Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 56 Why can Silly Zhu die behind me?

Chapter 56 Why can Silly Zhu die behind me?

"Comrade Lou Xiao'e, I can't decide whether you can see Xu Damao or not, but I will tell the street leaders for you."

"Thank you, Comrade Chen Ming."

After Chen Ming promised Lou Xiao'e that he would talk to the street leaders, he then left Lou Xiao'e's house with the cremation consent form signed by Lou Xiao'e and the bullet fee of 1 yuan and 3 cents.

Lin Chen was already waiting for him in the yard.

Lin Chen asked Chen Ming when he saw him coming out.

"Chen Ming, how are you doing there?"

"Lou Xiao'e signed the consent form and paid the bullet fee, but she had one request: she wanted to see Xu Damao before he was executed."

Lin Chen heard that Lou Xiao'e planned to see Xu Damao before he died.

I couldn't help but have a good impression of Lou Xiao'e.

As the saying goes, husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, and when disaster strikes, they fly separately.

After Liu Haizhong was arrested in this compound, even his two sons wanted to sever the father-son relationship with Liu Haizhong.

Lou Xiao'e now plans to see Xu Damao again, but it can be seen that this person is also kind-hearted in nature.

"Okay, then I'll go back and talk to our Captain Bi."

Then Lin Chen and Chen Ming left the Red Star Courtyard.

After the two patrols left, many people in the courtyard gathered together in twos and threes and started talking.

"Why did the patrol team only send death sentences to Lou Xiao'e and Liu Guangqi, but not to He Yuzhu? Wasn't He Yuzhu arrested earlier?"

"That's right. Is it possible that He Yuzhu can't be sentenced to death for such a serious crime?"

"Damn, have you forgotten? When He Yuzhu and his apprentices came over a few days ago, didn't they say that He Yuzhu reported Deputy Factory Director Li? If Deputy Factory Director Li's case is not resolved, He Yuzhu probably won't be able to judge."

"So that's it. Li Huaide's case of that beast needs to be dealt with before He Yuzhu can be sentenced."

"No, He Yuzhu is now a witness in another case. We can't just shoot the witness before Li Huaide's case is concluded."

After Lin Chen and Chen Ming returned to the subdistrict office, Lin Chen went directly to Bi Xueqing's office.

After going to the office, he gave Bi Xueqing the cremation consent form signed by Liu Guangqi and Lou Xiao'e, as well as the bullet fee collected.

Later, he told Bi Xueqing that Lou Xiaoe wanted to meet Xu Damao.

"Captain Bi, this is the agreement signed by the two of them. Lou Xiao'e also wants to see Xu Damao before he is executed."

"Lou Xiao'e wants to meet Xu Damao. This is in compliance with the regulations. Then our subdistrict office can help apply."

three days later.

Lou Xiao'e's application for prison visit was approved.

Lou Xiaoe met Xu Damao in the visiting room of the prison.

At this time, Xu Damao had his head shaved.

People have also become haggard and thinner.

"Ezi, Ezi, I didn't expect you to come to see me. It was my fault before. I always made trouble about your infertility."

"Da Mao, don't mention these anymore."

"I have also comforted your parents, Damao. They said that in the future, your sister Xu Qing will find a son-in-law who can knock on the door and pass on the good news to your old Xu family."

Lou Xiao'e told Xu Damao about the Xu family's affairs, hoping that Xu Damao could leave with peace of mind and stop worrying about his family's affairs.

Xu Damao also knew at this time that he would be shot in a few days.At this time, he no longer had any hopes or illusions, but he thought that He Yuzhu would probably go with him, and he felt a little comfortable for a while.

So Xu Damao looked at Lou Xiao'e and asked.

"Ezi, was that bastard Si Zhu also executed on the same day as me?"

Lou Xiao'e was stunned for a moment when she heard what Xu Damao said.

Seeing Lou Xiao'e's hesitation, Xu Damao panicked.

He was pounding in his heart, wondering if He Yuzhu had committed such a serious crime and had not been sentenced to death, so he looked at Lou Xiao'e and asked.

"Ezi, isn't He Yuzhu sentenced to death?"

Lou Xiao'e shook her head at Xu Damao.

"It's not that He Yuzhu hasn't been sentenced yet."

Xu Damao felt numb after hearing this.

"He was arrested before me, why hasn't he been sentenced yet?"

"He Yuzhu reported on Deputy Director Li Huaide of the Red Star Rolling Mill some time ago. Now he is a witness in Li Huaide's case, so he has not been sentenced yet. However, Liu Haizhong has also been sentenced to death, and the canteen director of your factory It’s also a death sentence.”

Xu Damao was completely stunned when he thought that Silly Zhu, who had punched and kicked him since childhood and even kicked his waist, would die behind him.

Xu Damao felt uncomfortable all over.

"How can this be like this? How can this be done? Why is this He Yuzhu, why is he doing this!"

Lou Xiao'e looked at Xu Damao's sudden madness and whispered to him.

"Da Mao, Damo. He Yuzhu has not been sentenced for the time being. His crimes will definitely be sentenced to death in the future."

"No, no, I can't die in front of He Yuzhu. I also want to report. I also want to report illegal criminals."

"Xu Damao, what kind of criminals are you talking about?"

"Ezi, go help me and tell Public Security Lin that I want to report Yan Bugui. I knew Liu Degang when I assisted him in teaching in the countryside in Hongshan Commune. The reason why we were able to get in touch with Liu Degang is because Yan Bugui introduced me, and Yan Bugui even received the benefits."

"Xu Damao, is everything you said true?"

Lou Xiao'e was also worried that Xu Damao reported others indiscriminately in order to be executed later.

"Ezi, how can you not believe me? Think about it. A few years ago, he was the only teacher in Yan Bugui's family. He helped a whole family of children buy bicycles and radios. The radios were from Modu. He Where can I get the money to buy it?"

"It's just because he was the matchmaker back then that he got a lot of benefits that time."

After Xu Damao said this, Lou Xiao'e also discovered the strangeness in this. Before, she didn't think anything about it when she saw the Yanbu family buying bicycles and radios.

I just thought it was saved by Yanbu Guihui's calculation and careful calculation.

But if you calculate carefully, you will find that this account does not match up. How much income does Yan Bugui have? Before, all seven members of the family pointed at him.

No matter how careful you are with your budget, you can't even save up enough money to buy two large items that add up to 400 yuan.

"Ezi, you must tell Public Security Lin about this. I can't die in front of He Yuzhu."

Although Xu Damao knew that even if he reported Yan Bugui for his crime, he would be sentenced to death, he simply didn't want to die in front of He Yuzhu.

"Okay, I will go to the street office to talk to Public Security Lin about this later."

Lou Xiao'e stayed with Xu Damao in the visiting room for a while, and then left when the guard outside the door urged him.

(End of this chapter)

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