Chapter 152 Air Raid Shelter

Lin Chen, who came back from get off work at the Nanluo Street Office, heard the sounds of children playing inside as soon as he entered the Hongxing Courtyard.

Then Lin Chen thought that today was the day Jia Gen was released from prison.

So he quickly ran towards the middle courtyard.

After running to the middle courtyard, he saw Liang Ladi's San Mao riding on Jia Gen.

At this time, Er Mao and Xiu'er were punching and kicking Jia Gong.

As soon as the children saw Lin Chen coming back, they all dispersed.

Lin Chen looked covered in dirt, so Jia Gian said to him.

"Jia Geng, come to my house."

At this time, Jia Gang also knew that his mother and grandmother had probably been shot for breaking the law.

No one will give him money anymore.

So I could only follow Lin Chen to his room.

Because Ran Qiuye changed to work in the neighborhood committee, she got off work earlier than Lin Chen. Moreover, Ran Qiuye was also newly pregnant, so it was not inconvenient to move around.

At this time, he was cooking for Lin Chen.

It was naturally impossible for Lin Chen to keep Jia Gen at home.

Moreover, Qin Huairu also signed a consent form before she died.

Agree to send Jia Gan to the Children's Palace after he is released from prison.

So after Jia Gen sat down, Lin Chen looked at Jia Gen and explained the situation.

"Jia Gen, you may feel a little uncomfortable hearing what I'm telling you now, but you will definitely know these things in the future."

Lin Chen looked at Jia Geng and said nothing, although he felt that telling Jia Geng the truth was a bit cruel.

But this kind of thing has happened, and it is definitely impossible to hide it.

"Jia Geng is like this. Your grandmother Zhang Cuihua was reported as the murderer of your grandfather Jia Weiguo. Finally, through our investigation, it was confirmed that your grandmother Zhang Cuihua and He Daqing conspired to kill your grandfather Jia Weiguo, so In the end, the two of them were sentenced to death according to law and shot to death last year."

"He Yuzhu reported Qin Huairu. After our investigation, Qin Huairu was indeed suspected of encouraging He Yuzhu to steal a huge amount of public property, and also encouraged He Yuzhu to extort Yi Zhonghai. In the end, he was sentenced to death for several crimes. He was also sentenced to death last year. Got shot."

Jia Ge suddenly started crying.

He originally thought he would live a good life after being released from the juvenile detention center.

But I never thought that the reality was like this.

"Officer Lin, what should I do? You have to protect me from now on."

"Jia Gen, don't worry, your mother has signed the consent form. Now your sister Huaihua is in the Children's Palace. We will send you to the Children's Palace tomorrow."

After Jia Gen heard this, he was dumbfounded.

He really didn't expect that he would go to the Children's Palace again just after he came out of the juvenile detention center.

"Officer Lin, I beg you, please take me in and let me live in your home."

"Jia Gen, this is your legal guardian. We cannot go against your mother's decision."

Jia Gong then cried and begged several times, but Lin Chen rejected them all.

Banggeng rested at Lin Chen's house for the whole night.

On the second day, Lin Chen was sent to the Children's Palace.

More than ten days later, the final trial results came out regarding the cases of Yu Li and Yu Haitang.

In the end, the two men were only sentenced to excessive defense, and were only sentenced to reform through labor, but not to prison.

However, the two of them still have to compensate the Yan family 200 yuan.

After the verdict was handed down, Lin Chen went to see Yan Bugui.Yan Bugui was naturally very happy to know such news.

After all, this is already a blessing in misfortune.

However, since Yan Bugui is still in prison, the compensation will naturally be handled by Nanluo Street, which will help him save it first. After 10 years, Yan Bugui is released from prison, and then the money will be given to him.

In the days that followed, the Nanluo Subdistrict Office could be said to be calm, until October, when Ran Qiuye gave birth to a son for Lin Chen.

Following the naming convention of that era, the two people discussed and decided to name their son Lin Weidong.

Another two years passed, in 1969.

Yan Jiecheng and Yan Jiefang were eventually released early because of their good behavior in prison.

In the original TV series, Yan Jiefang once stole wood from air-raid shelters dug and built by street residents in 69.

This was a serious crime at the time.

If the amount stolen is relatively large, it is very likely that the person will be sentenced to death and shot directly.

After the two people were released from prison, they were placed in a back room in the Red Star Courtyard.

For two people to live in, a room is less than 10 square meters.

Because participating in going to the countryside requires a junior high school degree.

Both of them did not graduate from junior high school and were expelled from school because of illegal crimes.

Therefore, the two of them naturally do not fall into the category of going to the frontier to support education.

So the street arranged for them to clean the streets.

Two people were busy cleaning the streets for the day.

After returning home, they saw Lin Chen waiting for them at the door.

Now that air-raid shelters have begun to be built on Nanluo Street, the two brothers Yan Jiefang and Yan Jiekuang are going to steal wood from the air-raid shelters.

So I plan to come over today to give them a heads up.

When the two people saw Lin Chen standing at the door of his house, they could only nod and bow to say hello to Lin Chen.

"Hello, Captain Lin, hello Captain Lin."

"Yan Jiecheng, Yan Jiekang, I want to tell you something. The reason why you were able to get out of prison early was because you performed well in prison, so you received a reduced sentence."

"Now you are all suffering in it. After you come out, you must be a good person and never do anything illegal or criminal again. If you do anything illegal or criminal again, you will be dealt with severely."

"Now that we know Captain Lin, we will definitely not do anything illegal again."

"Captain Lin, believe us. After we have renovated it, we will definitely not do that kind of thing again."

Lin Chen gave a few more instructions before leaving Yan Jiecheng and Yan Jiekuang's home.

At this time, Lin Chen was still worried about another thing, which was the construction of air-raid shelters.

Building air-raid shelters is not a bad thing originally, but the problem is that the requirements of superior leaders are too much.

Many residents in other streets have demolished their sheds and furniture to build tunnels.

This has seriously affected the daily life of residents.

So Lin Chen planned to let the residents of Nanluo Street pretend first.

Then we will work together to find a way to buy some wood from the countryside and bring it to the city.

We can't really let the residents of Nanluo Street demolish their homes to build tunnels.

The next day, Lin Chen explained his intentions to each neighborhood committee in the street.

(End of this chapter)

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