Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 44 Fortunately, they made the mistake early

Chapter 44 Fortunately, they made the mistake early

After Qin Huairu and Li Huaide were taken away, the people on duty in the security department reacted.

This is the arrest of their deputy director.

One security officer looked at another security officer and said.

"What should I do?"

"How about we call our section chief first and ask."

"it is good."

So the two members of the security department hurried to the communication room at the door based on the principle of approaching the leader if something happened.

When he arrived at the communications room, he called Xu Chenglin, the chief of the security department.

The call came through after a while.

Then the security officer who made the call said into the phone.

"Chief Xu is in trouble. Our deputy factory director was taken away by the investigation team."

"What, Director Li was taken away."

"Yes, Director Li was taken away."

Xu Chenglin on the other end of the phone was also shocked.

He hurriedly asked about the situation.

"What exactly is going on?"

"The patrol team put copper handcuffs on both of them. The buttons on Qin Huairu's jacket were unbuttoned, and Li Huaide's belt was gone."

When Xu Chenglin heard what the security officer said, he knew in his heart that this was what Li Huaide and Qin Huairu had been arrested for.

After asking about the situation, Xu Chenglin hung up the phone.

While feeling shocked, I thought I had to tell Director Yang about this as soon as possible.

After a few minutes.

Xu Chenglin, chief of the security department, arrived at the door of Yang Aiguo's office and did not bother to knock on the door this time.

Just push the door open and walk in.

As soon as he entered the door, he said to Director Yang.

"Director Yang is in trouble, something big has happened."

Yang Aiguo was still looking down at the documents, but when he heard the movement, he frowned, raised his head, and looked at Xu Chenglin.

"What happened."

"The investigation team arrested someone again, including Li Huaide, the deputy director of our factory."

Yang Aiguo was originally a little anxious when he heard that the investigation team had arrested another person, but when he heard that the person arrested was Li Huaide, Yang Aiguo felt happy.

After all, Deputy Director Li and he are not from the same faction.

He also knew that Deputy Factory Director Li had been thinking about his position as factory director.

"Chief Xu, please tell me what's going on."

"The investigation team took Li Huaide and Qin Huairu away together. The clerk on duty at the door said that both of them had their belts untied and their jacket buttons were unbuttoned."

When Xu Chenglin said this, Yang Aiguo naturally understood the situation.

"Is this Li Huaide using force on Qin Huairu?"

"Probably not. The comrade from the security department at the door said that they were both handcuffed. They probably weren't raped."

Yang Aiguo was a little disappointed when he heard that it was not Li Huaide who forced Qin Huairu. After all, if it was Li Huaide who forced Qin Huairu, it would be of a different nature.

However, Yang Aiguo quickly put on a straight face and said to Xu Chenglin.

"Chief Xu, this is your security department's problem. Qin Huairu has been suspended from the factory. How did your security department let him in?"

"Director Yang, you are right, it is our security department's problem. I will ask people from the security department to go to Qin Huairu's house to collect all her uniforms. I will definitely not let her get into the factory again. "

"Chief Xu, wait a minute. You can go find Section Chief Li of the Publicity Department later. Now the higher-level unit is investigating our factory. This matter cannot be handled so lightly. Let the Publicity Department announce and criticize the whole factory. Li Huaide's unhealthy practices were reported on the factory's bulletin board." Yang Aiguo knew clearly that Li Huaide's background was not simple.

I thought I would take this opportunity this time to make it stink and collapse.

"Okay, Director Yang."

Lin Chen and Bi Xueqing escorted Qin Huairu and Li Huaide out of the Red Star Rolling Mill and onto the street, attracting many people to watch.

Along the way, many people whispered to Qin Huairu and Li Huaide.

Qin Huairu kept her head lowered, wishing she could bury her head in the ground.

Now Qin Huairu's shoes have fallen off, and her feet are red from the cold in the winter, but she can't care about this.

10 minutes later, the two were taken to the street office.

Then the separate interrogation of the two began.

Lin Chen looked at Li Huaide opposite and said.

"Li Huaide, you still haven't confessed honestly."

"It was really Qin Huairu who seduced me. She came to my office when I was drunk and begged me to write a letter of understanding for her to Jia Gen. She said she could do anything and she also took the initiative to dress herself. Take it off."

After hearing what Li Huaide said, Lin Chen asked immediately without giving him a chance to think.

"You promised to help her open a letter of understanding."

"I didn't... didn't agree to her, and then she started to take off her clothes."

Li Huaide was caught and had a cool breeze along the way, and now he has sobered up from the wine.

A deputy factory director also has this level of vigilance.

Now he has been charged with the crime of promiscuous relations between men and women. If there is another one who abuses power for personal gain, it will be even more serious.

"So you took off your belt and got ready to do things with Qin Huairu?"


Lin Chen saw Deputy Director Li and wanted to cover it up, so he slapped the table hard.

"Li Huaide, you are confessing now and taking the initiative to plead guilty and accept punishment. Even if you don't say it, don't you think Qin Huairu won't say it? Then she will put all the blame on you. What's more, after we enter, there will be no sign at the door of your office. It’s here, and many people have seen it.”

"I was also drunk for a while, and Qin Huairu seduced me, so I was confused for a while."

"Okay, since you admit it, just sign the confession and punishment form."

Lin Chen naturally didn't believe Li Huaide's lies. After all, he had an affair with more than one lesbian in the original drama.

an hour later.

Lin Chen and Bi Xueqing both left their respective interrogation rooms.

Qin Huairu and Li Huaide didn't trust each other to begin with, so naturally they couldn't agree on the same thing.

In the end both men confessed.

Fortunately, the two of them committed the crime a few years earlier, and their current sentence is detention and moral condemnation.

It won't be this light in a few years.

However, Lin Chen didn't intend to let this matter go away. At this time, he also had a plan in mind. He was going to go to He Yuzhu and tell He Yuzhu about the matter when the matter between Li Huaide and Qin Huairu was finalized.

Let He Yuzhu know the woman for whom he has devoted himself selflessly for several years.

The woman he didn't even touch, took the initiative to take off her clothes in Deputy Factory Director Li's office.

Lin Chen didn't believe that He Yuzhu would still protect Qin Huairu. Since Qin Huairu had taken benefits from He Yuzhu, He Yuzhu should be punished now that the incident happened.

Of course, Lin Chen also hopes that He Yuzhu can also tell the truth about Li Huaide and Liu Lan.

Because Li Huaide had an improper relationship with Liu Lan, he transferred her from the heavy-working workshop to the canteen's back cook, who worked lightly.

The seriousness of this problem is much greater than the seriousness of Qin Huairu today.

(End of this chapter)

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