Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 40: Full responsibility for accident losses

Chapter 40: Full responsibility for accident losses

Lin Chen didn't expect that such a situation would happen.

But what Lin Chen knew clearly was that this tragedy was not caused by yesterday's fastener.

After all, after arresting Yan Jiefang yesterday, Lin Chen specifically asked Chen Ming to tighten the screws, and they left only after confirming that they were fixed.

However, since the accident was caused by Yan Jiefang's theft of fasteners, the responsibility must be borne by Yan Jiefang.

Soon, Bi Xueqing, the captain of the patrol team, also came to the street office.

After understanding the situation clearly, Bi Xueqing couldn't help but said angrily.

"I really didn't expect that there would be so many criminals hiding in the compound affiliated to the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill. We have arrested so many people before, but they still dare to do illegal and criminal things."

"Captain Bi, I think this matter must be dealt with seriously on the one hand, Yan Jiefang, and on the other hand, Yan Jiefang's family should be notified. After all, the accident was caused by Yan Jiefang, and Yan Jiefang's family should also compensate the victim and the construction team. .”

Lin Chen reminded Bi Xueqing based on the concept of whoever caused it is responsible.

"Okay, you and Chen Ming go to the courtyard and notify Yan Jiefang's parents and ask them to come to the street office."

"it is good."

After Lin Chen left, Bi Xueqing went to the interrogation room again.

Yan Jiefang fell asleep while leaning on the chair. He opened his eyes when he heard some movement.

After opening his eyes, he saw Bi Xueqing walking in.

Bi Xueqing had gone to Red Star Courtyard to arrest so many people before.

Therefore, Yan Jiefang also knew Bi Xueqing and knew that he was the leader of the patrol team. Yan Jiefang immediately acted aggrieved.

"Leader of the patrol team, I know I was wrong. I will definitely not dare to steal other people's things in the future. I will pay for whatever money I sold. Please let me go. I really just have too much living expenses given by my family." That's why you do this kind of thing."

After hearing the last words spoken by Yan Jiefang, Bi Xueqing couldn't hold back the anger in her heart.

If she were not the leader of the patrol, she would even want to rush up and give Yan Jiefang two big-eared melon seeds.

"Yan Jiefang, do you know that because of the fasteners you stole, an accident occurred during construction this morning, causing the construction team hundreds of yuan in property losses, and also caused a worker to be injured and fractured."

"What caused hundreds of dollars of damage, and people were injured."

Yan Jiefang was completely stunned now, because something happened to Liu Guangtian in their courtyard before.

Therefore, Yan Jiefang also knew that he would bear full responsibility for such accidents caused by his theft.

In other words, the amount involved in the case was hundreds of dollars.

Yan Jiefang thought that Liu Guangtian would be sentenced to 20 years in prison if the amount of money involved in the case amounted to thousands of yuan. Wouldn't he also be sentenced to several years?

"The leader of the patrol team, I really didn't know it would have such consequences. I really didn't know. If I knew there would be such serious consequences, I would definitely not dare to steal."

"What's the use of regretting now."

After Bi Xueqing finished speaking, she ignored Yan Jiefang and turned around and left the interrogation room.

In my heart, I was thinking about the rectification plan for the Red Star Courtyard.

After all, there are so many criminals in one compound, so some corrective measures must be taken.

Red Star Courtyard

When Yan Bugui got up in the morning, he found that his second son Yan Jiefang was missing.

After shouting in the courtyard for a while, I still didn't see anyone.

Then he went to wake up the third aunt and Yan Jiekuang and help them search together.

The third uncle's search for someone in the courtyard also alerted other people in the courtyard.

"Third uncle, what are you looking for? It's so early in the morning."

"Looking for someone, my Jiefang can't be found." "No, your Jiefang is so big, how can you lose a living person? I guess I got up early and went out for a walk."

"I get up at around 4 o'clock in the morning, but he can get up earlier than me."

Others in the compound became curious as they listened to the conversation between Li Bin, the resident of the compound, and Yan Bugui, the third uncle.

"Our compound is also weird, how can it be so embarrassing!"

"Yes, Qin Huairu, her sister and Liu Guangtian were nowhere to be found two days ago. This time, Yan Jiefang, the second son of the third uncle's family, was also nowhere to be found."

At this moment, Lin Chen, who was wearing a May [-]th-style public security uniform, and Chen Ming, who was wearing a patrol uniform, walked over from the front yard.

"Why are the people from the patrol here again?" someone in the compound said.

When Yan Bugui saw the patrol team coming, he hurriedly walked over, and then said to Lin Chen.

"Lin Public Security, it's nice of you to come here. My son Yan Jiefang can't be found. You have to help me look for him."

After hearing Yan Bugui's words, Lin Chen felt funny in his heart, thinking that your son was caught by me, but you can't find him.

However, he still said to Yan Bugui seriously.

"Comrade Yan Bugui, please come with us to the street office."

"Ah, what's the matter with Public Security Lin? It can't be done now. I have to find my son first."

"Your son is in our street office now."

"What's wrong with my son in your street?"

"The criminal Yan Jiefang stole fasteners from the Xizhimen construction team, made illegal profits, and caused a construction accident. We have arrested him."

"Why was my son captured by you?"

Yan Bugui was dumbfounded after hearing this, and so were everyone else in the compound.Many residents of the courtyard also started talking in low voices.

"Another criminal has appeared in our compound."

"Stealing fasteners from the Xizhimen construction team. I remember that the street patrol team investigated this matter before."

"I didn't expect that the third uncle's son who teaches would actually do such a thing."

After half an hour.

Sitting in the subdistrict office were patrol team captain Bi Xueqing, two representatives of the construction team, and Yan Bugui.

"The man surnamed Yan stole the buckle frame from our construction site. Our steel frame is completely broken and can no longer be used. As well as our injured worker, you will also be responsible for the medical expenses incurred by the missed work."

"My son just stole a fastener."

Bi Xueqing saw that Yan Bugui still wanted to defend himself, so she said to him seriously.

"Yan Bugui and our patrol team have already conducted verification. The accident on the construction site was caused by Yan Jiefang stealing fasteners. Yan Jiefang needs to bear full responsibility."

Two hours later, Yan Bugui came out of the street office.

In the end, after mediation, they needed to compensate the construction team for 150 yuan in losses, as well as the victim’s 30 yuan for lost work and all medical expenses.

For miser Yan Bugui, the compensation of about 200 yuan is almost equivalent to killing him.

Yan Bugui returned to the courtyard in despair. When the third aunt saw Yan Bugui, she hurriedly came over.

"How is the old man? What do you say on the other side of the street?"

"What else can we say? Our son must be brought to justice, and we must pay the construction team at least 200 yuan."

"Ah, at least 200 yuan. How can we have so much money?"

(End of this chapter)

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