Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 6 He Yuzhu actually has other crimes

Chapter 6 He Yuzhu actually has other crimes
Lin Chen only found out after listening to Ma Hua's words.

It turns out that Ma Hua looked a little silly in the original drama.

Actually a very smart person.

He said that he despised the workers, so he said that he had been busy cooking for the boss all day.

The move of bringing out the leader and using the tiger's skin as a banner is quite beautiful.

Lin Chen naturally knew that the other party was lying, but he still asked knowingly.

"I was so busy that I accidentally said it?"

"Comrade Patrol, I'm really busy. I accidentally said, aren't the people who work in this workshop and the people who cook in our canteen all workers? How can we look down on the workers in the workshop!"

"Whether you look down on workers or not depends on your next performance."

"What will you do next, comrade patrol?"

"Someone reported that your master, He Yuzhu, stole public property in the factory for 10 consecutive years and caused losses to public property. These things are the blood and sweat of ordinary workers. You said you respect workers, so tell us about this. ."

Suddenly Lin Chen kicked the ball to Ma Hua and Fatty again.

Ma Hua and Fatty became nervous now, and neither of them spoke for a while.

"Why are you two not talking? Could it be that you didn't report what you knew and wanted to protect He Yuzhu?"

"My Master" Fatty decided to tell the truth when he saw this situation.

But at this time, Ma Hua pulled his sleeve hard.

Seeing MCA like this, Lin Chen knew it well.

After all, this MCA is a die-hard fan of He Yuzhu.

But MCA is loyal to the wrong person after all.

Because He Yuzhu never regarded him as a true disciple.

Ma Hua and Fatty followed He Yuzhu for nearly 20 years in the original drama.

However, He Yuzhu didn't give them anything real.

He has always been on guard against his apprentices, fearing that they would learn his own skills.

In the original drama, the fat man Zhang Qiang betrayed He Yuzhu under such circumstances.

"I heard that when your master went to cook for other places half a month ago, your factory employees made trouble. It seems that they were dissatisfied with the bad food in the cafeteria."

"You two have been following He Yuzhu for several years, but you still can't cook a big pot of rice in the cafeteria. Either you didn't study hard or your master is no longer here, so you don't cook well."

This time Lin Chen knew the truth and resorted to alienation tactics again.

"It's not that we didn't cook well, it's that my master never taught us how to cook, and he never really regarded us as his disciples."

Zhang Qiang was angry and spoke out his true thoughts.

But at this time, Ma Hua grabbed Zhang Qiang's clothes harder.

"Fat man, what are you talking about? How can you say that about Master behind his back!"

"Ma Hua, haven't you seen clearly now? When did He Yuzhu regard us as his apprentices? You call him master one after another. Did he teach you anything? He kept all the skills secretly, even buying raw materials I always go there by myself, isn't it because he is afraid that we will steal his skills?"

"I see. I thought the last time the workers in your factory had a fight, it was because you didn't cook properly. It turns out that the person you keep calling "Master" has never taught you how to do anything. Just like this, you still want to protect him. criminal behavior?”

After the fat man finished speaking, Lin Chen followed up with another stab.

"You have to think carefully. There are more than just you two cooks in the backroom of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill. If you don't say it, others may not say it."

"I said, I said"

Zhang Qiang tugged Ma Hua's clothes hard. "Let's talk about it quickly. Now the patrol team has begun to investigate this matter. Even if we don't say it, the other cooks in the back kitchen will."

After persuading MCA, Zhang Qiang confessed He Yuzhu's crimes.

"Comrades from the patrol team, you actually don't understand the situation comprehensively. This beast, He Yuzhu, actually did more than just steal property from the kitchen of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill."

"Has he done other illegal and criminal things?"

When Lin Chen heard what Zhang Qiang said, he hurriedly asked.

Lin Chen also thought that he had looked at Qingman Siheyuan carefully enough and could not recall anything else that He Yuzhu had done that was illegal.

"Comrade Patrol, because my master is good at cooking, the factory gave him special privileges. He can buy the seasonings for cooking by himself, but my master always buys a seasoning for cooking from the factory, but every time he returns, he has to pay for it. The money is reimbursed at market prices.”

"It wasn't until he got drunk once that he told us the truth. He bought these condiments with a kickback. Every month he earned from the condiments was half of his salary."

Lin Chen immediately thought after hearing what Zhang Qiang said.

This seemed to be mentioned in the TV series originally. He Yuzhu always buys his own seasonings when cooking and never lets others know his seasoning recipes.

Lin Chen originally thought that He Yuzhu was just preventing others from learning his cooking methods, but he didn't expect that He Yuzhu actually benefited from this.

In the original drama, He Yuzhu's monthly salary was 37 yuan. According to Fatty, He Yuzhu himself said that the rebate he received from buying seasonings was equivalent to half a month's salary.

In other words, the rebate he got for buying seasonings was a small amount of 20 yuan.

In this era, if the amount involved reaches 10 yuan, it is a large amount, if the amount involved reaches 100 yuan, it is a huge amount, and if the amount involved reaches 1000 yuan, it is an extremely large amount.

He Yuzhu, for example, receives more than 20 yuan in rebates every month. Add in the benefits of working in the steel rolling mill for more than 10 years, and the total is over a thousand yuan.

This is a really huge amount.

Basically, taking the gun is a certainty.

However, He Yuzhu took it upon himself to eat the gun, eating the workers' flesh and drinking the workers' blood.

Put the hard-earned money of the workers in your trouser pockets.

So Lin Chen looked at the fat man and said.

"You said that He Yuzhu was reimbursed at market prices. Then show me the previous records."

"Comrade Patrol, all the ledgers in our canteen are with Director Wang in the canteen, but Director Wang is off work now."

"Already off work?"

"Yeah, it's almost 7 o'clock now."

"Okay, then you go to the street with me first and make a record."

Zhang Qiang hesitated when he heard that he was going to the street office to take notes.

"Comrade Patrol, can I ask you something first?"

"what's up?"

"Will your street office arrest He Yuzhu this time?"

When Lin Chen heard what Zhang Qiang said, he understood in his heart.

Zhang Qiang was worried.

I am afraid that he, a member of the patrol team, will be handled lightly when the time comes. If He Yuzhu is not captured, he, the informant, may not have a good life.

"Don't worry about Zhang Qiang. As long as what you confess is true, I will definitely arrest He Yuzhu and will never give him a chance to retaliate against you. Maintaining public order and arresting criminals are the responsibilities of our street patrol team and ours." Street Patrol Mission.”

"If I don't even dare to catch a criminal, then there is no need for me to be a member of this patrol."

(End of this chapter)

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