Chapter 26 Guangfu, our life is over
Several female workers in the workshop were discussing.

Then I saw Liu Yuhua from Workshop No. [-] walking over.

Liu Yuhuan said to them as soon as he came over.

"I inquired. It was a comrade from the security department who said that when Liu Haizhong went to Xu Damao's house to search for stolen goods in the afternoon, he hid two gold bars."

"Good guy, Liu Haizhong looks quite honest, but he dares to do such a thing."

"How much does it cost for two gold bars? I'm afraid it's a death sentence."

Street Office.

Lin Chen and Chen Ming had already locked Liu Haizhong in the interrogation room.

Then the two went to Bi Xueqing's office.

After Lin Chen met Bi Xueqing, he told Bi Xueqing what happened in the afternoon.

"Captain Bi, originally we went to the Red Star Courtyard according to your order, but"

Lin Chenba first went to the Hongxing Courtyard and then to the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill. Later, he discovered that the accounts were wrong and told him everything about Liu Haizhong's arrest.

After hearing this, Bi Xueqing felt incredible at first.

Then a surge of anger arose in his heart.

"This Liu Haizhong is so bold. This Red Star Steel Rolling Mill is really a mess. A workshop worker of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill dared to hide two gold bars. In less than a month, so many criminals of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill were caught. molecular."

"If this investigation continues, I really don't know how many criminals will be caught."

After Bi Xueqing finished speaking, Lin Chen looked at Bi Xueqing and said.

"Captain Bi is like this. Our special investigation team should seriously investigate the problems of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill so that we can arrest all the criminals who violate workers' rights, eat workers' flesh, drink workers' blood, and commit illegal crimes. "

"Yes, arrest them all and bring them to justice. Now, Lin Chen, you and I will interrogate Liu Haizhong. I want to see how bold he is to do such a thing."

Red Star Courtyard.

There are many workers from the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill in the yard.

They also got Xin'er in the factory.

I learned that Liu Haizhong hid the gold bars when he searched Xu Damao's house.

Now this matter has spread in the Red Star Courtyard.

When the residents in the compound learned about the situation, they were all numb.

"From now on, our compound will have three uncles in charge, but it will become two uncles in charge."

"Old Zhang, aren't you talking nonsense? Not to mention that Liu Haizhong can no longer be a steward, I'm afraid he won't even be able to save his life."

"He Yuzhu is probably on death row, and Xu Damao is on death row as well. If Liu Haizhong is also on death row, then there will be three death row inmates in our compound."

"Yes, our compound is quite famous. There are three death row inmates in one compound, which is probably the first one in the capital."

Liu family.

The second aunt had already burst into tears.

He collapsed on the ground, hugging the chair in front of the table, crying and patting the chair in front of him.

"Old man, why did you do such a thing? You are going to be shot now, what should I do?"

"Guangtian and Guangfu will have to rely on you to support me in my old age."

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu looked at their mother, feeling worried at this time.

Neither of them has anyone to talk to.

Liu Guangfu is not working yet.

Although Liu Guangtian has a job, Liu Guangtian also knows that his job may not be guaranteed.

Liu Guangtian now works in the branch of the steel rolling mill.But his father committed such a thing at the main steel rolling mill, and Liu Guangtian also knew that the branch leader would definitely fire him.

At this time, Liu Guangfu walked over to comfort the second aunt.

"Mom, don't sit on the ground all the time. It's too cold."

The second aunt grabbed Liu Guangfu's hand.

"Guangfu, Marco will depend on you from now on."

Ten minutes later, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu left the house.

To the outside of the yard.

Liu Guangtian looked at Liu Guangfu and said.

"Guangfu, what do you think we should do now about our family's affairs?"

"I don't know either. Take good care of our mother first."

"Guangfu, our father has always beaten us two before. Now that something like this has happened to him, our lives are ruined. I can't keep my job in the factory. We have a father who is a death row prisoner." , it’s probably not going to be easy for you to find a job in the future, and you won’t be able to find a wife either.”

After all, Liu Guangfu is a few years younger than Liu Guangtian.

I don’t have much social experience, so I didn’t think about it at all just now.

Liu Guangtian only thought of it now after being reminded like this.

Suddenly I realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Brother, when you said that, I just thought of this. So what should we do in this life? We can't let our father delay us."

"Guangfu, I think we have to find an opportunity to go to the street office, sever ties with our parents, and completely draw a clear line with them."

"Brother, but our mother is like this, we"

"Before Guangfu, they only took care of my brother. What good things have they thought of us? They used to take care of our brother so much. Now if something happens, let my brother come back and take care of our mother in her old age."

After Liu Guangfu heard what his brother said, he hesitated for a while but nodded.

Then Liu Guangfu looked at Liu Guangtian and said.

"Brother, when you go to the street office, tell me that I will go there with you, and from now on I will cut off the relationship with our father and our mother."

Subdistrict office interrogation room
Liu Haizhong was handcuffed to the interrogation chair.

Lin Chen and Bi Xueqing were sitting opposite the criminals as usual.

"Liu Haizhong, why don't you tell the truth about how you stole the gold bars?"

Liu Haizhong now also knows that he has no way to deny it.

After all, he was caught in full public view at the Red Star Rolling Mill.

At this time, he could only forcefully defend himself.

"When I went to search Xu Damao's house, I was really impulsive. When I was searching for stolen goods, I saw people from the security department found a big box under the bed of Xu Damao's house. I thought there might be important clues, so I sent the security guard The section staff member took it aside to check it himself, and found the gold bars in the box. I was so carried away that I put the gold bars into my waistband. This was really the first time I had done this. Son, two police leaders, please forgive me this time."

Lin Chen looked at Liu Haizhong and said coldly.

"Liu Haizhong, you are caught now. You just got carried away for a while and you have to change your ways. If you were not caught, would you just keep this gold bar and get away with it with the money?"

Lin Chen looked at Liu Haizhong's confession, but he didn't feel any pity for him. After all, all criminals were like this.

When they weren't caught, they used the proceeds of their crimes to get away with it.

After being caught, you regret, repent, and beg for forgiveness.

But if you do something illegal and criminal, you have to pay responsibility for what you have done.

(End of this chapter)

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