Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 55: He’s going to be shot, and he still has to pay for the bullets

Chapter 55: He’s going to be shot, and he still has to pay for the bullets

Although Lin Chen knew in his heart that Xu Damao and Liu Haizhong would most likely be sentenced to death for their crimes, he really learned that the two main characters in the original TV series would be taken to the execution ground and executed so soon, and they were about to receive their lunch boxes.

Lin Chen still felt a little sudden.

"Yes, both of them were sentenced to death in accordance with the law. Lin Chen, this is the death sentence for both of them issued by the superior unit, as well as the cremation notice that needs to be signed by the family members, and the bullets that need to be paid by the family members for 1 yuan and 3 cents. cost."

"You and Chen Ming will go to the Red Star Courtyard later and talk to Lou Xiao'e and Liu Guangqi about this matter."

"Why is the cost of bullets for 1 yuan 3 so high?"

"This also includes the gunman's shooting expenses and cremation expenses. They have committed illegal and criminal acts and are now being executed. The state cannot provide this money."

Lin Chen did know that after a condemned prisoner is executed, his family members cannot take away his body. Only after he is cremated can his family members collect his ashes.

However, in Lin Chen's original era, family members no longer needed to pay for bullets.

Lin Chen also didn't expect that the fees that criminals' families have to pay in this era would be so high.

However, Lin Chen immediately realized that Bi Xueqing actually asked him to go to the courtyard to inform Lou Xiao'e and Liu Guangqi.

So Lin Chen opened his mouth and asked Bi Xueqing.

"Captain Bi, is Lou Xiao'e still in the courtyard now? And hasn't Liu Guangqi gone to Shimen?"

"Both of them are back. Liu Guangqi came back yesterday and came to the street to register. He should be sending his father off for the last time. Lou Xiao'e also informed before that Xu Damao was sentenced, so his house will naturally be Take it back, so Lou Xiaoe is also in the courtyard today."

"Understood, Captain Bi, I will go with Chen Ming to deliver the notice now."

Seeing Lin Chen turning around and about to leave, Bi Xueqing stopped him.

"Officer Lin, wait a moment."

Hearing Bi Xueqing call herself Officer Lin, Lin Chen couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Lin Chen didn't think it was a big deal when outsiders called him police officer.

However, in their system, only those who have reached the rank of warrant officer can be called police officers and are counted as cadres in the police force.

Those with the rank of warrant officer and below are called police sergeants, so the only one who counts as a police officer at the sub-district office is patrol team captain Bi Xueqing.

Lin Chen understood that when outsiders called him police officer, they probably didn't understand their internal police titles.

But Bi Xueqing called herself a police officer, so there was only one possibility.

That means he was promoted to police rank again.

Lin Chen was a little excited, but he still tried to suppress the excitement.

He turned to look at Bi Xueqing and said.

"Captain Bi, is there anything else?"

"Didn't I say that I have two things to tell you? What I just said is just the first one, and the second thing is also something I want to reveal to you in advance."

"Due to your outstanding performance in a series of previous cases, your superiors have decided to upgrade your police rank to the rank of Civilian Police Warrant Officer. Congratulations, Officer Lin."

"I was promoted from a civilian police orderly to a police officer in just a few months."

Although Lin Chen had guessed it just now, when Bi Xueqing said that he was promoted to police officer, Lin Chen couldn't help but feel a little excited.

He had just traveled through time for less than three months.

Moreover, there is neither a golden finger nor a system.

Lin Chen didn't dare to think that in just three months, he could go from a full-time policeman who was not part of the establishment to a cadre in the police force. "Thank you, Captain Bi. I was promoted so quickly thanks to Captain Bi's cultivation. I will definitely succeed in the future."

Lin Chen originally planned to express his position that he would not change his original intention, but he was interrupted by Bi Xueqing mid-sentence.

"Hurry up and send over the verdict and the cremation family consent form."

"I understand, Captain Bi."

After receiving the order, Lin Chen left Bi Xueqing's office, went to the patrol team to call Chen Ming, and then they went to the Red Star Courtyard together.

Ten minutes later, the two arrived at the Red Star Courtyard.

After entering the Red Star Courtyard, the two of them went to the backyard.

Xu Damao's family and Liu Haizhong's family both live in the backyard of Hongxing Courtyard.

Lou Xiao'e didn't live in the courtyard anymore. She came to Hongxing Courtyard after receiving the notice. One was waiting for the factory to take away the house, and the other was here to collect the death sentence.

After arriving in the backyard, the two separated. Chen Ming went to Xu Damao's house, while Lin Chen went to Liu Haizhong's house.

After Lin Chen arrived at Liu Haizhong's house, he met Liu Guangqi and his second aunt.

At this time, the second aunt already had white hair and looked ten years older than a month ago.

Liu Guangqi also looks much older than the only time he appeared in the TV series.

Lin Chen explained his intention after entering the room.

"Liu Guangqi, I'm here to deliver Liu Haizhong's death penalty notice. In addition, this is a family consent form for Liu Haizhong's cremation. You also need to sign it."

"In addition, you also need to pay 1 yuan and 3 cents for the bullet cost. This money includes the bullet cost for the execution, the gunman's shooting fee and the subsequent cremation cost."

After hearing that she still had to pay 1 yuan and 3 cents, the second aunt suddenly shouted.

"You bastards are still being unreasonable. You want to shoot my husband and make us pay."

"Liu Haizhong was executed in accordance with the law because he broke the law. The state has no reason to pay extra for criminals."

When Liu Guangqi saw this scene, he also persuaded his mother.

"Mom, Officer Lin also follows the rules, so don't embarrass him."

In fact, Liu Guangqi was the one who suffered a disaster. He originally served in the Northwest and came back to work as an instructor at the Shimen Army Academy. But the problem was that something like this happened to his family.

Naturally, Liu Guangqi could no longer be an instructor, but in the end, because of Liu Guangqi's outstanding performance while serving in the Northwest, the organization also arranged for him to do a logistics job at the Shimen Army Academy.

After Liu Guangqi persuaded his mother, he signed the cremation consent form and then paid 1 yuan and 3 cents for the bullet.

Lou Xiao'e's side.

After Chen Ming explained the situation to Lou Xiaoe, Lou Xiaoe simply signed and paid the money.

However, because Xu Damao was arrested early, Xu Damao's report on Lou Xiao'e did not happen.

The relationship between the two of them is not that tense yet. After all, they have been husband and wife for many years, and Lou Xiao'e still has some feelings for Xu Damao.

So Lou Xiao'e looked at Chen Ming and said.

"Comrade Chen Ming, can you help me apply to see Xu Damao one last time before he is executed? I heard that death row prisoners are allowed to meet their family members before they are executed."

(End of this chapter)

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