Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 154 Yan Jiefang was killed on the spot

Chapter 154 Yan Jiefang was killed on the spot
Lin Chen hurriedly ran to the residence where Yan Jiekuang and Yan Jiefang lived.

It is now past 8 o'clock in the evening. Logically speaking, Yan Jiekuang and Yan Jiefang should have been back long ago.

But Lin Chen knocked on the door for a long time, but there was no movement at all in the room.

Did they really go steal air-raid shelter materials again?
Lin Chen felt a little panicked.

In fact, he is not a very violent person. The reason why he arrested so many people in the TV series was because they had committed illegal crimes.

Lin Chen was just arresting them in accordance with the law.

He had already reminded Yan Jiekuang and Yan Jiefang before.

I thought they would really change their ways.

But now.

At this moment, Ran Qiuye also chased him out of the house.

It's already November, and it's already very cold in Beijing.

Ran Qiuye helped Lin Chen get a coat and put it on Lin Chen.

"What's the matter? What happened?"

Lin Chen didn't hide it, but spoke to Ran Qiuye.

"Yan Jiefang was arrested for stealing things before. You just said that something was lost at Chegongzhuang, so I thought of it."

"And they're not home right now."

"What a shame, these two young men can't go out for a walk after they finish their work. What's more, they have also received education in prison. I think they won't do that kind of thing again after they come out."

Ran Qiuye persuaded him a few more words.

Lin Chen just returned to the house.

After returning home, I played with my children for a while, but I was always thinking about Yan Jiekuang and Yan Jiefang.

Although as Ran Qiuye said, he seemed a little too suspicious.

When Yan Jiekuang and Yan Jiefang were not at home, they thought that Yan Jiekuang and Yan Jiefang were going to steal things again.

But what Lin Chen wanted to do was to avoid any accidents that could be avoided.

If you can nip criminal behavior in the cradle, you can nip criminal behavior in the cradle.

So when it was around 10 o'clock in the evening, most people in the courtyard turned off their lights, and Lin Chen went out of his room to have a look at Yan Jiekuang and Yan Jiefang.

It turned out that Yan Jiekuang and Yan Jiefang had not returned yet.

Lin Chen was even more panicked now.

Lin Chen returned to his house and took the bicycle key.

But Lin Chen's movement woke up Ran Qiuye, who had just laid down.

Seeing Lin Chen going out at night, Ran Qiuye couldn't help but care about Lin Chen.

"What happened? Are you going out so late?"

"Qiuye, just rest at home. Yan Jiefang and Yan Jiekuang haven't come back yet. I'm really afraid that they are doing something illegal. I'll ride my bike to Chegongzhuang to have a look."

"Okay, then wear more clothes. It's too cold, so be careful on the road."


Lin Chen took the key, put the car at the door, and headed to Chegongzhuang.

By the time we arrived at Chegongzhuang, it was almost 11 o'clock.

At this moment, Lin Chen heard gunshots in the distance.

Bang, bang, bang.

In those days, patrols and militiamen all had guns.

It's because the materials used in the cellars built in Chegongzhuang are always stolen.

So this time the people from Chegongzhuang set up a trap.

As a result, Yan Jiekuang and Yan Jiefang came over to steal wood.

Originally, the people in Chegongzhuang just wanted to arrest the person directly.

But when Yan Jiekuang and Yan Jiefang saw the light from the flashlight, they heard the people next to them shouting not to move.

The two people suddenly became panicked.

After all, Lin Chen had warned them before.

If you engage in illegal crimes again.

Then it will be dealt with severely.

So they actually took action against the patrol members who came to arrest them.But how could the people on the street patrol coddle them?

Especially people who steal air-raid shelter materials.

It's completely up to Jiandie's standards.

Then the gunshots heard by Lin Chen rang out.

Lin Chen hurriedly rode his bicycle in the direction of the gunshot.

Just as he was approaching the scene of the incident, several flashlights shone on him.

Lin Chen hurriedly used his hands to block the light of the flashlight.

But then he heard someone else shouting to him.

"Don't move."


These people from the Chegongzhuang Street Office mistakenly regarded Lin Chen as an accomplice of the two people they had just arrested.

"Lin Chen, street patrol team of Nanluo Street Office."

"Is it run by Nanluo Street?"

Liu Jianqiang, captain of the Chegongzhuang Street Office, walked over.

After all, they are all adjacent street offices.

So we know each other.

After Liu Jianqiang passed by, he confirmed that the person who came was Lin Chen.

"Captain Lin, why do you come to our place so late at night?"

"I heard that the wood for your cellar was stolen, so I came over to take a look at the situation."

"We have killed one of the bad guys who just stole our wood and were about to attack our patrol members, and we have also arrested another one."

"Can I go over and have a look?"

"Let's go."

Then Liu Jianqiang and Lin Chen returned to the place where the cellar was built.

Under the flashlight, Lin Chen recognized it at a glance.

The person who was arrested now and whose legs are still bleeding is Yan Jiekuang.

So the person they killed was Yan Jiefang?
I warned them myself.

They still do this kind of thing.

Moreover, stealing air-raid shelter construction materials is enough to be considered a crime, and there would be no excuse for being shot dead.

Even Yan Jiekuang, who is still alive, will most likely be sentenced to death.

Lin Chen went to the subdistrict office the next day and told Bi Xueqing about the incident.

After hearing this, Bi Xueqing could only smile helplessly.

Their Nanluo Street Office is embarrassing and has been thrown out again.

A few days later, Chegongzhuang conducted an accounting of the losses caused by Yan Jiefang and Yan Jiekuang's theft.

Yan Jiekuang was required to compensate Chegongzhuang for 150 yuan in losses.

Although Yan Jiekuang and Yan Jiefang have no money, there is still 200 yuan on the street that Yu Li and Yu Haitang paid for beating Yan Jiecheng to death.

This money is the death compensation for the Yan family, so Yan Jiefang and Yan Jiekuang naturally own 2/3 of it.

After Lin Chen and Bi Xueqing discussed it, they decided to let Lin Chen go to the prison to inform Yan Bugui first.

Then 150 yuan was used from this money to compensate Chegongzhuang.

After discussing the plan, Bi Xueqing issued another certificate to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen then rode his bicycle to Nancheng District Prison again.

After all the criminals in the Hongxing Courtyard were arrested, the Nanluo Street Office was quiet for two years.

Therefore, Lin Chen naturally did not go to Nancheng District Prison often in the past two years.

So this time when we arrived at the gate of Nancheng District Prison, the guard of Nancheng District Prison also jokingly greeted Lin Chen.

"Captain Lin, long time no see."

"Captain Lin, could it be that there are some criminals from your Nanluo Subdistrict Office? I heard that someone from your place went to Chegongzhuang to steal materials for tunnel construction."

(End of this chapter)

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