Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 38 The Liu family is finalized!Xizhimen construction team was stolen

Chapter 38 The Liu family is finalized!Xizhimen construction team was stolen
In that era when there were no laws to protect naughty children, stealing a pig tail could result in a year in a juvenile detention center.

Not to mention the huge amounts of theft of public assets like Banggen and Sophora japonica.

However, when Huaihua heard that her sister would be detained for two years and eight months, tears suddenly flowed from her eyes.

"My sister is only 7 years old. My brother obviously did all these things. Why should my sister be detained for so long?"

The fact that Banggeng had passed all the responsibilities to their sisters before, and the fact that Jia Zhang had been beating Qin Huairu because of Banggeng's crimes these days, had already made Xiaodang not have a good impression of Banggeng.

So Huaihua just feels sorry for her sister at this time.

Qin Jingru looked at Sophora japonica and cried, then reached out to touch her head.After thinking for a long time, I couldn't think of any words of comfort, so I had no choice but to say it.

"Huaihua, your brother and sister are going to school elsewhere. You can watch them go when the time comes."

But at this moment, a fat-headed man who looked to be about eleven or twelve years old came in.

"Excuse me, did Jia Geng live in this hospital before?"

"Jia Gen is my brother, what's wrong?"

Zhang Ke confirmed that this was the compound where Bangge was located, so he spoke to the people in the compound.

"Just stay here Jia Gen. Jia Gen asked me to bring you a message, Jia Gen said."

"He Yuzhu, the old lady, Liu Guangtian, and Xu Damao in the compound were all reported by me. I also know the illegal and criminal behavior of many people in the compound. Why don't you chip in and pay for the steel rolling mill and give me a letter of understanding?" Then I will report you and let you all go to jail."

Zhang Ke vividly said what Banggeng asked him to pass on.

"These are what Jia Geng asked me to say."

"Liu Guangtian, He Yuzhu, they all reported it!"

"How does this awesome guy know so many people's affairs?"

"How many criminals are there in our compound?"

After Zhang Ke finished speaking, everyone in the courtyard started talking.

Although some people feel guilty, Qin Huairu is still in the detention center, and they have no way to give Qin Huairu the money and ask Qin Huairu to ask for a letter of understanding.

A few days passed in a flash.

Lin Chen returned to the street office from Hongshan Commune.

While going to the countryside to Hongshan Commune, Lin Chen also received many letters of thanks from the villagers of Hongshan Commune.

There were also many villagers from Hongshan Commune who gave Lin Chen things, but Lin Chen refused after expressing his gratitude in line with the principle of not accepting the masses for a needle or a thread.

After returning to the sub-district office, Lin Chen naturally first asked Bi Xueqing to report on the situation of going to the countryside. After reporting on the situation of going to the countryside, Bi Xueqing introduced Lin Chen to the recent progress of the case at the Red Star Rolling Mill and the Siheyuan.

"Liu Haizhong's eldest son Liu Guangqi is back. They have negotiated the compensation amount with the Third Steel Rolling Mill. After the compensation, Liu Guangqi took his mother and left for Shimen yesterday."

"Going to Shimen."

Lin Chen sighed subconsciously. He didn't expect that the Liu family, who had a lot of roles in the TV series, would be finished so quickly.

In the original work, Liu Guangqi also came back just before the Chinese New Year this year. After serving in the northwest, he came back with his wife and children. After the Chinese New Year, he went to teach at the Shimen Army Military Academy.

However, Lin Chen also knew that now that something like this happened to the Liu family, it would be impossible for Liu Guangqi to become a teacher at Shimen Army Academy again.

But soon Bi Xueqing told Lin Chen another thing. "Comrade Lin Chen, while you were gone, a case happened on our street."

"Captain Bi, what kind of case is this?"

"Xizhimen is being renovated, but the fasteners used to fix it are often lost there at night."

"Some days ago, the construction workers in Xizhimen discovered a thief and chased the thief. When they arrived at our street, they couldn't find it, so they came to the street office to report the crime. I hope our patrol team can help with the investigation."

Lin Chen didn't expect that another case would happen after he had only been away for a few days.

Then he retrieved the plot of the original novel in his mind and began to think about whether someone from the courtyard might have committed the crime.

Then Lin Chen focused on Yan Jiefang as the suspect.

In the original work, it is clear that there are seven criminals who have committed crimes that can be sentenced to death, including Yan Jiefang, Yan Jiekuang and Yan Jieti.

After the earthquake in the original work, Yan Jiefang took his younger brothers and sisters to the courtyard to demolish the earthquake shelter.

At that time, he blatantly said that the wood used in the earthquake shelter was taken out of the tunnel one by one by him and his brothers and sisters in 69.

Everyone knows what the tunnels dug in 69 were for.

In 69, Yan Jiefang dared to lead his younger brothers and sisters to blatantly destroy national defense facilities for personal gain. He also dared to speak out about this six or seven years later, blatantly not feeling ashamed but proud of it.

It can be judged that Yan Jiefang is a person who regards the law as nothing and can destroy public assets and harm public interests for his own selfish interests.

Because Yan Jiefang had committed such a crime in the original work, Lin Chen also mentally placed Yan Jiefang as the key suspect in the theft of fasteners during the Xizhimen restoration project.

"By the way, Comrade Lin Chen, the Red Star Rolling Mill has also made room for our special investigation team. I will take you there later."

Bi Xueqing thought about the task force office again, and planned to take Lin Chen there to let Lin Chen recognize the place.

After a few minutes.

Lin Chen followed Bi Xueqing out of the sub-district office and was going to take a look at the special investigation team office of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

But when he walked to the door, he saw Qin Chen and He Yuyu.

At this time, He Yuyu's face was full of tears. After seeing Lin Chen and Bi Xueqing coming out, he pushed the car and left.

When Bi Xueqing saw this, she walked over and asked Qin Chen.

"Qin Chen, what's going on? You're bullying this little girl."

"Captain Bi is He Yuzhu's sister. I didn't know about their family situation before. I drew a clear line with her more than a month ago. As a result, she came to the street office to find me again today. I just made it clear that I wanted to break up with her. No more contact.”

Bi Xueqing didn't say anything after hearing what Qin Chen said, but Lin Chen watched He Yuyu push the bicycle.

It occurred to me that He Yuyu already had a bicycle in the first episode of the original TV series.

In the original work, He Yuzhu gave all his money to Qin Huairu, and Lin Chen couldn't help but wonder where He Yuzhu's bicycle came from.

After all, Yu Yuyu couldn’t buy a bicycle with his salary as a receptionist in a state-run guest house.

So Lin Chen opened his mouth and asked Qin Chen.

"Qin Chen, He Yuyu's bicycle is quite good. Did you buy it for her?"

(End of this chapter)

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