Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 43 Qin Huairu and Deputy Director Li were arrested

Chapter 43 Qin Huairu and Deputy Director Li were arrested
But the other party is the deputy director of the factory after all, so she has no choice but to go over if he asks her to.

Qiulan felt uneasy, but she left the infirmary and went to Deputy Director Li's office.

A few minutes later, Qiulan walked to the door of Deputy Director Li's office.

But when she arrived at the door of Deputy Director Li's office, Qiulan noticed something was wrong.

Listening carefully, she heard the woman's voice inside.

"Director Li"

"Qin Huairu, everything about Jia Gen is easy to talk about."

"Director Li, what are you going to do?"

As soon as Li Huaide took action, how could Qin Huairu not know what the other person was thinking.

However, Qin Huairu also knew that if he wanted to get a letter of understanding from the other party, he definitely couldn't just rely on his words.

But she didn't want to give in so easily, so she deliberately pretended not to understand.

Qiulan at the door listened to Dr. Liu's previous reminder.

Hearing the noise in the house again.

Naturally, I understood everything in my heart.

This deputy director Li probably does that kind of thing with the female employees in the factory.

Qiulan was confused whether to leave directly or what to do.

However, Qiulan thought that if she left directly this time, next time Deputy Director Li called her, she would be the one who suffered.

Qiulan then thought about what she had heard in the factory in the past two days. There were still people from the investigation team in the factory.

She didn't want to deal with those people and the leaders in the factory. She kept hearing this from the workers in the factory just two days after she came to the factory.

Qiulan thought that if she didn't report it this time, she might suffer disaster next time.

I made up my mind and went to the investigation team.

After a few minutes.

There was a knock on the door of the Special Investigation Team office.

Lin Chen and Bi Xueqing happened to be here today.

When the two saw a doctor in a white coat walking in, they asked each other about the situation.

"Comrade, why did you come to the investigation team?"

"Two comrades from the special investigation team, I am a new doctor in the medical office. My name is Qiulan. I want to report Li Huaide, the deputy director of the factory."

Qiulan recounted what had just happened.

After Bi Xueqing heard this, she couldn't help but feel angry.

"Sure enough, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. The deputy director does this kind of thing. No wonder there are so many illegal and criminal elements in the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant."

"Lin Chen, let's go, let's go there now."

"Okay, Captain Bi."

Lin Chen is not afraid of catching Li Huaide.

After all, the duty of their investigation team is to correct the unhealthy practices of the Red Star Rolling Mill.

Although Li Huaide has a father-in-law with a powerful background.

But when the sky falls, there is someone high to support it.

Bi Xueqing's father is not a vegetarian either.

The two of them were about to walk out when Qiulan spoke.

"Comrades from the investigation team, please wait a moment."

"Comrade Qiulan, do you have anything else to say?"

"Can the two comrades of the investigation team not say that I reported this?"

Qiulan was just afraid that she would suffer from Li Huaide's clutches, so she came to report it.

But she didn't want to report Li Huaide's matter, as the exposure would affect her future work.

Bi Xueqing heard what Qiulan said and understood. The other party was afraid that Li Huaide would retaliate later, so she said to Qiulan.

"Comrade Qiulan, don't worry, we will definitely not reveal this matter."

A few minutes later, Bi Xueqing and Lin Chen arrived at the door of Deputy Director Li's office.

When they arrived at the door, the two deliberately slowed down. *
At this time, Qin Huairu in the room was ready to follow Li Huaide.

I plan to give Li Huaide a chance to help Banggeng get a letter of understanding.

"Director Li, if I agree, you have to ask for the letter of understanding for me!"

"Qin Huairu, don't worry, you just need to let me"

Li Huaide unbuttoned his pants as he spoke.

"Qin Huairu, you should hurry up."

When Qin Huairu heard what Li Huaide said, she slowly unbuttoned her shirt.

But at this moment, Deputy Director Li's office door was kicked open.

At this time, Qin Huairu and Li Huaide were already close to each other.

Bi Xueqing also saw that this was not the so-called coercion at all.

This is what two people want each other to do.

Li Huaide was startled when he heard the door being kicked open, and then he planned to pick up his belt and tie his pants.

Lin Chen didn't give him the chance and just walked over and snatched the waistband away from him.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? I'm the deputy director of the factory."

"I don't care what kind of deputy director you are, our investigation team is here to investigate the bad practices of the factory."

Bi Xueqing stepped forward and took out the handcuffs and cuffed them on Li Huaide.

Lin Chen also went over and handcuffed Qin Huairu at this time.

You could see the situation clearly just now, Qin Huairu was taking the initiative to unbutton her shirt.

So naturally I have to take her back too.

After Qin Huairu was handcuffed, her whole body became numb, but she cried again immediately.

"It's all Deputy Director Li who wants to do something to me."

"Qin Huairu, didn't you ask me to help you open a letter of understanding for your son? It was Qin Huairu who seduced these two comrades. She said that as long as I gave Jia Gen the letter of understanding that she wanted to go to the factory, let her do it. Anything works.”

Lin Chen felt relieved when he saw the two of them shirk responsibility from each other.

This matter was urgent, and there was no time to call more witnesses.

It wouldn't be easy if they both came to discuss work if they were bitten to death.

But these two people don't trust each other and shirk responsibility from each other, so they can be convicted.

There was quite a lot of noise when Lin Chen kicked in the door just now, and now two or three comrades heard the noise and came to the door.

Then I saw the scene here.

Bi Xueqing and Lin Chen didn't care whether there were people watching, and left directly with the people.

This time we left the office building and entered the factory.

Everyone in the factory was dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

They knew that the patrol team had arrested the canteen director before, but now it was Deputy Director Li who was handcuffed.

"How come our deputy factory director has been arrested?"

"I don't know, look who that person is."

"Isn't this Qin Huairu? Why did she come back if she wasn't already shot?"

"Look at Deputy Director Li's belt not on, and Qin Huairu's shirt unbuttoned. What else can this mean?"

All the employees in the factory now understood that Deputy Director Li and Qin Huairu were having an affair.

The patrol team members were also stunned when they saw this scene.

When he arrived at the door, two patrol members stopped him.

Bi Xueqing glared at them fiercely and said.

"I am the deputy leader of the special investigation team of the Red Star Rolling Mill appointed by the Metallurgical Bureau. I am responsible for investigating and correcting violations of regulations and disciplines at the Red Star Rolling Mill. Are you more protective of the Kobe Metallurgical Bureau than the Metallurgical Bureau?"

The clerk at the door of the security department was stunned by Bi Xueqing's intimidation.

Then Bi Xueqing and Lin Chen took advantage of this gap to take Qin Huairu and Li Huaide out of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

(End of this chapter)

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