Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 17 Arrest of Canteen Director and Purchaser

Chapter 17 Arrest of Canteen Director and Purchaser
Lou Xiao'e listened to everyone's persuasion, and then thought of what Xu Damao told her about going to the steel rolling mill to find the canteen director and Director Li.

In 1966, there were only seven legal holidays nationwide, including New Year's Day.

The reason why today is a rest day is because the second day of New Year's Day happens to be a rest day.

This afternoon, people in the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill canteen and some important positions already need to work.

According to regulations, the canteen director should be in the factory today.

Thinking of this, Lou Xiao'e immediately stood up.

After returning to the house, she took some silver cakes from the dowry box under her bed, then pushed the box back under the bed and hid it.

After tidying up, I left the house.

Residents in the courtyard just saw Lou Xiao'e suddenly enter the house and close the door, fearing that something would happen to her.

So I didn't leave and waited at the door.

Wait until Lou Xiao'e comes out again.

Many residents came forward and asked with concern.

"Lou Xiao'e, what happened to you just now?"

"Lou Xiao'e, don't worry, let's think of a solution together."

"I have something to do and I have to go out first. Everyone, please give way."

Lou Xiaoe is now going to Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill to find Director Wang of the cafeteria of Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

Naturally, there is no time to argue with the residents in the courtyard.

When the residents of the courtyard made way for her, Lou Xiaoe hurriedly ran out.

The entrance of the Red Star Rolling Mill.

Because it is the afternoon of the day before the working day.

So only people from the security department and the canteen came.

Bi Xueqing led the patrol team to the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

He was stopped by people from the security department of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

The security officer on duty looked at Bi Xueqing and others and asked.

"Comrades from the patrol team, what are you doing?"

"Comrade, I would like to ask if your comrades in the cafeteria are in the factory this afternoon?"

"Every comrade in the cafeteria is here today."

"We received the report and now need to enter the factory to investigate the case."

The people in the security department at the door became worried when they heard this.

Bi Xueqing had brought someone here before, and the secretary of the leader of the Metallurgical Bureau came with him. This matter was also spread in the Security Department.

Now everyone in the security department of the Red Star Rolling Mill also knows that the father of Bi Xueqing, the captain of the street patrol team, is the leader of the metallurgical system.

He is also the old boss of Director Yang of their factory.

"Captain Bi, our factory has regulations that prohibit outsiders from entering the factory without permission from our superiors."

"There is a major case. Director Bi of the Metallurgical Bureau asked me to come here. This matter cannot be delayed, otherwise it may affect the image of the entire steel rolling mill and the Metallurgical Bureau."

Bi Xueqing made up a lie.

After all, today is still a day off, and Bi Xueqing doesn't think anyone from the Red Star Rolling Mill can contact her father.

I thought I would find an excuse to go in and arrest Director Wang, and then kill him first and then show off.

The security officers at the door heard that it was Director Bi's order and knew that they had no control over this matter, so they looked at Bi Xueqing and said.

"Captain Bi, let's call our section chief for instructions."

"Okay, you go and ask for instructions."

After the security officer at the door finished talking to Bi Xueqing, he turned and returned to the guard room.

After arriving at the guard room, he called the head of the security department.

It didn't take long for the call to come through.

As soon as the phone call came through, the security section officer said to Xu Chenglin, the security section chief on the other end of the phone.

"Chief Xu, Captain Bi from the street patrol team is here. She said it was the order of Director Bi of the Metallurgical Bureau to come to our factory to investigate a major case. She also said that this case cannot be delayed, otherwise it will affect the image of the Red Star Rolling Mill and the Metallurgical Bureau. "We're here to investigate the case again. It's probably He Yuzhu's case again. So you go in to investigate first. I'll call Director Yang to see how he will handle it."

"Okay, Chief Xu."

After the security department member hung up the phone, he came out of the communication room at the door.

The security section chief had already agreed to let them go in to investigate, so the security section officers at the door naturally stopped blocking them.

The security officer who had just made a phone call walked up to Bi Xueqing and said.

"Captain Bi, our section chief said you can go in and investigate the case."

"Okay, excuse me, both comrades."

After Bi Xueqing finished speaking, she turned to look at the patrol members behind her and waved to them.

"Come on, let's go in and investigate."

Then the street patrol team followed Bi Xueqing into the Red Star Rolling Mill.

Lin Chen and Bi Xueqing had already visited the kitchen of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill once before.

So this time I came here and I was familiar with it.

Within a few minutes, we arrived at the back kitchen of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

After Lin Chen came in, he saw Ma Hua, Zhang Qiang, Liu Lan and others cleaning up the kitchen.

"Public Security Lin, Captain Bi."

Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang were stunned when they saw Lin Chen and Bi Xueqing, and they also stuttered a bit.

Liu Lan became even more nervous after seeing it.

After all, she herself was not clean. She was originally a worker in a workshop, and she rose to the top through her body.

After having a male-female relationship with Deputy Factory Director Li Huaide.

He was transferred from the heavy-working workshop to the back-end kitchen of the steel rolling mill where the work was light-hearted.

"Comrades from the kitchen of the steel rolling mill, we have received the report and have verified that Li Youwei, the buyer of the kitchen of the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant, and Wang Jianhua, director of the cafeteria of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Plant, are suspected of major crimes. We are here to take them back to patrol. team for interrogation.”

"Excuse me, are they at the Red Star Rolling Mill now?"

After Bi Xueqing finished asking, the chefs present were stunned again.

They knew that the street patrol team had previously arrested He Yuzhu, who was related to many leaders in the factory.

But I never dared to think that this time they would actually arrest Wang Jianhua, the director of their canteen, and Li Youwei, Wang Jianhua's confidant, the canteen purchaser.

You must know that in terms of rank, the canteen director of the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant is higher than the patrol leader of the street patrol team.

However, the cooks at the steel rolling mill also knew that this Bi Xueqing was no ordinary patrol leader.

After a while, Zhang Qiang opened his mouth.

"Li Youwei, the buyer from our canteen, just went to Director Wang's office, and Director Wang is also there."

2 minute later.

The members of the patrol team arrived at the door of Director Wang's office in the cafeteria.

After the two patrol members pushed open the door of the canteen director's office, other patrol members rushed in.

"do not move."

"Be honest."

After entering the house and seeing two criminals.

The patrol members were naturally not polite either.

He directly pressed Li Youwei and Wang Jianhua onto the table.

After taking out the copper bracelets, they cuffed them.

"What are you doing? I am the canteen director of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill. I am on the same level as the director of your neighborhood office. You still dare to arrest me."

"take away."

Bi Xueqing ignored Wang Jianhua's threat and just said two words lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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