Chapter 27 Bi Qingfeng’s Determination
"Comrades of the patrol team, please give me a chance. I am willing to spend all the money I have saved over the years."

"We will report the crimes you committed in Liu Haizhong truthfully. As for the punishment and sentencing, that is beyond our control."

After Bi Xueqing finished speaking, she stood up and looked like Lin Chen said.

"Xiao Lin, let's go and let Liu Haizhong reflect here."

"it is good."

After leaving the interrogation room, Bi Xueqing looked at Lin Chen and said.

"Lin Chen, I really didn't expect that just after I held a commendation meeting for you, you would solve two more major cases."

"When these two cases are settled, I think you can be promoted again."

Lin Chen didn't realize it until he heard what Bi Xueqing said.

He had indeed just attended the police promotion commendation meeting yesterday morning.

Then in less than two days, two more cases involving thousands of dollars were solved.

However, Lin Chen also understood that this time it was impossible to be promoted to two police ranks at once like last time.

The last time he was promoted to two police ranks, it was only because he was not an official policeman at that time, but just a professional policeman.

This time he probably can only be promoted to the rank of police sergeant.

Just when Lin Chen was about to say something like "They are all well cultivated by Captain Bi".

He saw Wang Fen, the correspondent in the communications room, running over.

Wang Fen ran over and saw Lin Chen and Bi Xueqing and said to Bi Xueqing.

"Captain Bi, the Metallurgical Bureau is calling to find you."

Because Lin Chen was beside him, Wang Fen did not directly say that the call was from Bi Xueqing's father this time.

"Okay, I see, I'll go right now."

Lin Chen watched Bi Xueqing leave, and he roughly guessed that it was probably Bi Xueqing's father, the big boss, who called.

After all, their Metallurgical Bureau just finished their meeting in the morning and decided to set up a special investigation team to investigate the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

In the afternoon, another criminal with particularly bad behavior appeared in the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

It is estimated that this big leader can't save his face.

after an hour.

Director Bi's house.

Bi Qingfeng was able to reach this position step by step.

His skill and knowledge are naturally incomparable to ordinary people.

And he is also keenly aware of the current turbulent situation.

What's more important is that there are too many criminals in the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill these days.

Bi Qingfeng is also worried that at this critical juncture, some people who are at odds with him will use the issue of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill to attack him.

So he was ready to cut off the strength of a strong man.

He planned to completely eliminate the unhealthy tendencies in the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill and leave no excuse for others to attack him.

Bi Qingfeng sat on the sofa in the living room and looked at Bi Xueqing opposite and said.

"Xue Qing, I already know what happened today. I didn't expect that the problem at the Red Star Rolling Mill would be so serious. In less than a month, so many criminals would appear."

"The factory that I supported with my own hands has now become so smoky, and I feel very sad."

"Dad, these things."

Bi Xueqing wanted to say a few words to comfort her father, but as soon as she opened her mouth, Bi Qingfeng waved her hand towards Bi Xueqing.

"The Red Star Steel Rolling Mill is now like this. I have an unshakable responsibility!"

"Xue Qing, the special investigation of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill originally planned by the Metallurgical Bureau was to start after the Chinese New Year this year, but now this situation has forced it to be brought forward."

"This investigation is nominally a joint investigation of the Red Star Rolling Mill by the Metallurgical Bureau and your patrol team. However, I am worried that people from the Metallurgical Bureau will deliberately cover up some people at the Red Star Rolling Mill." "So nominally it is a joint investigation by the Metallurgical Bureau and your patrol team. The team jointly investigates, but in fact it all depends on your patrol team, Xue Qing, you will have to work hard this time."

"Please rest assured, leader, I promise to complete the task."

Bi Xueqing saluted Bi Qingfeng with a smile.

Bi Qingfeng also smiled when he saw Bi Xueqing's appearance, and then said lightly.

"it is good."

The next day.

Office of the subdistrict patrol team leader.

In addition to Bi Xueqing, there were several other patrol team members such as Lin Chen and Chen Ming.

These people are also members of the special investigation team of the Red Star Rolling Mill planned by Bi Xueqing.

Bi Xueqing looked at everyone and said.

"Yesterday, the leader of the metallurgical system came to talk to me. The special investigation of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Plant will be launched in advance, which means that the Spring Festival holiday of all comrades may be delayed."

"This investigation is nominally a joint investigation of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill by our patrol team and the Metallurgical Bureau, but in fact our patrol team may be responsible for the main investigation tasks."

Lin Chen heard Bi Xueqing say that the leader of the metallurgical system came to talk to her.

He kept suppressing his laughter.

She was thinking, wasn't it Bi Xueqing's father, the big boss, who wanted to talk to her?

However, Lin Chen also admired Bi Qingfeng's determination to cut off the unhealthy trends in the steel rolling mill.

after an hour.

The mobilization meeting is over.

Bi Xueqing left Lin Chen alone in the office.

After all, Lin Chen played a key role in solving the previous cases.

So Bi Xueqing wanted to discuss with Lin Chen about investigating the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

But at this time, Bi Xueqing heard a knock at the door.

The person knocking on the door at this time was Qin Chen, a patrol member of the street office.

After returning to the sub-district office yesterday, Qin Chen and other members of the street patrol team have been calculating the amount of money extorted from the residents of the courtyard by the deaf old lady Wu Xiuying of the courtyard.

Now that the calculation was done, I came to Bi Xueqing to report.


After Qin Chen heard Bi Xueqing's reply in the office, he opened the door and walked in.

After entering the door, he saw Bi Xueqing and Lin Chen in the office, and then he walked towards Bi Xueqing with the calculated documents.

He handed Bi Xueqing the accounting list and said.

"Captain Bi, according to our calculations, Wu Xiuying extorted a total of 215 yuan, 4 cents from the residents of the courtyard, but the stolen money confiscated from Wu Xiuying's home was only 7 yuan, 140 cents."

Bi Xueqing couldn't help but be surprised when she looked at the extorted financial price on the list.

She really couldn't imagine that an old lady in the courtyard could use her seniority to extort more than 200 yuan from the courtyard these years.

However, the amount of stolen money is less than the amount of compensation, which is a bit troublesome.

"I really didn't expect that this Wu Xiuying would extort so much money, which was even more than what she earned from illegally selling food stamps."

Lin Chen also heard what Qin Chen said just now.

Immediately I thought of the method for future generations. If I owed money and had no money to pay back, I would auction off the assets.

So Lin Chen looked at Bi Xueqing and said.

"Captain Bi, I have an idea. Now that Wu Xiuying doesn't have enough money to compensate, we can use things from her home to compensate the residents who were extorted."

(End of this chapter)

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