Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 39 Yan Jiefang’s arrest may not be a bad thing

Chapter 39 Yan Jiefang’s arrest may not be a bad thing

When Qin Chen heard what Lin Chen said, he hurriedly waved his hand towards him.

"Lin Public Security, why are you making such a joke? My salary is just that, and I haven't bought a bicycle yet. How can I buy it for her? Besides, I no longer have anything to do with He Yuyu."

Qin Chen emphasized again that he had nothing to do with He Yuyu. He didn't want to delay his future because of He Yuyu's matter.

"Okay, you don't need to talk about this anymore. The patrol won't bother you about what happened with He Yuyu." Bi Xueqing said when she heard Qin Chen still talking about He Yuyu.

"Thank you, Captain Bi."

When He Yuzhu was first arrested, Director You of the state-owned guesthouse did not change He Yuzhu's position.

Later, after learning that He Yuyu had a falling out with patrol member Qin Chen, He Yuyu was transferred from the reception post to the cleaning post.

After going to the steel rolling mill and getting familiar with the investigation team's office, Lin Chen took the initiative to apply to Captain Bi for tonight's patrol mission.

Although Lin Chen was not supposed to patrol tonight, Lin Chen strongly requested that Lin Chen and Chen Ming finally carry out the patrol mission tonight.

At night, Lin Chen and Chen Ming walked near the Red Star Courtyard again.

Chen Ming was curious that patrols always liked to go near the Red Star Courtyard and the Red Star Rolling Mill, so he asked Lin Chen.

"Lin Chen, why do you go here or to the Red Star Rolling Mill every time you go back to patrol?"

While Chen Ming was asking Lin Chen, Lin Chen saw a figure flashing out of the alley entrance where the Red Star Courtyard was located, and then headed towards Xizhimen.

Lin Chen was careful when watching TV series, so he recognized this figure when he saw it. This person was indeed the Yan Jiefang he had guessed before.

It seems that Yan Jiefang had already done other thefts before stealing wood from the air raid shelter in 69.

Lin Chen patted Chen Ming and made a silencing gesture, then pointed at the figure in front of him.

Then the two of them quietly followed Yan Jiefang to Xizhimen.

Red Star Courtyard is already close to Xizhimen, and it didn’t take long to arrive.

Yan Jiefang arrived at the place, passed through the fence set up by the construction team, and walked to the iron frame for construction beside the city wall. He took out the wrench and prepared to remove the fasteners on it and began to disassemble it.

When Chen Ming saw this, it became clear that the person who stole the fasteners from the Xizhimen construction team was also someone from the Red Star Courtyard.

"Go, catch people."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, the two of them rushed forward together.

Two flashlights shined on Yan Jiefang.

"Don't touch the patrol."

Yan Jiefang was first stung by the bright light and instinctively covered his eyes.

Then he realized what he was doing and planned to run away.

But how could Yan Jiefang outrun the patrol team?

He had barely taken two steps before he was pushed to the ground by Lin Chen.

"Comrades from the patrol, I, I."

Yan Jiefang just planned to quibble.

Lin Chen directly took out the copper bracelet from his waist, put it on Yan Jiefang and adjusted it to the tightest setting.

"If you have anything to explain, come with us to the patrol station and explain it later."

Yan Jiefang screamed in pain as he was handcuffed.

"Ah...comrades from the patrol, please be gentle."

Lin Chen no longer cared about Yan Jiefang, and directly pulled him up with handcuffs, picked him up on the ground, and handed Yan Jiefang the wrench used to commit the crime to Chen Ming.

"Comrade Chen Ming, go and tighten the fasteners that Yan Jiefang just loosened. Don't let anything happen during construction tomorrow."

"Okay." Chen Ming took the wrench and tightened the fastener that Yan Jiefang had just loosened.

Then he and Lin Chen escorted Yan Jiefang back to the street office.

ten minutes later.

Patrol interrogation room.

Lin Chen didn't know, but this was the first time this month that he had interrogated prisoners here.

But he won't slack off because of the number of times.

After all, it is their job to catch criminals and maintain law and order.

Lin Chen looked at Yan Jiefang on the other side of the iron fence and said seriously.

"Yan Jiefang, please tell us honestly how many times you have stolen the construction team's fasteners. The construction team will tell us tomorrow. At that time, you will not be considered guilty of voluntarily admitting guilt and accepting punishment, so you must be dealt with severely. ”

Yan Jiefang himself has a temperament that bullies the weak and fears the strong.

Now facing this scene, everyone panicked.

Being so frightened by Lin Chen, he immediately confessed everything.

"Public Security Lin, I stole the fasteners and sold them for a total of more than 6 yuan. I didn't dare to steal much. My dad gave me two yuan for food every month when I went to school. This is not enough. I know our hospital The Jia Gang stole scraps from the steel rolling mill, so I thought of selling something from the construction of the city wall."

After listening to what Yan Jiefang said, Lin Chen calculated in his mind that the items Yan Jiefang stole were sold for a total of more than 6 yuan.

Then the actual value should be more than 10 yuan.

Calculated based on the amount involved, it has reached the standard of a relatively large amount, which basically started in three years.

However, Lin Chen realized that sending Yan Jiefang to prison now might not be a bad thing for him.

At least after Yan Jiefang has been transformed, he probably won't steal wood from air raid shelters and destroy national defense facilities in 69.

After all, if he was caught for committing that crime, the situation would be much more serious than what he is doing now.

"Yan Jiefang, tomorrow morning we will ask people from the patrol team to contact people from the construction team to confirm what you said, and finally determine the amount involved."

Lin Chen and Chen Ming then left the interrogation room. It was already three or four o'clock. They did not go home and went back to the patrol team's office to rest.

Day 2 morning.

Qin Chen was afraid of being held accountable by Bi Xueqing because of his previous incident with He Yuyu.

So I have been "seriously performing" during this period.

At around 6 o'clock in the morning, we came to the street to set up a patrol team.

After arriving at the patrol team, they saw Chen Ming and Lin Chen sleeping in the patrol team's office.

"Public Security Lin, Comrade Chen Ming, why are you sleeping in the street office?"

Lin Chen also woke up at this time. When he saw Qin Chen, he told him the situation. After that, he planned to go to Xizhimen to find people from the construction team.

But at this moment Qin Chen said to Lin Chen.

"Public Security Lin, let me go over for this matter. You and Comrade Chen Ming worked hard yesterday. I will just go over and ask them to come over."

Lin Chen originally wanted to go by himself, but Qin Chen insisted on going. Lin Chen also understood that Qin Chen wanted to perform well during this period because of He Yuyu's incident.

So he agreed to let Qin Chen go.

after an hour.

Qin Chen took the Xizhimen construction team back to the street office.

"Public Security Lin is in trouble. Someone in the construction team was injured today because the fasteners Yan Jiefang stole before were not found. The construction team member stepped on the steel frame and fell off the steel frame."

(End of this chapter)

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