Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 22 Establishment of investigation team

Chapter 22 Establishment of investigation team
Lin Chen and Chen Ming walked out helplessly.

Bi Xueqing looked at the two of them and just said one thing.

"Go to my office, I have something to tell you."

Then Bi Xueqing turned around and walked to her own office.

Lin Chen and Chen Ming looked at each other.

The two of them felt miserable.

Both of them felt that they were going to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.

When the patrol team members were talking about Bi Xueqing just now, neither of them actually participated in the discussion.

Just stood there and listened to other people discussing it.

Bi Xueqing's office.

When Bi Xueqing just went over to call the two of them, she also heard people in the room talking about herself.

Looking at the expressions of Chen Ming and Lin Chen, Bi Xueqing guessed that the two of them probably thought they were going to scare the monkeys, so they had surgery on them.

Bi Xueqing looked at the two of them and felt funny in her heart.

However, he still said to the two of them with a serious face.

"There are two main reasons for calling you here. The first thing is that the superior leadership will soon set up an investigation team to investigate the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill. I will serve as the deputy leader of this investigation team at that time. I want you two to I am also joining this investigation team, so I want to ask for your opinions."

Lin Chen was stunned after hearing this.

Thinking of a great leader, he is worthy of being a great leader.

His daughter arrested everyone in the old subordinate's place without his permission.

Instead of holding their sub-district office accountable, they actually set up a special investigation team to investigate the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

Lin Chen immediately realized that there were quite a few criminals in the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

Just enough to catch these criminals in one fell swoop.

Then he looked at Bi Xueqing and said.

"Captain Bi, I obey the arrangements of the street office and the organization."

After Chen Ming saw Lin Chen finished expressing his attitude, he immediately looked at Bi Xueqing and said.

"Captain Bi, I will also obey your arrangements."

Bi Xueqing looked at the two of them and nodded.

"Okay, but there is one more thing. Xu Damao's case must be completed."

"Concerning the fact that Xu Damao brings various agricultural products obtained from the benefits every time he goes to the countryside and returns to the courtyard, you can go to the Red Star Courtyard to ask the residents of the Courtyard and record the testimonies of the residents of the Courtyard."

"I understand, Captain Bi."

"Captain Bi, let's go to the Red Star Courtyard now to collect testimonies from the people."

Lin Chen and Chen Ming were about to leave, but then they were stopped by Bi Xueqing.

"Wait a minute."

Lin Chen and Chen Ming looked at each other again.

Chen Ming was thinking in his mind.

It seems that Captain Bi has finished handling official matters and has to deal with personal matters.

Are you going to deal with him and Lin Chen?

But when the two of them turned their heads to face Bi Xueqing, they saw the other person's expression was gentle and he spoke calmly.

"In the case of Xu Damao and Wang Jianhua, you two have the greatest contribution. If it weren't for your discovery, Lin Chen, we wouldn't have continued the investigation along this clue. Comrade Chen Ming, what achievements did you and Qin Chen make in the Red Star Commune investigation?" I will also report it to my superiors.”

"Thank you, Captain Bi."

"Thank you, Captain Bi."

"Captain Bi, let's go to the Red Star Courtyard to investigate now."

"Wait a minute."

Lin Chen and Chen Ming were stopped by Bi Xueqing again.

"Captain Bi, what else can I do?"

"Chen Ming, go back and talk to Qin Chen. He also contributed a lot to this case. Also, He Yuzhu's case has nothing to do with him. Tell him not to worry about it all the time."

"I understand, Captain Bi."*
Out of Bi Xueqing's office.

Chen Ming looked at Lin Chen and said.

"Public Security Lin, do you think our Captain Bi heard us talking about her?"

Lin Chen glanced at Chen Ming and said.

"I must have heard it."

After hearing what Lin Chen said, Chen Ming said in surprise.

"Captain Bi heard this, why did he still let us join the investigation team, and even said that he would help us take credit?"

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't understand yet, Chen Ming explained to him.

"Everyone in the room was talking about Captain Bi just now. She called us out alone, then assigned us tasks, and then transferred us to the special investigation team. What do you think other people in the patrol team will think. "

"Do you think we have become Captain Bi's people?"

"It turns out that this is what our Captain Bi had in mind."

Although Lin Chen said this to Chen Ming, he didn't care what Bi Xueqing was thinking. He just wanted to do what a patrol member should do.

Caught everyone who should be arrested.

The meeting room of the Red Star Rolling Mill.

Yang Aiguo sat in the center of the conference room table.

Sitting next to Yang Aiguo was Li Huaide, deputy director of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

After that, there are the directors of various departments and the workshop directors of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

"At today's meeting of the metallurgical system, superior leaders severely criticized our Red Star Rolling Mill. The leaders of the metallurgical system asked our Red Star Rolling Mill to strictly review the personal discipline issues of the factory leaders."

"The superior leaders will also appoint a special investigation team to supervise our Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill."

Yang Aiguo was speaking at the meeting, while the heads of other departments lowered their heads and remained silent.

Mainly because no one expected that something so outrageous would happen.

In less than a month, several death row prisoners appeared in the factory.

After Yang Aiguo finished speaking, Li Huaide spoke again.

"We are all directors and section chiefs of various departments here. We must take the lead, be ashamed of Wang Jianhua, and never allow illegal and criminal acts to happen again.

"If there are any more illegal criminals, the factory security department will not be lenient. This afternoon I have asked people from the security department to confiscate all the illegal gains of He Yuzhu, Xu Damao and others."

Chen Ming and Lin Chen went back to the patrol team's office first.

After relaying Bi Xueqing's words to Qin Chen, the two left for the Red Star Courtyard.

ten minutes later.

Red Star Courtyard.

Lin Chen and Chen Ming originally came here to finish the Xu Damao case.

Find some witnesses to collect some evidence that Damao received benefits from illegal profits from the countryside.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they entered the Hongxing Courtyard, they would learn that people from the security department of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill had already come to the Hongxing Courtyard and confiscated the property of He Yuzhu and Xu Damao.

The two went to Lou Xiao'e's house.

Lin Chen saw Lou Xiao'e sitting at the table at home.

Silently wiped away tears.

The whole house was turned into a mess.

Lin Chen walked over, sat on the seat next to Lou Xiao'e, looked at Lou Xiao'e and asked.

"Comrade Lou Xiao'e, can you tell us about the situation where people from the security department of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill came to search just now?"

Lou Xiao'e saw it was Lin Chen, the street policeman, so she said.

"Lin Public Security just over an hour ago, Liu Haizhong of our hospital came with people from the security department of the Red Star Rolling Mill, and then kicked me out. After that, they searched my house, but they not only arrested Xu Damao I took away the money I had saved over the years.”

"He also took away a lot of the dowry given to me by our family."

"Did Liu Haizhong from your hospital come here with people from the security department to search?"

(End of this chapter)

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