Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 41 Qin Huairu goes and kneels in front of your husband’s memorial tablet

Chapter 41 Qin Huairu goes and kneels in front of your husband’s memorial tablet
Yan Bugui just spent 190 yuan a few days ago to buy the Liu family's radio and bicycle. He originally planned to sell them to his second son Yan Jiefang for his wedding.

Then slowly collect interest.

So now I really have no money.

But Yan Bugui immediately thought of his eldest son Yan Jiecheng and daughter-in-law Yu Li.

Yan Jiecheng has been working for several years now, and his monthly salary is 32 yuan. His daughter-in-law Yu Li works in a garment factory and earns a lot of money.

A few minutes later Yan Bugui went to Yan Jiecheng's house.

Explain the situation to Yan Jiecheng.

"Dad, Yu Li and I really have no money. We pay five yuan each for food every month, so we don't save much money. The little money we save can be used by Li to give birth to the baby." Used when needed.”

"Jie Cheng, but this Jiefang is also your brother after all!"

"Dad, let me give you an idea. You can put the bicycles and radios at home, as well as the radios and bicycles you bought from the Liu family, into a trust and sell them. You can definitely raise 200 yuan."

After 4 days.

Because he was eager to sell, the bicycle and radio that Yan Bugui collected from Liu's family were sold at the trust for only 170 yuan.

He lost 20 yuan inside and outside, and Yan Bugui felt terribly distressed.

But after all, we have to save Yan Jiefang.

In the end, Yan Bugui had no choice but to add some money himself and compensate the construction team and the victim.

Because of Yan Jiefang's incident, Yan Bugui's class can no longer be taught.

The principal of the school also saw that Yan Bugui had been working in the school for a long time. He took pity on him and arranged a job for him to clean the school.

A monthly salary of 17 yuan5.

On the 2nd day, Yanbu Gui compensated the construction team and the victim.

Lin Chen received pennants from the victims' families and the construction team.

In the patrol office, just as Lin Chen put away the banner, Qin Chen walked in from outside.

"Public Security Lin, Comrade Chen Ming, Captain Bi asked you to come over."

"okay, I get it."

After a few minutes.

Chen Ming and Lin Chen arrived at Bi Xueqing's office.

Then Bi Xueqing went to the superior unit for a meeting and told the two of them the news.

"I'll give you some good news in advance. Because of your outstanding performance in the Xu Damao case and Liu Haizhong case, the superior leaders have decided to promote each of you to the first-level police rank."

"Comrade Lin Chen, it takes two months to be promoted to the third-level police rank. This is probably not easy to find nationwide. What's more, the Liu Guangtian case, Liu Guangfu case, and Yan Jiefang case have all ended the stage of criminal investigation and evidence collection. Waiting to report to the police After reporting it to your superiors, you will be considered to have made a great contribution."

Lin Chen didn't expect that he would travel through just two months without a system or a golden finger.

He was actually promoted from a police officer to the rank of police sergeant three times in a row.

What's more, as Bi Xueqing said, there are still three major cases where the credit has not been calculated for herself.

If those three major cases are included, he will most likely be promoted to the rank of police sergeant. In that case, his monthly salary will be 47 yuan.

Chen Ming, who was beside Lin Chen, was naturally happy after hearing this.

Because he had previously arrested He Yuzhu, Jia Geng had also made contributions in the case, and had been promoted to the rank of superior police officer.

At this time, if you advance one level further, you will reach the rank of police corporal, and you will officially become a police officer within the national establishment.

Qin Huairu, Jia Zhangshi, Zhang Yanfang and others were all detained because their problems were not serious.

When the day comes, they will all be released.

Because Zhang Yanfang committed a crime, she naturally could not stay in the steel rolling mill any longer.

Qin Huairu also felt sorry for Zhang Yanfang and was too embarrassed to see her again, so she went directly back to the Red Star Courtyard.But when Qin Huairu returned to the courtyard, she found that everyone in the courtyard looked at her in the wrong way.

After Qin Huairu asked her sister Qin Jingru when she got home, Qin Jingru told her the situation.

"Sister, the child who was previously held in a detention center with Bang Gang was released from prison. He brought a message to the people in your compound, saying that Liu Guangtian, He Yuzhu, the deaf old lady, and Xu Damao were all reported by him."

"Also, Bangge was sentenced to two years and seven months of C&C, and Xiaodang was sentenced to two years and eight months. Bangge was sentenced to C&C for a shorter time than Xiaodang because Bangge reported other people in your compound. people."

Qin Huairu was stunned after hearing this.

She also didn't expect that her son Jia Geng actually wanted to use this method to threaten the people in the compound and ask them to compensate him for the money in the factory.

Qin Huairu thought that if Banggeng did this, wouldn't he offend everyone in the compound?
But at this moment, the door of the Qin family opened again.

Jia Zhang also returned from detention.

When Jia Zhang saw Qin Huairu, she yelled at her.

"Qin Huairu, why don't you come back and go back to the countryside? My son married you from the countryside, but you are really unlucky for eight lifetimes."

"You stinky, shameless thing, even your mother-in-law dares to report you."

"Mom, I didn't report it. I really didn't report it."

"You stinking shameless thing, if you don't want to get out of here right now, get out of here with your sister."

Huaihua saw her grandma scolding her mother, so she joined in.

"Grandma, stop scolding my mother. Didn't the doctor say that before? My mother didn't report it."

Jia Zhang still remembered that Huaihua asked the patrol captain to arrest her before, so she pushed Huaihua away.

"You lose money."

Sophora japonica fell to the ground and cried after being pushed down.

Qin Huairu hurriedly helped Sophora japonica, held her in her arms, then looked at Jia Zhang and said.

"Mom, Jia Geng was sentenced to two years and seven months of detention and correction."

"My dear grandson has to stay in a juvenile detention center for two years and seven months. It's all your fault, Qin Huairu."

"Mom, if you drive me away, how can I ask for a letter of understanding for your grandson?"

Qin Huairu's words immediately hit Jia Zhang's heart.

In Mrs. Jia Zhang's heart, apart from providing for her old age, she has the greatest number of good grandchildren.

So now, she gave up the idea of ​​driving Qin Huairu away, thinking that even if she wanted to drive Qin Huairu away, she would have to wait until Qin Huairu helped Jia Gong get the letter of understanding.

Then Jia Zhang looked at Qin Jingru.

Qin Jingru looked at this situation and didn't want to stay here anymore.

Moreover, she has not been suffering from leucorrhea in the past few days. She has eaten almost all the leftover sweet potato pancakes in the Jia family.

She made several appointments with the conductor introduced by her cousin and got a lot of benefits.

So seeing this situation, Qin Jingru just rubbed oil on her soles and left.

After Qin Jingru left, Jia Zhang said to Qin Huairu.

"Go and kneel in front of Dongxu's card."


"What's wrong? You've harmed the Jia family like this. Even if I ask you to kneel down to your husband, you won't even kneel down."

"I kneel, I kneel."

Qin Huairu had no choice but to walk up to Jia Dongxu's spiritual tablet and kneel down.

(End of this chapter)

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