Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 37 Deaf old lady sentenced to 8 years

Chapter 37 Deaf old lady sentenced to 8 years

Qin Jingru cried and said.

"It's Liu Guangfu. Liu Guangfu planned to attack me, but he didn't succeed and was taken away by the patrol team."

"Liu Guangfu actually wants to attack you, you are such a bastard."

"It seems like there are really no good people in the Liu family!"

"Yes, no wonder the second aunt just said that her son could not be found. It turned out that he went out to do bad things."

The second aunt was also confused now.

"My son was arrested, Guangfu was arrested too, what are the comrades in the patrol saying?"

When the second aunt said this, she grabbed Qin Jingru's clothes.

"What did the patrol team say? Please tell me quickly."

Qin Jingru was also frightened by the appearance of the second aunt, so she told the truth.

"Comrades from the patrol team said that Liu Guangfu cannot be considered harassment, but attempted rape."

"Attempted coercion, I heard that this crime carries a sentence of several years."

"There was one in the guest house before. Nothing happened at all. In the end, he was sentenced to 6 years."

"Good guy, aren't the Liu family three criminals in a family? They are all serious criminals."

The second aunt suddenly sat on the ground and started crying.

"Oh my God, my son, why did you do such a thing?"

"Jingru, I've told you that Liu Guangfu is not a good guy. Fortunately, he didn't succeed. Jingru, if you ever need anything in the future, come to me."

Yan Jiefang took the opportunity to comfort Qin Jingru again.

Qin Jingru looked at Yan Jiefang and nodded.

"Okay, thank you. If I get into trouble in the future, I'll go find you."

Street Office

After Lin Chen finished handling Liu Guangfu's matters, it was time to go to work.

A clerk from the subdistrict office walked to the patrol team's office.

After opening the door, he said to Lin Chen.

"Public Security Lin has someone from the Third Steel Rolling Plant looking for you."

"Okay, I'll go out right away."

When Lin Chen arrived at the lobby, he discovered that people from the No. [-] Steel Rolling Plant actually came to give them banners.

There are 8 big words written on the pennant.

"Revolutionary friendship and selfless dedication."

There is also a note on the side for the Nanluo Street Patrol Team.

The person who came over was the person who received him when he went to the third rolling mill.

When the two comrades saw Lin Chen, they stepped forward and held Lin Chen's hand.

"Comrade Lin Chen, I'm so grateful to you comrades in the patrol team. If it weren't for you, Liu Guangtian would definitely continue his theft, which would definitely continue to cause losses to our third steel rolling mill."

"Comrade Lin Chen, this banner was given to your patrol team by our Third Steel Rolling Plant, but our Security Section Chief told us to come over and thank you."

Seeing the other party's sincere look, Lin Chen also hurriedly said to the other party.

"Comrades from the steel rolling mill, catching criminals is also the responsibility of our patrol team. This is what we should do. Your steel rolling mill is also contributing to the construction of the motherland."

After a while of polite greetings, Lin Chen saw off the comrades from the Third Steel Rolling Plant.

After returning to the subdistrict office, he learned that Bi Xueqing, the captain of the patrol team, wanted to see him, and Lin Chen hurried to Bi Xueqing's office.

Bi Xueqing's office. "Captain Bi, you are looking for me."

"Comrade Lin Chen, the suggestion you made earlier has been approved by the superior leadership unit. The illegal gains of Xu Damao, Wang Jianhua, Liu Degang, and Li Youwei will be given priority to the villagers of Hongshan Commune."

"That's really nice."

After Xu Damao and others were arrested, Lin Chen asked Bi Xueqing to apply to the superior leadership unit, hoping to compensate the villagers of Hongshan Commune for the illegal gains these people had obtained in the countryside.

Now that he has received approval from his superiors, Lin Chen is naturally very happy.

"Comrade Lin Chen, go to Hongshan Commune to make statistics on the villagers in Hongshan Commune who were forced to sell agricultural products. I want you to do it with the comrades in the district."

"Captain Bi, I promise to complete the mission."

"Okay, prepare yourself first and go to the countryside with your comrades in the district tomorrow."

Nearly a month has passed since Bangge, the deaf old lady and Huaihua were arrested.

Now the results of their first trial have come out.

Because of her old age, the deaf old lady fell into the category of a lighter sentence and was sentenced to 8 years in prison.

Bangge met the application conditions for meritorious service because he reported multiple serious crimes and was ultimately sentenced to two years and seven months of institutionalization.

Although Xiao Dang was an accessory to the crime, he did not perform any meritorious service and was eventually sentenced to two years and eight months of detention and correction.

Detention center
The prison guard informed BangGou of the situation.

And tell Bangge if he doesn’t appeal.

In 14 days, he will be sent from the detention center to the Prison Children's Education Center for reform through labor.

Jia Gan was furious after getting the news.

He also knew that because other people in the courtyard did not lend his mother money, his family did not pay compensation to the factory, and ultimately did not receive a letter of understanding.

Jia Gang thought that if there was a letter of understanding, he might be sentenced to less than two years, or even be released in about a year and a half.

With these clues in his mind, he looked at Zhang Ke who was in the same cell as him.

Zhang Ke's crime was not serious. He will be released tomorrow when his detention period is over. There is no need to go to the juvenile detention center.

So Banggeng looked at Zhang Ke and said.

"Zhang Ke, didn't you say you've been to our compound before? I'm asking you to do something for me. If you can help me do it, I will definitely thank you when I get out."

"Jia Geng, what do you want me to do?"

"Zhang Ke, after you go out, go to our compound and tell us the people in the compound. I reported He Yuzhu, Wu Xiuying, Xu Damao, and Liu Guangtian in the compound. I also know the criminal behavior of many people in the compound. If they don’t chip in to help me get a letter of understanding from the factory, I will continue to report them.”

Jia Geng thought that he had reported so many people, but his mother had not been able to borrow money and get a letter of understanding for him.

It must be those people in the compound who don't know that they were the ones who reported them.

So I thought about asking my fellow inmates to go out and deliver a message to them.

Day 2.

The first trial verdict of Wu Xiuying, Jia Gen and others has come down.

The police officers are naturally obliged to deliver the judgment to the local authorities.

So soon the residents of the courtyard knew the first trial verdict of Wu Xiuying, Jia Gen and others.

"The deaf old lady was actually sentenced to eight years. She will probably die in prison now."

"I feel relieved now. I was originally afraid that she would come out to settle accounts with us."

"Okay, don't be afraid. She is already eighty this year and has been sentenced to eight years. How can she get out?"

"Oh, this is wrong. Why is it that Jia Gan is the principal criminal and only needs to be educated and reformed for two years and seven months? Sophora japonica is an accessory, but only needs to be educated and reformed for two years and eight months!"

"That's right. I noticed it when you said it. Isn't it a mistake?"

(End of this chapter)

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