Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 153 Yan Jiefang and Yan Jiekuang went to steal wood.

Chapter 153 Yan Jiefang and Yan Jiekuang went to steal wood.
Tunnels were built throughout the capital.

But Nanluo Street is relatively lax. Lin Chen contributed part of the money himself, and residents of other streets also chipped in part of the money.

Then I asked someone to go to Tongzhou to buy wood.

At that time, wood could still be sold in the Eastern Suburb Forest Park.

But what Lin Chen didn't know was that Qin Chen had reported everything he had done and sent it to Bi Xueqing.

So as soon as he went to work the next day, Lin Chen was called to Bi Xueqing's office by the clerk on duty.

After Lin Chen entered the office, he saw Bi Xueqing with an unkind expression.

When Qin Chen reported to Bi Xueqing yesterday, he said that Lin Chen might have received the benefits from the neighborhood committee, so he cut corners when building the air-raid shelter.

Bi Xueqing naturally didn't believe Qin Chen's statement.

She knew very well who Lin Chen was.

It was impossible for Lin Chen to do such a thing.

It was obvious that Lin Chen was kind-hearted again. He was reluctant to leave the residents on the street and vacated their homes to build air-raid shelters.

That's why people from the neighborhood committee deliberately cut corners during construction.

Lin Chen had done this kind of thing before, when he went to destroy the pigeon market outside Xizhimen.

As long as Lin Chen leads the team out, there will be no time to arrest anyone.

But this time the situation is different after all.

This time it was an order from the leaders above.

But no, she, the street director, can handle it.

"Director Bi, why did you call me here?"

"What's going on with the neighborhood committee about building air-raid shelters?"

Lin Chen didn't expect that this matter would be revealed so quickly.

But now facing Bi Xueqing's questioning, Lin Chen wasn't trying to hide anything.

After all, he and Bi Xueqing have known each other for three or four years.

Moreover, when Yi Zhonghai attacked him three years ago, it was Bi Xueqing who helped him block it.

So much so that there is now a small scar on Bi Xueqing's head.

"Director Bi, I have also investigated the situation in other streets. Residents in many streets have dismantled the furniture in their homes, dismantled the cellars in their yards, and some even almost demolished their homes just to build this air-raid shelter."

Bi Xueqing didn't even wait for Lin Chen to finish speaking, and said to him angrily.

"So you are so kind-hearted? So you just tell the people in the neighborhood committee that building tunnels is just a show? Now the whole country is building tunnels, and it is like this all over the country. The residents of our Nanluo Subdistrict Office are suffering, and other people are suffering. The local residents will no longer suffer.”

"Director Bi, I have no control over the affairs of other streets. I just hope that the residents of our street can live as well as possible."

Bi Xueqing finished listening to Lin Chen's words.

I almost wanted to slap Lin Chen on the face in anger.

When other people's lives are better, how can their street offices handle matters?
At this moment, there was a knock on the door of Bi Xueqing's office.

Bi Xueqing said angrily towards the door.

"Who is it!"

"Director Bi, this is me, Ran Qiuye from Nanluoguxiang Neighborhood Committee."

"Comrade Ran Qiuye, come in quickly."

Bi Xueqing glared at Lin Chen fiercely, but when Ran Qiuye opened the door and walked in, she immediately turned into a smile.

As a leader, Bi Xueqing still has the most basic bottom line.

I would definitely not do anything like reprimanding someone else’s husband in front of his wife.

"Captain Lin, please go back first." After Bi Xueqing let Lin Chen go out, she looked at Ran Qiuye and asked.

"Comrade Ran Qiuye, what are you doing here?"

"This is what happened, Director Bi. The comrades from Chegongzhuang came to our neighborhood committee today. The materials they used to build air-raid shelters were always stolen. They might have gone to our Nanluo Street office. So they went to the neighborhood committee to find us. I'll come over and talk to Director Bi about this."

"Oh, that's right. I'll ask the comrades in the patrol team to record it. Then you can go back and ask the neighborhood committee to post a notice so that everyone can pay attention."

Bi Xueqing didn't pay much attention to this matter.

After all, Chegongzhuang only said that the person might have been stolen by Nanluo Street Office, and Bi Xueqing just thought they were just being suspicious.

After all, Lin Chen had secretly communicated with the people from the neighborhood committee, and the Nanluo Street Office actually didn't build much air-raid shelters.

Then we shouldn't go to Chegongzhuang to steal any materials for repairing air-raid shelters.

Bi Xueqing gave Ran Qiuye a few more instructions and then asked Ran Qiuye to go back.

Ran Qiuye didn't stay at the street office for much longer. After all, her and Lin Chen's children were still being kept in the neighborhood committee.

Lin Weidong is now two years old. Although he sometimes hesitates when speaking, others can generally understand what he means.

However, Lin Chen's parents were conducting scientific research in the Northeast. Ran Qiuye's mother had passed away, and his father was still in Tongzhou and was punished as a teacher and could not come back.

So Ran Qiuye could only take Lin Weidong to the neighborhood committee to work every day.

In the evening, Lin Chen returned to the Red Star Courtyard.

Then he and Ran Qiuye washed vegetables and cooked together.

In fact, Ran Qiuye also heard the conversation between Lin Chen and Bi Xueqing when he was at the door of Bi Xueqing's office at the street office.

I also knew that my husband had been reprimanded by the street director.

But this is something disgraceful after all.

In order to take care of Lin Chen's face, Ran Qiuye naturally would not mention such a thing.

Unexpectedly, when the two of them finished dinner and cleared away the dishes, Lin Chen took the initiative to ask about Ran Qiuye.

"Qiuye, why don't you go to our subdistrict office today to find Director Bi?"

"It's nothing, it's just that people from Chegongzhuang came over and said that they lost a lot of materials for repairing the cavity. I suspect that people from our subdistrict office may have taken it."


Ran Qiuye was stunned when she heard Lin Chen's voice suddenly became louder.

Lin Weidong looked at Lin Chen and suddenly started whimpering. He didn't cry, but just tugged on Ran Qiuye's clothes.

Ran Qiuye patted Lin Weidong gently, and then said to Lin Chen.

"Why are you talking so loudly? It scared our children. The people from Chegongzhuang came over and lost a lot of materials for building air-raid shelters. They suspect that our people stole them."

The materials for repairing the air raid shelter are lost!
Lin Chen immediately thought of Yan Jiefang and Yan Jiekuang, who had been released not long ago.

After all, in the original TV series, it was at this point in time that the two of them removed a lot of wood from the materials used to build the air-raid shelter.

Later earthquake shelters were built with these timbers.

I had warned these two brothers before.

It can't be them, right?

Thinking about these things, Lin Chen turned around and walked outside the house.

Ran Qiuye looked at Lin Chen's appearance and shouted.

"What are you doing?"

"I'll just go take a look in the front yard."

(End of this chapter)

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