Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 7: You have cooked for the leader, so you dare to act arrogantly?

Chapter 7: You have cooked for the leader, so you dare to act arrogantly?
The fat man was really afraid of reporting He Yuzhu. When the time came, Lin Chen would handle it lightly, otherwise he would be in trouble.

Hearing Lin Chen say this, Fatty felt a little more at ease.

So the fat man looked at Lin Chen and said.

"Okay, I'll go to the street office with you."

Jia's house in Hongxing Siheyuan.

Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang both shed tears at this time.

"How old are our three children? Why did the street office arrest them?"

"Mom, isn't this what you are used to? I found out that Banggeng was guilty of petty theft before, but you didn't let me take care of it."

"Huai Ru, why are you blaming me now? If you couldn't support this family, why would you go out and steal? Go find Silly Zhu. Either he said something about our family before, or he What’s the matter?”

"Mom, this is about stealing hundreds of dollars. Silly Zhu wants to help our family, but he probably won't be able to."

Qin Huairu and Zhang Cuihua were crying in the room.

Xu Damao's voice came from outside the house.

"Qin Huairu, one of my chickens is missing. I think Banggian's chicken was stolen from me. You have to pay for it!"

When Mrs. Jia Zhang heard that Xu Damao had asked her family to pay for the chicken at this time, she suddenly became angry.

He took the feather duster from home and rushed out.

When I saw Xu Damao at the door of my house, I greeted him with a feather duster.

"Okay, Xu Damao, if you want me to say that my family is caught, you have to take responsibility."

"If he doesn't want to eat your chicken, can Banggan go to the factory to get soy sauce? If he doesn't go to the factory to get soy sauce, can he be caught?"

Xu Damao saw Jia Zhang rushing out with a feather duster, and rushed to dodge, talking while dodging.

"Zhang Cuihua, you can't be so unreasonable. If you were caught with a stick, it's all my fault."

"I don't blame you, who do you blame? Let's see if I don't beat you to death."

Jia Zhang continued to chase Xu Damao with a feather duster.

Other residents in the compound also came out at this time.

"Da Mao, we've all been caught. Don't let the Jia family lose money anymore."

"Sister-in-law Jia, please stop hitting people. After all, Xu Damao didn't let Banggeng steal this chicken."

Qin Huairu also cried at this time and stepped forward to grab her mother-in-law.

"Mother-in-law, please stop fighting."

When Jia Zhang saw Xu Damao running away, he dropped the feather duster and sat on the ground crying.

"Why is our old Jia family's life so miserable? My husband died so early, my son also left, and now even the sticks have been taken away by the people from the street office.

"For God's sake, please take me in too."

Qin Huairu looked at the people around the courtyard, and then stretched out her hand to tug her mother-in-law.

It took a lot of persuasion to persuade her mother-in-law to return home.

After returning home, Jia Zhang did not live in peace.

"Huai Ru, how about you find a way to meet Xiaodang and Huaihua and ask them to take the blame? After all, they are two girls."

Qin Huairu knew that her mother-in-law favored boys over girls.

But he didn't expect that at this time, his mother-in-law actually wanted Xiaodang Huaihua to take the blame.

"Mom, Xiaodang and Huaihua are also your granddaughters after all."

"Huai Ru is a great guy."

"Mom, stop talking. I'm going to find Shazhu now to see if he can think of a solution."

"Okay, okay, okay, let Shazhu take the blame."

A few minutes later, Qin Huairu arrived at the door of Shazhu's house.

Knocked on the door.

After a while, Shazhu opened the door.

"Sister Qin, why are you you? It's so late."

"Zhuzi, Sister Qin, I have something to ask you."

Silly Zhu looked to both sides.

Then he said to Qin Huairu.

"Sister Qin, come in quickly, come in quickly."

After Qin Huairu entered the house, He Yuzhu hurriedly closed the door.

As soon as Qin Huairu entered the room, she knelt down towards He Yuzhu.

"Sister Qin, what are you doing!" He Yuzhu panicked when he saw Qin Huairu kneeling towards him.

"Zhuzi, you have to help Banggeng at all costs this time. Banggeng has always regarded you as his biological father."

"Sister Qin, I can't help you with this matter."

"Zhuzi, as long as you help Banggen, I can do whatever you want me to do for you. Just say that you bought the soy sauce for Banggen."

