes and glanced in his direction.

"Look at you, all your virtue has gone away, and you're still humming."

Xu Damao was ridiculed by Lou Xiao'e, but he wasn't angry at all.

"I'm happy, I'm glad you can take care of it."

"That bastard Silly Zhu has been fighting with me for all these years, but he was finally imprisoned. He deserves it." "Xu Damao, I'm just confused, why do you hate Silly Zhu so much."

Xu Damao naturally didn't want to talk about the time when his waist was broken by a fool when he was a child.

So I made up a lie.

"Just because Si Zhu is a criminal, I hate him. Just because he is a bad guy who eats workers' flesh and drinks workers' blood, I hate him."

As soon as Xu Damao finished saying this, the door to his house was knocked open.

Xu Damao was stunned and looked in the direction of the door.

Then I saw Chen Ming and Qin Chen, two members of the street patrol team wearing street patrol team uniforms.

"You two comrades from the patrol team, why are you here on this day off?"

"Xu Damao, you are suspected of breaking the law. We took you back to the patrol team for questioning on the order of Comrade Bi Xueqing, the captain of our patrol team. Come with us."

"My two comrades from the patrol team, I really haven't done anything illegal or criminal."

"Xu Damao, do you think we don't have any evidence of your illegal crimes? If you have any explanation, you can explain it when we get to the patrol team. Come with us first."

Chen Ming stepped forward and pushed Xu Damao onto the table.

Then he took out a copper bracelet from his waist.

The copper bracelet clicked and clicked on Xu Damao's wrist.

"Ezi, go find Deputy Director Li and Director Wang in the cafeteria."

When the original TV series first started, it was a month ago in this world.

Xu Damao just met Li Huaide of Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

When Chen Ming heard that Xu Damao wanted to move reinforcements, he immediately pulled the handcuffs as tight as possible.

"Xu Damao, we already have the evidence of your illegal crimes, but you still want to send reinforcements."

At this time, Xu Damao was already screaming in pain.

"The two leaders of the patrol team have something to say. Could you please loosen the handcuffs for me?"

"Follow us to the patrol station and I'll let you go."

Chen Ming and Qin Chen never gave Xu Damao a chance again.

He immediately dragged Xu Damao out of the house.

At this time, many residents of the courtyard had gathered outside the door of Xu Damao's house.

Seeing Xu Damao being dragged out, the residents gave way.

Because the patrol team had previously arrested the deaf old lady in the courtyard, they also promised to return the stolen money extorted by the deaf old lady from the residents of the courtyard.

Therefore, Chen Ming and Qin Chen of the patrol team did not stop the people from arresting Xu Damao from the courtyard this time.

They immediately asked the two of them to take Xu Damao away from the backyard.

After Xu Damao left, the aunts in the courtyard came over and asked about Lou Xiao'e.

"Lou Xiao'e, Xu Damao, what happened? Did he commit something? He was taken away by the patrol team."

Lou Xiao'e was also confused at this time.

"I don't know either. Xu Damao didn't take anything from home except some things that people from the countryside would bring home to thank him after showing movies."

"Then this is probably what happened. Every time Xu Damao brought so many things from the countryside, how could it be possible that the people in the countryside were the ones thanking him? Hongshan Commune also gave two chickens a few days ago, and there were so many wild products. , he just shows a movie, can the commune give him so many things?"

Someone raised their head, and other residents of the courtyard also said.

"Yeah, I thought it was strange that Xu Damao would come back with so many things every time he showed a movie. I didn't expect that he would be caught this time."

"Lou Xiao'e, don't be afraid. I guess it's not a big deal with Xu Damao. He'll probably be fine if he just pays for the things he took before."

The people in the courtyard comforted Lou Xiaoe.

Yan Bugui, who was standing outside the crowd, became nervous at this time.

Others in the courtyard did not know the situation, but he did.

Because he had taught in Hongshan Commune before, and he also helped introduce Xu Damao.

Xu Damao even gave him a lot of benefits every time he came back.

(End of this chapter)

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