Chapter 18 Interrogation of Xu Damao

After the patrol team escorted Director Wang and Li Youwei out of the kitchen of the steel rolling mill, they walked towards the entrance of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

There was no one in the factory on a holiday, so there was no panic along the way.

But when they arrived at the door, the people from the security department were frightened when they saw this scene.

They originally thought that the patrol team was going to finish the He Yuzhu case.

Unexpectedly, the canteen director and purchaser of their factory were arrested.

"Security Section, Security Section"

As soon as Wang Jianhua shouted a few words, the patrol team member gave him a slap in the face.

Wang Jianhua only became honest after being scratched.

But at this time, two comrades from the security department came over.

They looked at Bi Xueqing and asked.

"Captain Bi, what are you doing?"

"After reports, it has been confirmed that Wang Jianhua, director of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill canteen, and Li Youwei, the purchaser, are suspected of using public affairs for personal gain and seeking huge benefits through their positions."

"Comrades from the Security Section, haven't you asked your section chief for permission before? We are allowed to enter the scene and arrest people."

"If this matter is delayed, it will have irreparable reputational impact on both the Red Star Rolling Mill and the Metallurgical Bureau."

Bi Xueqing's words frightened the people in the security department.

Then don't give the other party time to react at all.

He said to the people on patrol behind him.

"Let's go, bring this person back to our patrol team."

"I understand, Captain Bi."

Then the people from the security department watched helplessly as Bi Xueqing took away the canteen director and the purchaser of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

Only after the person left did the security department respond.

This matter must be reported to Xu Chenglin, the chief of their security department, immediately.

Then the people from the security department hurried back to the communications room.

As soon as he arrived at the communications room, he called Xu Chenglin, the chief of the security department.

After getting through, the security officer hurriedly said to the other end of the phone.

"Section Chief Xu is in trouble. The patrol team took away the canteen director of our factory."

"What took away the director of our factory canteen?"

Xu Chenglin on the other end of the phone was also confused.

He didn't expect the patrol team to be so brave.

"The director of the cafeteria of our factory was arrested. They said that the director of the cafeteria was reported and his criminal behavior has been verified. If the director of the cafeteria is not arrested now, it will affect the image of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill and the Metallurgical Bureau. So we didn’t dare to stop him.”

After the security officer finished speaking, there was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time.

"You guys stay in the factory for now, I'm trying to find a way to contact Director Yang."

Xu Chenglin had just tried to contact Factory Director Yang, but no one answered Yang Aiguo's phone at home.

Now that he was on vacation, Xu Chenglin didn't know where to find someone.

"I understand, Section Chief Xu."

The patrol team escorted Director Wang and Li Youwei to the street office.

At this time, Lou Xiao'e was running to the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill with silver pancakes in her arms.

The two groups happened to meet on the road.

Lou Xiao'e was dumbfounded when she saw the scene in front of her.

"Director Wang!" Lin Chen said when he saw that the person in front of him was Lou Xiao'e.

"The patrol team is arresting people. Comrade Lou Xiao'e, please don't interfere with our arrest of the suspect."

Lou Xiao'e had no choice but to get out of the way at this time.

She was completely confused now.

Originally, I wanted to go to the canteen Director Wang to find a solution as Xu Damao said.

But now even Director Wang has been arrested.

At this time, many residents on the street also recognized him. The person arrested by the patrol this time was the canteen director of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

They started talking quietly on both sides of the road.

"Our patrol team is amazing. We dare to go head-to-head with the Red Star Rolling Mill."

"I've long heard that there are a lot of things going on in this factory that are smoky. It would be nice to have someone to rectify them."

"We arrested He Yuzhu some time ago, and now we have arrested the canteen director of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill. I guess those people in the factory who eat workers, eat their flesh, and drink their blood will have to be honest for a while."

After ten minutes.

The patrol team members had already brought Xu Damao, Wang Jianhua, and Li Youwei back to the street office.

The next task is to extract confessions from the three of them.

But now the people in the patrol team are worried.

The amount involved has been calculated before.

Based only on the pamphlet signed by the villagers of Hongshan Commune, it is estimated that the profits made by these three people were nearly a thousand yuan.

Once such a big case is confirmed, it will definitely be a capital crime.

Therefore, it is probably not easy to get them to take the initiative to plead guilty.

So Bi Xueqing looked at the other three police officers on the patrol and asked.

"What do you think about the interrogation of Xu Damao, Wang Jianhua, and Li Youwei?"

"Captain Bi, I think we can interrogate the three of them separately, and then tell them that as long as the first person to admit and report others can report his meritorious service, it may be possible to reduce his guilt. In this case, they will definitely rush to Reported."

Bi Xueqing nodded after listening to Lin Chen's opinion.

"Okay, Comrade Lin Chen, you and Comrade Chen Ming are responsible for interrogating Xu Damao. I and other police comrades will interrogate Wang Jianhua and Li Youwei."

"I understand, Director Bi."

ten minutes later.

trial room.

Xu Damao has been handcuffed on the interrogation chair.

At this time, Lin Chen and Chen Ming were already sitting opposite Xu Damao.

"Xu Damao, when you went to the countryside to show movies, did you unite with Liu Degang, the bully of Hongshan Commune, to force the villagers of Hongshan Commune to sell their agricultural products at low prices?"

"Leader of the patrol team, you can't frame people like this. I, Xu Damao, am just a movie player. How can I do these things? Even if you gave me ten more courages, I wouldn't dare!"

"Xu Damao, don't stay here, you are so glib. Villagers from Hongshan Commune have already come to report it, and this is a letter of complaint jointly signed by dozens of villagers from Hongshan Commune."

Lin Chen showed the report letter in front of Xu Damao.

Xu Damao was stunned for a moment, and then immediately showed an angry look.

"It turns out to be Liu Degang from Hongshan Commune. I didn't expect that he would do such illegal and criminal things and actually force the villagers to sell agricultural products at low prices. This is a deed of death. Comrades of the patrol team, you must punish that person severely. Liu Degang."

"Xu Damao, do you still want to act here? Every time the buyer of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill goes to the countryside with your film team, you don't know anything about it."

"I really don't know about any of the comrades in the patrol team. I just show the movie."

"Xu Damao, you said you only show movies, but after our investigation, we found that you get a lot of things every time you play movies. Some people even reported that you said in the compound that your income from going to the countryside to show movies is equal to Half a month’s salary for an eighth-level cook.”

(End of this chapter)

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