Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 62: We have lived together for more than 10 years, who wants to move out?

Chapter 62: We have lived together for more than 10 years, who wants to move out?

It’s not that Xu Damao doesn’t want to write more.

It was just that Xu Damao was already very weak at that time and could not write more even if he wanted to.

So I only wrote down the things I was most obsessed with.

Lou Xiao'e looked at this note and thought of Xu Damao, who was indeed quite childish in many cases.

I laughed as I thought about it, laughed and cried again.

The day after Liu Guangqi and his second aunt left the courtyard.

Lin Chen went to work at the street office as usual.

But as soon as he arrived at the lobby and was about to go to the patrol team's room, he was stopped by Chen Xue, the clerk on duty in the lobby.

"Comrade Lin Chen, Captain Bi has asked you to come and go to her office."

"okay, I get it."

Lin Chen thought that since Yan Bugui was arrested, it had been a long time since there had been no criminals on the streets.

I don’t know what Bi Xueqing wants to do with me.

However, Lin Chen immediately realized that the so-called long period of time without criminals seemed to only be 10 days.

With these random thoughts in his mind, Lin Chen arrived at Bi Xueqing's office.

Knocking on the door, Bi Xueqing responded, and then Lin Chen opened the door and walked in.

"Captain Bi, you are looking for me."

"Lin Chen, please sit down. I have something to tell you."

Lin Chen sat down on the chair in front of Bi Xueqing.

After Lin Chen sat down, Bi Xueqing spoke to Lin Chen.

"A few days ago, I discussed with Director Wang of our street and the leaders of the steel rolling mill. There are so many illegal and criminal elements in Hongxing Siheyuan, and it should be rectified."

"After discussing with Director Wang and the leaders of the steel rolling mill, I decided to break up the Red Star Courtyard and reorganize it."

"So I want you and Chen Ming to go to the Red Star Courtyard later and ask the people in the courtyard to write a consent form."

"Captain Bi, there are a total of 21 households in the Red Star Courtyard, and only six or seven households committed crimes. There is no need for Captain Bi to punish all 21 households in the compound just because of these six or seven households."

Lin Chen also knew that the residents of the Siheyuan all lived in separate houses. The Siheyuan had previously been characterized as a compound that was the focus of criticism and rectification.

As a result, after the compound was targeted for criticism and rectification, criminals appeared again.

So Bi Xueqing probably planned to break up and reorganize the Red Star Courtyard because of this.

At this time, the sub-district office had much greater power than later, and it could handle everything from public security to employment and health.

Therefore, they naturally have the right to ask the residents of the compound to break up and reorganize.

However, Lin Chen didn't like this kind of joint responsibility from the bottom of his heart.

Bi Xueqing heard Lin Chen defending the Red Star Courtyard and said sternly to him.

"There are six or seven criminals from 21 households in one compound. Isn't that a lot? Not to mention in our street, I'm afraid this is the only one in the entire capital."

"This is the task I give you and Chen Ming."

After listening to Bi Xueqing's words, Lin Chen also knew that there was no way to evade this matter.

So I had to take the consent form prepared by the street in advance from Bi Xueqing, and then said to Bi Xueqing. "I understand, Captain Bi, Comrade Chen Ming and I will go to the Red Star Courtyard now."

After saying that, Lin Chen took the consent form, left Bi Xueqing's office, and went to the patrol team's room.

After reaching the door, he shouted inside.

"Chen Ming, Captain Bi has a mission. Let the two of us go to the Red Star Courtyard."

When Chen Ming heard that Lin Chen said it was the patrol captain's order, he naturally didn't dare to delay. He put down what he was doing and came out of the house.

Then the two of them left the street office together and walked to the Red Star Courtyard.

On the way to the Red Star Courtyard, Chen Ming asked Lin Chen.

"Officer Lin, why did Captain Bi ask us to go to the Red Star Courtyard?"

Lin Chen didn't hide his thoughts from him, so he told him everything.

"Captain Bi asked us to go to the Red Star Courtyard"

After hearing what Lin Chen said, Chen Ming couldn't help but frown.

"The street wants to break up their compound, and now we have to ask them to sign a consent form. Aren't we going to do something that offends people?"

"You also know that it is a job that offends people? I don't want to do it either. Why don't you go talk to Captain Bi and stop breaking up the Red Star Courtyard?"

When Chen Ming heard what Lin Chen said, he hurriedly shook his head.

After all, everyone in the sub-district office knew that they would rather offend Director Wang than Bi Xueqing.

A few minutes later, Lin Chen and Chen Ming arrived at the Red Star Courtyard.

Since it was a working day, all the men in the compound had gone to work, and the only ones left were the aunts.

When the aunts in the courtyard saw Lin Chen and Chen Ming passing by, they immediately came over and started asking questions.

"Officer Lin, why did you come to our compound so early? There must be some criminals in our compound."

"Before Officer Lin, the crimes committed by the Liu family, the He family, and the Xu family have nothing to do with us. We all live our lives diligently."

Although Lin Chen arrested many people in the Red Star Courtyard, the residents of the Red Star Courtyard loved Lin Chen very much.

Mainly because Lin Chen arrested all illegal and criminal people, and the residents of the courtyard also heard that the reason why they were able to get back all the things they had extorted from the deaf old lady was all due to Lin Chen. .

"Dear residents of the Siheyuan, I am here to inform you of something. Because of the Red Star Siheyuan, too many criminals have appeared."

"So the leaders of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill, the leaders of our street, and the leaders of our patrol team made a decision after discussing together to break up the Red Star Courtyard and reorganize it."

"I came here to tell you about this matter, and also to send a consent form to every household. Please sign it."

As soon as Lin Chen finished speaking, everyone in the courtyard exploded.

None of them thought that Lin Chen would come here to inform them of moving.

"Comrade Lin Chen, we have lived in this compound for more than 10 years. We can't just be separated."

"Yes, Officer Lin, there are only a few criminal households in our compound, and no one else has done anything illegal or criminal. Officer Lin, can you please intercede with the street and only let those who have committed crimes be allowed?" Move away.”

"Officer Lin, if we move to another courtyard, how will the people in other courtyards view us? They will all say bad things about us behind our backs."

Although there are many beasts in the Hongxing Courtyard, the people in the courtyard have also been blackmailed by the deaf old lady, morally kidnapped by the first uncle, and the second uncle and the third uncle, who took advantage of each other, tried to pick on anyone. .

But after all, everyone has been staying in this compound for more than 10 years, and they really don't want to move out suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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