Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 23 Lin Chen and Chen Ming went to Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill to investigate

Chapter 23 Lin Chen and Chen Ming went to Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill to investigate
Lou Xiao'e looked at Lin Chen and nodded.

"It's Liu Haizhong." Lin Chen muttered to himself.

"Lin Chen, what's wrong with bangs?"

Chen Ming saw Lin Chen struggling with the matter in his bangs and was a little confused, so he asked.


After hearing Liu Haizhong's name, Lin Chen immediately thought of the original plot of the TV series.

The incident of leading the security department to search Lou Xiao'e's home still happened.

However, in the original drama it was because something happened to Lou Xiaoe, but this time it was because something happened to Xu Damao.

After that, Lin Chen immediately thought of how, in the original drama, Liu Haizhong secretly hid gold bars after leading a search for stolen goods.

Then Lin Chen looked at Lou Xiao'e and asked.

"Comrade Lou Xiao'e, I would like to ask what is included in your dowry that was taken away by the people from the security department of the steel rolling mill."

Lou Xiao'e was about to speak but hesitated.

Lin Chen looked at Lou Xiao'e's appearance and knew that the other party had concerns.

So he looked at Lou Xiao'e and said.

"Comrade Lou Xiao'e, don't worry, we are only investigating Xu Damao's case and not investigating other matters. You make a list of your things."

"I'll go to the security department of the Red Star Rolling Mill later and pick out those things from the amount of benefits Xu Damao received. Otherwise, Xu Damao will be charged more for nothing."

At this time, Xu Damao's cheating has not happened.

So after Lou Xiao'e heard what Lin Chen said, she was afraid that her dowry would be included in the benefits received by Xu Damao, which would make Xu Damao's crime even more serious.

So Lou Xiao'e looked at Lin Chen and nodded.

"Public Security Lin, then I will write down all my things. Those things are not obtained by Xu Damao accepting benefits, and they have nothing to do with Xu Damao."

"Okay, you can write everything down."

Lou Xiao'e took a piece of paper, recalled the contents of her box, and then started writing on the paper.

After she finished writing, she handed the note to Lin Chen.

"That's all Public Security Lin, I'm going to trouble you this time."

Lou Xiao'e is a lady after all. Although she feels uncomfortable at this moment, it was Lin Chen who proposed to help.

So she didn't forget to thank Lin Chen.

"Comrade Lou Xiao'e should do this. Although Xu Damao has committed a crime, these things are not stolen money received by Xu Damao after all. They should be picked out."

Lin Chen carefully looked at the note handed to him by Lou Xiao'e.

In addition to various jewelry, there are also two small goldfish written on it.

"Little goldfish" is the term used in that era. According to the size of gold bars, they are divided into small goldfish and large goldfish. The weight of a small goldfish is about 31.25 grams.

According to the gold price at that time, a small goldfish would cost about 650 yuan.

The two small goldfish added up to the money at that time, which was about 1300 yuan.

Lin Chen read the contents on the paper, comforted Lou Xiaoe a few more words, and then left with Chen Ming to the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

Ten minutes later, Lin Chen and Chen Ming arrived at the entrance of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

Lin Chen had already visited the Red Star Rolling Mill three times before.

Therefore, many people in the security department also know Public Security Lin.

And at this time, they also discovered that the clothes Lin Chen was wearing had changed from a blue patrol uniform to a white 58-style police uniform with armbands embroidered on the collar.

Lin Chen saw the people from the security department walking towards them and said to them.

"Comrades from the Security Section, we are from the special investigation team of the Red Star Rolling Mill. We are here to collect evidence related to Xu Damao's case."

"We went to the Red Star Courtyard to investigate. We heard that people from your Security Department have searched Xu Damao's house and collected the stolen money, so we want to apply to the Security Department to check the amount of the stolen money."

"Comrade Public Security, we have to ask our section chief for instructions."

"Okay, then I'll wait at the door." After the security department member finished speaking to Lin Chen, he ran back to the communication room at the door and called their section chief Xu Chenglin.

After a while the call came through.

The security officer said to the other end of the phone.

"Chief Xu, the patrol team is here again."

"What patrol is here again?"

"The police officer who came this time was Lin Chen from before. They said he was from the special investigation team of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill. They came to collect evidence related to Xu Damao's case. He said he wanted to go to our security department to check the amount of stolen money."

On the other end of the phone, Xu Chenglin thought for a while.

At the meeting just now, Director Yang also talked about the special investigation team.

Xu Chenglin thought that the people from the patrol team were just here to check the amount of stolen money, and it was nothing important.

So he spoke into the phone.

"Okay, let them in."

"I understand, Section Chief Xu."

After the security department member finished calling Xu Chenglin, he left the communication room.

He ran to the door and said to Lin Chen and Chen Ming.

"Two comrades, our Section Chief Xu has agreed for you to go and investigate. You can come with me to our Security Section."

"It's troublesome."

Office of Deputy Director Li of Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill
After the meeting, Li Huaide returned to the office and sat down, having just made some tea.

He heard a knock on the door of the office, and said towards the door.

"Please come in."

Hearing Deputy Director Li's voice from the bangs outside the door, he opened the door and walked in.

A few hours ago, he took people to the Red Star Courtyard to confiscate the illegal gains of He Yuzhu and Xu Damao.

He brought all the illegal gains back to the security department in the factory, and now the details of the stolen money have been accounted for.

The security department left a list, and Liu Haizhong came to Li Huaide with another list to claim credit.

"Comrade Liu Haizhong."

"Director Li, in accordance with your order, I have confiscated the illegal gains of Xu Damao and He Yuzhu, two criminals in the Red Star Courtyard. This is a list of their illegal gains."

Then Liu Haizhong handed the list to Li Huaide, but naturally there was no mention of the two little goldfish he had hidden on the list.

Li Huaide took the list and looked at Liu Haizhong before looking at it and asked.

"Comrade Liu Haizhong, during your search, did you find any evidence that these two criminals have any relationship with other leaders of our factory?"

"Director Li didn't notice this."

at the same time.

Red Star Steel Rolling Plant Security Section.

The security department staff took Lin Chen and Chen Ming to the room where the stolen goods were stored.

The security officer also took out the compiled list.

"Two comrades, this is the list of stolen goods compiled by the people we went to investigate. The illegal gains of Xu Damao and He Yuzhu are all on this list."

"Okay, thank you."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he began to check the two lists.

The food stamps, money stamps, industrial coupons, and other amounts recorded above are quite consistent.

But only in the list of the Security Department, the two small goldfish written on the note Lou Xiao'e gave him were not included.

(End of this chapter)

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