“What about the waste from the factory?”

"Zhuzi, didn't you say before that you have no shortage of things to do for Factory Manager Yang? Please beg Factory Manager Yang on behalf of your sister Qin for this matter. This time, I'll count on you, Sister Qin."

He Yuzhu looked at Qin Huairu kneeling on the ground with red and swollen eyes, and suddenly his licking spirit came back.

"Okay, Sister Qin, I will go and beg Director Yang tomorrow."

"Zhuzi, thank you very much."

ten minutes later.

Qin Huairu returned to Jia's house.

As soon as she entered the house, Jia Zhang hurriedly came forward to ask.

"What's going on with Huairu? What did Silly Zhu say?"

"Silly Zhu, he agreed."

"He agreed to take the blame for our Bangjie. That's great. I just said that Silly Zhu is a good person."

"Mom, no, he promised to beg Factory Manager Yang tomorrow. Then he took over the matter of Banggeng stealing the soy sauce and said that he bought the soy sauce for Banggeng."

When Jia Zhang heard what Qin Huairu said, her face suddenly changed.

"Will it work for Silly Zhu to ask Factory Director Yang? He is a cook, will the factory director pay attention to him?"

"Mom, Shazhu told me before that Factory Director Yang often asked Shazhu to cook when entertaining relatives at home. Director Yang owes Shazhu a favor."

Qin Huairu and Zhang Cuihua explained, but Zhang Cuihua still muttered.

"If Silly Zhu really wants to think about our family, he should go over and take the blame for Bangge."

Lin Chen returned to the subdistrict office and went to see Bi Xueqing, the captain of the patrol team.

The captain of their patrol team is only 24 years old this year. He has a beautiful appearance. Even though he is wearing the most ordinary 58-style police uniform, he still has a sense of age.

But there is another reason why he became the captain of the street patrol at this age.

That's because Bi Xueqing's father is Bi Qingfeng, her old boss who was originally in love with Director Yang, the big leader in the courtyard.

"Captain Bi, how are things going with Jia Gen and the others?"

"The patrol team went to the scrap iron factory to inquire. These children had indeed sold scrap materials several times, and the total amount was close to 100 yuan.

"Jia Geng is 12 years old this year, and Jia Dang is 7 years old this year. They will probably be sent to a labor camp for a few years. Jia Huaihua is too young, so she probably won't be sent there."

After listening to what Bi Xueqing said, Lin Chen nodded, which was pretty much what he expected.

Jia Dang and Jia Gen are both minors, so they will definitely not be shot, but they will definitely be imprisoned in a labor camp for a few years.

It is probably similar to a man who is an iron rice or a big hair in steel, except that the crimes he commits are heavier than the big hair and it probably takes a longer time.

However, they deserved all of this, and there was nothing to be pitiful about.

"Captain Bi, I have something to report to you."

"Comrade Lin Chen, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"It's about He Yuzhu. Both of his apprentices confessed that He Yuzhu stole public finances. In addition, they also confessed to another matter."

Lin Chen told Bi Xueqing what Zhang Qiang told him about He Yuzhu getting kickbacks for buying seasonings, and then told Bi Xueqing.

"Captain Bi, I have roughly calculated that He Yuzhu's illegal income over the years is probably close to 2000 yuan. This is the expenditure of an ordinary family for more than ten years. This money is also the hard-earned money of the workers of the Red Star Rolling Mill. "

"What a beast."

Lin Chen could tell from Bi Xueqing's expression that the other party was really angry.

He was also thinking that Bi Xueqing's father, Bi Qingfeng, was after all the old boss of Director Yang of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

If we really want to arrest someone from the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill, or even uproot the criminals from the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill, we still need the help of Bi Xueqing's father.

"Captain Bi may not be able to touch He Yuzhu now."

"Someone reported him and he broke the law. Why can't he be arrested?"

"He Yuzhu's disciples also said that He Yuzhu cooked for many leaders, and He Yuzhu also relied on these to dare to act so recklessly in the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill. If we really catch him, I'm afraid..."

"If you really cook a few meals for the leaders, you won't be able to catch them, so it's okay."

Bi Xueqing became even more angry after hearing what Lin Chen said.

Thinking about how a cook who has cooked for leaders dares to be so confident and do whatever he wants in the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill?

(End of this chapter)

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