Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 45 It’s time to start this chapter, right?

Chapter 45 It’s time to speak up this time, right?

"Comrade Lin Chen."

"Captain Bi, is there anything else?"

Lin Chen was still thinking about the follow-up plan, but he didn't expect Bi Xueqing to suddenly call him.

"I really didn't expect that a courtyard with more than 20 households and more than 100 people in Hongxing Siheyuan could now have more than a dozen criminals, and this is in the street where our patrol team is responsible."

"Captain Bi, this is also a special situation. Aren't there not many criminals in other compounds on our street?" Lin Chen heard what Bi Xueqing said and hurriedly comforted him.

"That's why we should deal with courtyards like Hongxing Siheyuan seriously. Lin Chen, please discuss it with the people from the publicity department of the street office later. Tomorrow, you will post an announcement criticizing the illegal and criminal behavior of Hongxing Siheyuan on the street bulletin board. And you ask Comrade Chen Ming to go to the Red Star Courtyard again and explain the situation to the residents of the compound. If there are still criminals in the Red Star Courtyard, the street will consider breaking up their compound and reorganizing it."

"I understand, Captain Bi."

Lin Chen was actually disgusted from the bottom of his heart with this kind of behavior of using collective honor to kidnap others.

But now, after all, times are different. This era is all about this, so what can we do?

In the Red Star Courtyard
The news that Qin Huairu and Li Huaide were arrested has spread back to the compound.

People in the courtyard also started talking about it.

"All five members of Qin Huairu's family have gone in, and Qin Huairu has gone in twice."

"Yes, I think the atmosphere in our courtyard has been ruined by Qin Huairu's family."

"Oh, who says it's not the case? Who would have thought that our compound was an advanced and civilized compound last year, and so many criminals would be caught this year."

The people in the courtyard were talking about it, and people from the security department were coming over.

It was because Qin Huairu was wearing clothes from the factory that she got in.

This time they came over and confiscated all the clothes in Qin Huairu's factory.

A few minutes later, there was noise from Jia's house.

Jia Zhang shouted loudly.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?"

"These clothes are all left by my son, not Qin Huairu!"

But the people in the security department didn't care about this. When they saw the clothes from the Red Star Rolling Mill, they took them all away.

Jia Zhang was left alone, sitting on the ground crying.

"Why is it like this? Why is it like this?"

Mrs. Jia Zhang felt miserable and asked Qin Huairu to go to Deputy Director Li to ask for a letter of understanding. However, the letter of understanding did not come and her daughter-in-law was arrested.

Now even the factory uniforms that my son used to wear have been confiscated.

When the workers got off work on the second day, a large-character notice was posted on the street bulletin board.

Yan Bugui spent a day cleaning the toilets at school and passed the bulletin board on his bicycle. He was stopped by people on the street.

The people on the street pulled Yan Bugui and asked him to help read the announcement.

Yan Bugui thought this was an opportunity to show off that he was a cultural person, so he agreed. Following the street people who came to call him, they went under the bulletin board, pushed up their glasses, and read the content above.

But when he got to the bulletin board and read the announcement, he was completely stunned.

Because this announcement is an announcement criticizing their Red Star Courtyard.

"There have been many illegal and criminal cases in the streets recently..."

Yan Bugui just finished reading half a sentence when he realized something was wrong. After he stopped, the surrounding residents began to laugh.

Now Yan Bugui finally understood that these people either wanted him to read the announcement or wanted him to make a fool of himself. "Teacher Yan, why don't you stop reading and continue reading?"

"Teacher Yan, the criminal in this announcement must be your son."

"Teacher Yan, how come you, a cultural person, don't even teach your own son well?"

"Mr. Yan, your compound has become a key compound for rectification. This must be due to your son's contribution."

Yan Bugui felt annoyed as he listened to the ridicule of the people around him, but after all, his son had really broken the law, so in the end he could only push the bicycle away in despair.

In a few days, it will be the Spring Festival.

On New Year's Eve, Lin Chen's parents rushed back from the Northeast.

Although this is Lin Chen's first time meeting his parents in this life.

But when he saw the sausages, nuts, dried fruits and other specialties that his parents brought him back from the Northeast, as well as their words of concern for him, Lin Chen also felt the warmth of home.

When Lin Chen's parents learned that Lin Chen had become an official police officer, they were naturally relieved that their son could achieve something.

The family spent the Spring Festival together, and Lin Chen also cooked a lot of meals for his parents in this life.

However, due to the heavy workload of oil exploration in the Northeast, Lin's father and mother only stayed at home for two days. On the second day of the new year, Lin Chen said goodbye to his parents at the train station.

Lin Chen then rested at home for two days.

At that time, although there was also a three-day holiday during the Spring Festival, there was only one day off, so there were only four days off in total.

On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, that is, January 1, Lin Chen went to work.

When Lin Chen arrived at the street, he learned that he had been promoted to the rank of police sergeant, and his monthly salary had reached 42 yuan.

Because of his outstanding performance in multiple cases, Chen Ming was promoted to the rank of police corporal and became the sixth policeman in the entire sub-district office.

But in addition, Lin Chen also received news that Li Huaide and Qin Huairu's affair with men and women had been classified and sentenced to one month of detention.

Lin Chen realized that this was a good opportunity for He Yuzhu to speak the truth.

So he went to Bi Xueqing's office. When he arrived at the door of the office, Lin Chen knocked on the door. After hearing Bi Xueqing's reply, Lin Chen opened the door and walked in.

Bi Xueqing looked up and saw Lin Chen, and said to him.

"Comrade Lin Chen, congratulations on your promotion again."

"Thank you, Captain Bi. Captain Bi, I have something else I want to tell you."

"Okay, tell me something."

"Captain Bi, I want to interrogate He Yuzhu again."

"We've just finished the holiday, so you're getting into work so soon?"

"Captain Bi, I think this is an opportunity. He Yuzhu brought Qin Huairu lunch for such a long time. It is impossible for Qin Huairu not to know about it. He Yuzhu refused to tell before. He must have feelings for Qin Huairu and felt that he had committed a crime. There is no need to drag another person down with a capital crime."

"But it's different now. The matter between Qin Huairu and Li Huaide has been finalized. If He Yuzhu knew about it, he might tell the truth."

After listening to Lin Chen's words, Bi Xueqing felt that what he said made some sense.

He Yuzhu had brought lunch boxes to Qin Huairu for so many years, and Bi Xueqing didn't believe that there was nothing between them.

"Okay, I will write you a note right now, and you will go to the detention center later to interrogate He Yuzhu."

Lin Chen waited for Bi Xueqing to write a note in the name of the special investigation team, then took the note and left the street office and went to the detention center.

(End of this chapter)

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